United States

In the United States, millions of people depend on compounded medicines to live normal, productive, healthy lives. Their first-hand stories speak directly to the power of this important therapy. As the FDA considers removing access to certain medicines like compounded hormones, their voices must be part of the conversation.

5217 result(s)
Shari H.
Story Image 12.22.2022

“I can’t process synthetic chemicals even in medicine.”

Trish B.
Story Image 12.22.2022

“BHRT restored my health and quality of life”

Jamie M.
Story Image 12.22.2022

“Compounded T has given me a lot of relief of perimenopausal symptoms and may be useful for my bone density!”

K V.
Story Image 12.22.2022

“I was an emotional mess when premenopausal”

T. D.
Story Image 12.22.2022

“Positive and necessary”

T D.
Story Image 12.22.2022

“Life changing and necessary”

Debi R.
Story Image 12.22.2022

“I’m an OB/GYN RN of 22 years, and I am now one of the patients who couldn’t take hormone replacement therapy because of other serious health conditions.”

Story Image 12.22.2022


Michelle H.
Story Image 12.22.2022

“A phenomenal aid in my overall health”

Story Image 12.22.2022

“HRT and LDN Patient”

Karen S.
Story Image 12.22.2022

“Progesterone is a lifesaver for me”

Vanessa M.
Story Image 12.22.2022

“Bio-identical Hormones were life changing for me”

Kelly W.
Story Image 12.22.2022

“My Experience...”

Beverly R.
Story Image 12.22.2022

“Best I have ever felt”

Anne P.
Story Image 12.22.2022

“Thyroidectomy-compounded thyroid only solution.”

Denise P.
Story Image 12.22.2022

“Starting taking after hysterectomy”

Anna D.
Story Image 12.22.2022

“Bio-identical hormones saved my life!”

Kris S.
Story Image 12.22.2022

“Very good!”

Denise S.
Story Image 12.13.2022

“Changed my 62 year old life”

Story Image 12.13.2022

“I need my medication!”

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Shari H.
Arkansas Russellville

“I can’t process synthetic chemicals even in medicine.”

I am 62 years old. I have suffered from chronic fatigue since 1980. An important part of what I have learned is that I am ultra-sensitive to synthetic chemicals found in everything. So unfortunately this included thyroid medicine and hormone medicine progesterone, estrogen, and testosterone. I get sick when I try to use them. So my ONLY alternative was to use supplements from more natural souces. At least they don’t make me sicker.
Trish B.
Virginia Keswick

“BHRT restored my health and quality of life”

I went through menopause 15 years ago and my life fell apart. I was unable to sleep, waking up multiple times with hot flashes. My memory and focus fell apart. My joints started aching. I had no motivation, energy, or sex drive.
Menopause was adversely affecting my marriage, my job, and my health.
I went to my PCP and told her what was going on. She prescribed synthetic hormones to help my mood and hot flashes. They took the edge off but did nothing for my sex drive, energy, joint pain, or motivation. After a woman I worked with developed breast cancer from her synthetic hormones, I stopped taking them and the hot flashes returned with a vengeance.
I began researching and reading several books on Bio-Identical Hormones. I found a clinic and started on BHRT.
That was 11 years ago and I have been completely symptom-free, healthy, and happy since that day.
My marriage is thriving. My job is flourishing. I've lost weight, gained muscle, and have never been healthier.
I will be on BHRT for the rest of my life and will fight with all that I have to keep the right to make my own decisions regarding my health care.
Jamie M.
Oregon Portland

“Compounded T has given me a lot of relief of perimenopausal symptoms and may be useful for my bone density!”

After nursing 2 kids back to back, my hormones tanked and I was diagnosed with Osteoporosis at 44. Since taking compounded bio-identical hormones. I feel like myself and am hopeful there will be an improvement in density soon. This is also the most affordable and least invasive way to get the hormones I need.
K V.
Utah St George

“I was an emotional mess when premenopausal”

I found a doctor that ran my blood work and was given hormone replacement my life was awesome I could think again, during COVID my doctor shut down and I moved and haven't been able to get back on my hormone replacement medication, I'm an emotional mess again plus now I've started coarse hair growing on my face, the hair on my head is thinning, my eye sight has worsened. I know hormone replacement works, please help save the woman from this preventable nightmare.
T. D.
Nebraska Omaha

“Positive and necessary”

After 10+ years of struggling with devastating health problems, including menopausal symptoms but also and even more importantly thyroid issues, I have finally found help, where traditional thyroid and hormonal medications did not work. This has truly been so beneficial to me, and my family.
T D.
Nebraska Omaha

“Life changing and necessary”

After 15+ years of struggling with thyroid disease, and menopause I have finally found medications that work for me. I’ve been on synthetic thyroid medications before and none of them gave me the results I got with desiccated thyroid medication. It has improved all facets of my life, these medications are necessary for so many women, for so many reasons. It would be a disservice to all women if these treatments were unavailable to them.
Debi R.
Missouri Bonne Terre

“I’m an OB/GYN RN of 22 years, and I am now one of the patients who couldn’t take hormone replacement therapy because of other serious health conditions.”

