United States

In the United States, millions of people depend on compounded medicines to live normal, productive, healthy lives. Their first-hand stories speak directly to the power of this important therapy. As the FDA considers removing access to certain medicines like compounded hormones, their voices must be part of the conversation.

5217 result(s)
Misty S.
Story Image 12.13.2022

“Puts me at risk for worsening Lipedema, brain fog and poor health...”

Jeanne S.
Story Image 12.02.2022

“Feeling human again”

Rebecca B.
Story Image 12.13.2022

“Success with Pellett”

Karen A.
Story Image 12.13.2022

“Please protect our access to medications!”

Victoria C.
Story Image 12.13.2022

“Pain and Menopause helped by compounded hormones”

Sandra R.
Story Image 12.13.2022

“Bio-identical hormones are good for my health!”

Marina B.
Story Image 12.13.2022

“I had a hysterectomy too young...”

Ana Q.
Story Image 12.13.2022


Story Image 12.13.2022

“Great experience!”

Diane H.
Story Image 12.13.2022

“UTI Prevention”

Lisa M.
Story Image 12.09.2022

“Compounded hormones are saving my life!”

Robbye E.
Story Image 12.09.2022

“Hormones patches give migraines”

Michelle M.
Story Image 12.06.2022

“I feel back to normal.”

Story Image 12.06.2022

“Bio-identical compounded hormones have been a lifesaver for me.”

Story Image 11.23.2022

“Helped me return to a productive member of society!”

Leni I.
Story Image 11.23.2022

“Never experience Menopause”

Chris E.
Story Image 11.23.2022

“No brain”

Story Image 11.23.2022

“I feel human again...”

Mary Jo H.
Story Image 11.22.2022

“So much better!”

Darci N.
Story Image 11.22.2022

“These hormones have helped my menopause journey.”

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Misty S.
Texas Fort Worth

“Puts me at risk for worsening Lipedema, brain fog and poor health...”

I am 59 and the compounded hormone I take keeps me in balance and my Lipedema at bay. I have had four surgeries for Lipedema and the hormones I take are absolutely critical to not having regrowth. Not having access to compounded testosterone would be catastrophic to my health.
Jeanne S.
Louisiana Sunset

“Feeling human again”

My body functions best and I finally feel human again after taking compounded estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. I have worked my entire adult life as a medical professional taking care of others and going above and beyond for them . I should be able to choose what is best for my body. This is sickening especially after I have worked so hard for others! 
Rebecca B.
Florida Pensacola

“Success with Pellett”

I was implanted with a bio-identical hormone pellet after having an emergency removal of my ovary. I had already tried estradiol and a progestin IUD. The traditional medicines failed with horrible side effects including migraines, nausea, mood swings, weepiness, and insomnia. The bio-identical pellet along with Prometrium did the trick. I felt like myself again. The misery lifted. The panic and palpitations were gone. The hot flashes and night sweats were completely eliminated. I was calm, cool, and collected. Just as if the emergency ovariectomy had never happened.
Karen A.
Colorado Vail

“Please protect our access to medications!”

Compounded hormones are a lifesaver, and I can’t fathom them being taken away for no reason. Please do what you can to protect our right to good health.
Victoria C.
California Auburn

“Pain and Menopause helped by compounded hormones”

I have suffered several bouts of vulvodynia in my life, and have only found relief when Estrogen Testosterone was given as a compounded vaginal treatment. Simply using estrogen alone was not helpful. The pain I felt was like having hot coal in me 24/7. Only proper hormone treatment by my certified menopausal medicine doctor has helped. Please consider that 1 out of 4 women has this condition.
Sandra R.
South Dakota Sioux Falls

“Bio-identical hormones are good for my health!”

I have used bio-identical hormones for approximately 35 yrs. The synthetic progesterone caused acne and did not alleviate my other symptoms. When I was put on Synthroid for my thyroid, I had a racing heart, rashes, and intestinal issues. I overdosed on Prometrium and synthetic Synthroid. Since on natural progesterone, estrogen, and armor thyroid or T3/T4 all the other symptoms are gone. I have managed my health much better through natural means without all the side effects from synthetic drugs minus all the other prescriptions for the symptoms the synthetic(unnatural) drugs cause. My body and mind are good, now. Dr's say Synthroid is natural, no it is not.. It is synthetic. My body does not like it!! My body knows what it needs and responds accordingly and has negative reactions to unnatural drugs. The dosage can also be made to what I need not a pre-stamped dosage that is incorrect for my body. My body, My choice.
Marina B.
Kentucky Owensboro

“I had a hysterectomy too young...”