I’m an OB/GYN RN, and not only have I seen hundreds of patients who couldn’t take hormone replacement therapy because of other serious health conditions, I NOW AM ONE OF THEM. You see, compounded hormone therapy is administered in tiny fractions of what the industry produces. This allows people like us to find a “sweet spot” in dosage. Much lower than what traditional medicine offers, but yet still powerful enough.
Alabama Huntsville


Compounded progesterone has made my debilitatingly heavy perimenopausal periods lighter and manageable, helped eliminate my adult acne, and has dramatically improved my sleep. Conventional hormones for me cause worsened acne as well as intense irritability and depression. Literally life-changing.
Michelle H.
Missouri St. Louis

“A phenomenal aid in my overall health”

I have been using Pellets for over 10 years. It has made a difference in my ability to function both day and night. It has eased the transition of menopause and created a healthier, physical body that allows me to function fully a wife, mother, employee, and human.
Minnesota avon

“HRT and LDN Patient”

I have been using compounded HRT and LDN for 6 years. I was so miserable prior to starting on the compounded HRT. I was unable to concentrate, had hot flashes every 1-2 hours, and was unable to sleep through the night. I have been using LDN to control my cancer pain which allows me to stay off narcotics. It is important to have both conventional and complementary medicine. It would be a disservice to millions of patients to discontinue our access to these compounded products and the knowledge base of these practitioners.
Karen S.
Washington Everett

“Progesterone is a lifesaver for me”

I am 72 years old and am having my thyroid adjusted for the last six months. Clearly, I have a lack of sleep and some days horrible sleep. Compounded progesterone is my salvation. It helps calm my mind and allows me to go back to sleep if I wake up during the night. Which are most nights.

Vanessa M.
Virginia Mechanicsville

“Bio-identical Hormones were life changing for me”

I was prescribed HRT after my hysterectomy 29 years ago. I had very negative allergic reactions to them and tried many different options. After exhausting all available options in the pharmaceutical industry I tried bio-identical hormones and it was a life saver. I continue to take them today and I cannot imagine being without them.
Kelly W.
Idaho Moscow

“My Experience...”

As you already know, as we age our skin gets thin. I was experiencing burning pain in the vulvar area, especially after a walk or riding my bicycle. I decided to use a mirror to examine myself and found little bloody tears in the skin which stung terribly. The use of my compounded Estriol Cream each evening has improved this condition considerably. Also, I use Estrogen Patches. When I run out of these prescriptions, I suffer incontinence as well.
Beverly R.
North Dakota Wahpeton

“Best I have ever felt”

I started on compounded hormones about 2 years ago. This is the best I felt in years. I have more energy. I am not exhausted all day long. My sadness and irritability are gone. Most doctors want to give you antidepressants etc. when just getting your hormones in balance will help everything.

They are only looking out for themselves and want to charge exorbitant prices for medications that cost them pennies to make. Leave the bio-identical hormones alone. Keep the compounding pharmacies! They are doing a great job. They use FDA-approved medications and they use minimal fillers.

Anne P.
New Jersey 07940

“Thyroidectomy-compounded thyroid only solution.”

After my thyroidectomy, I tried the standard medication, Synthroid (Synthetic T4). The thyroid regulates everything in your body, so without it, you're a huge swollen corpse. At first synthetic T4 was OK then I became very sick and when I tried Armour (the original formula-this was 20 years ago), my life was back to normal. Natural Desiccated thyroid (NDT has all the T's in it which a thyroid has T2 T3 T4 and calcitonin) Armour changed everything until they changed formulation in 2009 (and later changed hands again) and I had to go through all sorts of ill health to find a replacement. I tried NP thyroid (NDT) and my face was constantly covered in rashes and I felt worse and worse. The Armour thyroid of today has even more fillers. I can only tolerate compounded thyroid replacement with one natural filler. It has given me my life back and I am now healthier than ever. I almost forget that I could die a horrible death if I don't get the right replacement. Please don't let them take away the only solution that has saved my life. This is no joke. Life and death
Denise P.
Nebraska Omaha

“Starting taking after hysterectomy”

I really need my bio-identical hormones because my body doesn't produce what I need. Without them, I can not sleep and would be a mess. They help me to be more productive and happy.
Anna D.
Tennessee Jackson

“Bio-identical hormones saved my life!”

I was in my late 20s when I became very ill and housebound. For 7yrs no doctor could figure out what was wrong with me. The lack of progesterone was causing a lot of secondary illnesses. I had no life. I was unable to work or live a normal life. I did my own research on my symptoms and realized I had a hormonal imbalance. I pushed for testing but my gynecologist said it was a waste of time because of how young I was. I did get tested and I had little to no progesterone every time I was tested. I was in my late 20s and wasn't ovulating. A GP took sympathy on me and introduced me to compounded bio-identical. My life completely changed. I even became a nurse. In my late 30s, I got covid and it made my hormonal imbalance worse. I searched high and low to find help. I found out I have a rare condition called Premature Ovarian Insufficiency. I found a doctor to help me. Without them, my life would not be worth living. I would be unable to be a nurse or have a normal life. I desperately need my compounded hormonal treatments. I see a doctor every 3mos and have a test done. It is safe and carefully watched over. It is not just women going through menopause that need treatments. I am so thankful to be able to get my hormones.
Kris S.
Minnesota Saint Cloud

“Very good!”

I have been using bio-identical hormones for the past 10 years. I initially looked into using them because I was having sleep issues. Not only do they help with sleep but also have a positive effect on my mood, energy level, and weight issues. I think it's important to get just the right dose of each hormone since everyone"s body is so different. I've also read that they decrease my chances of getting breast cancer and having cardiac issues, which have affected some of my family members.
Denise S.
Utah Park City

“Changed my 62 year old life”

Never in my female life did I feel as energetic and productive as I have felt since taking bio-identical hormones. I run a business and employ five people. Without compounded hormones, I may not be able to do that. Why would anyone want to take this away?
Minnesota FRIDLEY

“I need my medication!”

I am on 2 medications that are compounded. I need them so much for my health issues. If it was not for my compounded hormones I would have many other issues. I need this type of drug. They are more effective in my issues. I feel better about these. PLEASE DO NOT TAKE THEM AWAY!
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+ Add your story
Story Image Shari H.

“I can’t process synthetic chemicals even in medicine.”

Story Image Trish B.

“BHRT restored my health and quality of life”

Story Image Jamie M.

“Compounded T has given me a lot of relief of perimenopausal symptoms and may be useful for my bone density!”

Story Image K V.

“I was an emotional mess when premenopausal”

Story Image T. D.

“Positive and necessary”

Story Image T D.

“Life changing and necessary”

Story Image Debi R.

“I’m an OB/GYN RN of 22 years, and I am now one of the patients who couldn’t take hormone replacement therapy because of other serious health conditions.”

Story Image Jennifer


Story Image Michelle H.

“A phenomenal aid in my overall health”

Story Image DEB S.

“HRT and LDN Patient”

Story Image Karen S.

“Progesterone is a lifesaver for me”

Story Image Vanessa M.

“Bio-identical Hormones were life changing for me”

Story Image Kelly W.

“My Experience...”

Story Image Beverly R.

“Best I have ever felt”

Story Image Anne P.

“Thyroidectomy-compounded thyroid only solution.”

Story Image Denise P.

“Starting taking after hysterectomy”

Story Image Anna D.

“Bio-identical hormones saved my life!”

Story Image Kris S.

“Very good!”

Story Image Denise S.

“Changed my 62 year old life”

Story Image DEBRA S.

“I need my medication!”

Shari H.
Arkansas Russellville

“I can’t process synthetic chemicals even in medicine.”

I am 62 years old. I have suffered from chronic fatigue since 1980. An important part of what I have learned is that I am ultra-sensitive to synthetic chemicals found in everything. So unfortunately this included thyroid medicine and hormone medicine progesterone, estrogen, and testosterone. I get sick when I try to use them. So my ONLY alternative was to use supplements from more natural souces. At least they don’t make me sicker.
Trish B.
Virginia Keswick

“BHRT restored my health and quality of life”

I went through menopause 15 years ago and my life fell apart. I was unable to sleep, waking up multiple times with hot flashes. My memory and focus fell apart. My joints started aching. I had no motivation, energy, or sex drive.
Menopause was adversely affecting my marriage, my job, and my health.
I went to my PCP and told her what was going on. She prescribed synthetic hormones to help my mood and hot flashes. They took the edge off but did nothing for my sex drive, energy, joint pain, or motivation. After a woman I worked with developed breast cancer from her synthetic hormones, I stopped taking them and the hot flashes returned with a vengeance.
I began researching and reading several books on Bio-Identical Hormones. I found a clinic and started on BHRT.
That was 11 years ago and I have been completely symptom-free, healthy, and happy since that day.
My marriage is thriving. My job is flourishing. I've lost weight, gained muscle, and have never been healthier.
I will be on BHRT for the rest of my life and will fight with all that I have to keep the right to make my own decisions regarding my health care.
Jamie M.
Oregon Portland

“Compounded T has given me a lot of relief of perimenopausal symptoms and may be useful for my bone density!”