When severe bleeding (that could not be stopped) left me with a complete hysterectomy at 30, my doctor placed me on Premarin. After 10 years and a move, I met a doctor who suggested I try bio-identical hormone therapy instead of Premarin, because of side effects and risks. After a few months of tweaking levels, I was placed on a cream of estrogen blends and an oral progesterone capsule. These medications have treated me very well, eliminating migraine headaches, dense breast tissue, and a much better emotional outlook. Now in my 60’s I continue to have my levels tested and adjusted as needed, without the fears and side effects associated with a synthetic or horse derived product. My compounding pharmacy works well with my physician to assure my levels are balanced to keep me healthy and happy.
Ana Q.
Florida Miami


I started and continue taking compound hormones to treat menopause. Traditional medicines did not work. I have been taking them now for over 8 years and it has given me a quality of life again!
Florida Miami

“Great experience!”

I have been using compounded hormones (progesterone, estrogen, testosterone) and it has made such a difference. I feel more energetic and it has increased my sexual drive. I go to the gym 3 times/a week now. The doctor checks my hormone level twice a year and the lab report shows a hormonal level according to what it is expected to have due to my age after taking the hormonal treatment. I am glad that after menopause we don’t have to feel depressed, down, and have low libido.
Diane H.
Kentucky Louisville

“UTI Prevention”

After years of suffering from recurrent UTIs, I've found a solution using compounded hormones. Over the years, I've developed allergies to most antibiotics, putting me at risk of having no alternatives for treatment. This could lead to hospitalization, sepsis, and worse! I depend on compounded hormones!
Lisa M.
Florida Naples

“Compounded hormones are saving my life!”

I have been using compounded hormones for 5 years now, and I do not appreciate the FDA trying to get involved with MY choice of where I purchase my hormones. Compounded hormones are made with the powder form of hormones that are compounded into various forms like creams, gels, troches, suppositories, capsules, etc.
Robbye E.
Texas Rhome

“Hormones patches give migraines”

I started HRT two years ago. I cannot imagine life without my compounded pharmaceuticals. I attempted to use patches but quickly discovered that the lowest dose was too strong for me. It caused migraines and severe emotional distress. Since switching to the compounded creams I have regained my life.
Michelle M.
South Dakota Jefferson

“I feel back to normal.”

At least 10 years ago I had my Thyroid removed, and spent another 7 years feeling terrible, hardly able to get out of bed with no energy. Then I was diagnosed with Addison's Disease and things got worse. I then found a Doctor to work with me and was able to put me on compound hormones. It was LIFE CHANGING. I finally felt good with lots of energy and for the first time in years, I felt like myself. Without compounded hormones, none of this would have been possible for me and I would still be in bed and feeling terrible. Compounded Hormones cannot be taken away.
Missouri PATTON

“Bio-identical compounded hormones have been a lifesaver for me.”

I had a radical hysterectomy 11 years ago. I have been taking bio-identical hormones after the surgery. I could not live without them. They are a blessing from God!!

“Helped me return to a productive member of society!”

The right combination and individualization of hormone therapy saved my life and helped me to become a more productive member of society. Betting being able to get the right formulation was critical to balancing my hormones during the pre-menopausal and now post-menopause stages of my life.
Leni I.
Florida Miami

“Never experience Menopause”

Compounding is a safe, non-invasive and smooth process for your body and mind.
I started 2 years before menopause and I didn't experience any symptoms like hot flashes, dry eyes, or mood changes. Now 7 years after I feel more energetic and focused.
Chris E.
Washington Rochester

“No brain”

I was unable to think and concentrate before I was able to get compounded testosterone. They no longer offered estradiol. Compounding is not the problem.
Minnesota Kerkhoven

“I feel human again...”

I had been going to my regular doctor for years and telling him that something was wrong and off. They kept telling me there was nothing wrong. I was tired all the time, not wanting to socialize, super unhappy with myself and life. I was yelling at my husband and kids constantly for no reason at the drop of a hat. My cycles were terribly painful and irregular. I found a new doctor that specializes in hormones. With the use of compounded hormones, I feel like I have my life back. I get much more restful sleep, I am no longer unhappy with myself and I don't snap at my family. My cycles are also so much better as I no longer have pain and am very regular.
Mary Jo H.
Kansas Mission

“So much better!”

I was getting perineal tearing, not with sex, just wiping in the bathroom! Between using a hormone cream vaginally, and taking a hormone troche, I no longer have to deal with this painful situation. Please don't limit pharmacists from using compounded products which help so many issues other drugs don't.
Darci N.
Minnesota Big Lake

“These hormones have helped my menopause journey.”