After nursing 2 kids back to back, my hormones tanked and I was diagnosed with Osteoporosis at 44. Since taking compounded bio-identical hormones. I feel like myself and am hopeful there will be an improvement in density soon. This is also the most affordable and least invasive way to get the hormones I need.
K V.
Utah St George

“I was an emotional mess when premenopausal”

I found a doctor that ran my blood work and was given hormone replacement my life was awesome I could think again, during COVID my doctor shut down and I moved and haven't been able to get back on my hormone replacement medication, I'm an emotional mess again plus now I've started coarse hair growing on my face, the hair on my head is thinning, my eye sight has worsened. I know hormone replacement works, please help save the woman from this preventable nightmare.
T. D.
Nebraska Omaha

“Positive and necessary”

After 10+ years of struggling with devastating health problems, including menopausal symptoms but also and even more importantly thyroid issues, I have finally found help, where traditional thyroid and hormonal medications did not work. This has truly been so beneficial to me, and my family.
T D.
Nebraska Omaha

“Life changing and necessary”

After 15+ years of struggling with thyroid disease, and menopause I have finally found medications that work for me. I’ve been on synthetic thyroid medications before and none of them gave me the results I got with desiccated thyroid medication. It has improved all facets of my life, these medications are necessary for so many women, for so many reasons. It would be a disservice to all women if these treatments were unavailable to them.
Debi R.
Missouri Bonne Terre

“I’m an OB/GYN RN of 22 years, and I am now one of the patients who couldn’t take hormone replacement therapy because of other serious health conditions.”

I’m an OB/GYN RN, and not only have I seen hundreds of patients who couldn’t take hormone replacement therapy because of other serious health conditions, I NOW AM ONE OF THEM. You see, compounded hormone therapy is administered in tiny fractions of what the industry produces. This allows people like us to find a “sweet spot” in dosage. Much lower than what traditional medicine offers, but yet still powerful enough.
Alabama Huntsville


Compounded progesterone has made my debilitatingly heavy perimenopausal periods lighter and manageable, helped eliminate my adult acne, and has dramatically improved my sleep. Conventional hormones for me cause worsened acne as well as intense irritability and depression. Literally life-changing.
Michelle H.
Missouri St. Louis

“A phenomenal aid in my overall health”

I have been using Pellets for over 10 years. It has made a difference in my ability to function both day and night. It has eased the transition of menopause and created a healthier, physical body that allows me to function fully a wife, mother, employee, and human.
Minnesota avon

“HRT and LDN Patient”

I have been using compounded HRT and LDN for 6 years. I was so miserable prior to starting on the compounded HRT. I was unable to concentrate, had hot flashes every 1-2 hours, and was unable to sleep through the night. I have been using LDN to control my cancer pain which allows me to stay off narcotics. It is important to have both conventional and complementary medicine. It would be a disservice to millions of patients to discontinue our access to these compounded products and the knowledge base of these practitioners.
Karen S.
Washington Everett

“Progesterone is a lifesaver for me”

I am 72 years old and am having my thyroid adjusted for the last six months. Clearly, I have a lack of sleep and some days horrible sleep. Compounded progesterone is my salvation. It helps calm my mind and allows me to go back to sleep if I wake up during the night. Which are most nights.

Vanessa M.
Virginia Mechanicsville

“Bio-identical Hormones were life changing for me”

I was prescribed HRT after my hysterectomy 29 years ago. I had very negative allergic reactions to them and tried many different options. After exhausting all available options in the pharmaceutical industry I tried bio-identical hormones and it was a life saver. I continue to take them today and I cannot imagine being without them.
Kelly W.
Idaho Moscow

“My Experience...”

As you already know, as we age our skin gets thin. I was experiencing burning pain in the vulvar area, especially after a walk or riding my bicycle. I decided to use a mirror to examine myself and found little bloody tears in the skin which stung terribly. The use of my compounded Estriol Cream each evening has improved this condition considerably. Also, I use Estrogen Patches. When I run out of these prescriptions, I suffer incontinence as well.
Beverly R.
North Dakota Wahpeton

“Best I have ever felt”

I started on compounded hormones about 2 years ago. This is the best I felt in years. I have more energy. I am not exhausted all day long. My sadness and irritability are gone. Most doctors want to give you antidepressants etc. when just getting your hormones in balance will help everything.

They are only looking out for themselves and want to charge exorbitant prices for medications that cost them pennies to make. Leave the bio-identical hormones alone. Keep the compounding pharmacies! They are doing a great job. They use FDA-approved medications and they use minimal fillers.

Anne P.
New Jersey 07940

“Thyroidectomy-compounded thyroid only solution.”

After my thyroidectomy, I tried the standard medication, Synthroid (Synthetic T4). The thyroid regulates everything in your body, so without it, you're a huge swollen corpse. At first synthetic T4 was OK then I became very sick and when I tried Armour (the original formula-this was 20 years ago), my life was back to normal. Natural Desiccated thyroid (NDT has all the T's in it which a thyroid has T2 T3 T4 and calcitonin) Armour changed everything until they changed formulation in 2009 (and later changed hands again) and I had to go through all sorts of ill health to find a replacement. I tried NP thyroid (NDT) and my face was constantly covered in rashes and I felt worse and worse. The Armour thyroid of today has even more fillers. I can only tolerate compounded thyroid replacement with one natural filler. It has given me my life back and I am now healthier than ever. I almost forget that I could die a horrible death if I don't get the right replacement. Please don't let them take away the only solution that has saved my life. This is no joke. Life and death
Denise P.
Nebraska Omaha

“Starting taking after hysterectomy”

I really need my bio-identical hormones because my body doesn't produce what I need. Without them, I can not sleep and would be a mess. They help me to be more productive and happy.
Anna D.
Tennessee Jackson

“Bio-identical hormones saved my life!”

I was in my late 20s when I became very ill and housebound. For 7yrs no doctor could figure out what was wrong with me. The lack of progesterone was causing a lot of secondary illnesses. I had no life. I was unable to work or live a normal life. I did my own research on my symptoms and realized I had a hormonal imbalance. I pushed for testing but my gynecologist said it was a waste of time because of how young I was. I did get tested and I had little to no progesterone every time I was tested. I was in my late 20s and wasn't ovulating. A GP took sympathy on me and introduced me to compounded bio-identical. My life completely changed. I even became a nurse. In my late 30s, I got covid and it made my hormonal imbalance worse. I searched high and low to find help. I found out I have a rare condition called Premature Ovarian Insufficiency. I found a doctor to help me. Without them, my life would not be worth living. I would be unable to be a nurse or have a normal life. I desperately need my compounded hormonal treatments. I see a doctor every 3mos and have a test done. It is safe and carefully watched over. It is not just women going through menopause that need treatments. I am so thankful to be able to get my hormones.
Kris S.
Minnesota Saint Cloud

“Very good!”

I have been using bio-identical hormones for the past 10 years. I initially looked into using them because I was having sleep issues. Not only do they help with sleep but also have a positive effect on my mood, energy level, and weight issues. I think it's important to get just the right dose of each hormone since everyone"s body is so different. I've also read that they decrease my chances of getting breast cancer and having cardiac issues, which have affected some of my family members.
Denise S.
Utah Park City

“Changed my 62 year old life”

Never in my female life did I feel as energetic and productive as I have felt since taking bio-identical hormones. I run a business and employ five people. Without compounded hormones, I may not be able to do that. Why would anyone want to take this away?
Minnesota FRIDLEY

“I need my medication!”

I am on 2 medications that are compounded. I need them so much for my health issues. If it was not for my compounded hormones I would have many other issues. I need this type of drug. They are more effective in my issues. I feel better about these. PLEASE DO NOT TAKE THEM AWAY!

Hear their stories, in their own words. Protect their access to compounded hormones.

On this page, we can only touch on the data that demonstrates the importance of compounded hormones to the lives of millions of women in this country. While the decision to take this vital therapy from patients and physicians might be profitable for the big pharmaceutical companies, it will be disastrous for the millions of patients that those same pharmaceutical companies cannot serve!

We encourage the appropriate committees in both the House and Senate to hold hearings on this critical issue.

Preserve compounded hormones.

Explore our interactive map that demonstrates the importance of compounded hormones to patients all across the country. Filter these first-hand accounts by state to see just how vital compounded hormones are.

Explore our interactive map that demonstrates the importance of compounded hormones to patients all across the country. Filter these first-hand accounts by state to see just how vital compounded hormones are.

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