I have been taking bio-identical hormones for about 6 years. It has helped me tremendously as s woman navigate the ups and downs of my hormones through menopause. It would be devastating to see these compounding pharmacies go away. They serve a huge purpose to many patients!!
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+ Add your story
Story Image Misty S.

“Puts me at risk for worsening Lipedema, brain fog and poor health...”

Story Image Jeanne S.

“Feeling human again”

Story Image Rebecca B.

“Success with Pellett”

Story Image Karen A.

“Please protect our access to medications!”

Story Image Victoria C.

“Pain and Menopause helped by compounded hormones”

Story Image Sandra R.

“Bio-identical hormones are good for my health!”

Story Image Marina B.

“I had a hysterectomy too young...”

Story Image Ana Q.


Story Image Idolka

“Great experience!”

Story Image Diane H.

“UTI Prevention”

Story Image Lisa M.

“Compounded hormones are saving my life!”

Story Image Robbye E.

“Hormones patches give migraines”

Story Image Michelle M.

“I feel back to normal.”

Story Image KAREN R.

“Bio-identical compounded hormones have been a lifesaver for me.”

Story Image PAMELA G.

“Helped me return to a productive member of society!”

Story Image Leni I.

“Never experience Menopause”

Story Image Chris E.

“No brain”

Story Image Angela

“I feel human again...”

Story Image Mary Jo H.

“So much better!”

Story Image Darci N.

“These hormones have helped my menopause journey.”

Misty S.
Texas Fort Worth

“Puts me at risk for worsening Lipedema, brain fog and poor health...”

I am 59 and the compounded hormone I take keeps me in balance and my Lipedema at bay. I have had four surgeries for Lipedema and the hormones I take are absolutely critical to not having regrowth. Not having access to compounded testosterone would be catastrophic to my health.
Jeanne S.
Louisiana Sunset

“Feeling human again”

My body functions best and I finally feel human again after taking compounded estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. I have worked my entire adult life as a medical professional taking care of others and going above and beyond for them . I should be able to choose what is best for my body. This is sickening especially after I have worked so hard for others! 
Rebecca B.
Florida Pensacola

“Success with Pellett”

I was implanted with a bio-identical hormone pellet after having an emergency removal of my ovary. I had already tried estradiol and a progestin IUD. The traditional medicines failed with horrible side effects including migraines, nausea, mood swings, weepiness, and insomnia. The bio-identical pellet along with Prometrium did the trick. I felt like myself again. The misery lifted. The panic and palpitations were gone. The hot flashes and night sweats were completely eliminated. I was calm, cool, and collected. Just as if the emergency ovariectomy had never happened.
Karen A.
Colorado Vail

“Please protect our access to medications!”

Compounded hormones are a lifesaver, and I can’t fathom them being taken away for no reason. Please do what you can to protect our right to good health.
Victoria C.
California Auburn

“Pain and Menopause helped by compounded hormones”

I have suffered several bouts of vulvodynia in my life, and have only found relief when Estrogen Testosterone was given as a compounded vaginal treatment. Simply using estrogen alone was not helpful. The pain I felt was like having hot coal in me 24/7. Only proper hormone treatment by my certified menopausal medicine doctor has helped. Please consider that 1 out of 4 women has this condition.
Sandra R.
South Dakota Sioux Falls

“Bio-identical hormones are good for my health!”

I have used bio-identical hormones for approximately 35 yrs. The synthetic progesterone caused acne and did not alleviate my other symptoms. When I was put on Synthroid for my thyroid, I had a racing heart, rashes, and intestinal issues. I overdosed on Prometrium and synthetic Synthroid. Since on natural progesterone, estrogen, and armor thyroid or T3/T4 all the other symptoms are gone. I have managed my health much better through natural means without all the side effects from synthetic drugs minus all the other prescriptions for the symptoms the synthetic(unnatural) drugs cause. My body and mind are good, now. Dr's say Synthroid is natural, no it is not.. It is synthetic. My body does not like it!! My body knows what it needs and responds accordingly and has negative reactions to unnatural drugs. The dosage can also be made to what I need not a pre-stamped dosage that is incorrect for my body. My body, My choice.
Marina B.
Kentucky Owensboro

“I had a hysterectomy too young...”

When severe bleeding (that could not be stopped) left me with a complete hysterectomy at 30, my doctor placed me on Premarin. After 10 years and a move, I met a doctor who suggested I try bio-identical hormone therapy instead of Premarin, because of side effects and risks. After a few months of tweaking levels, I was placed on a cream of estrogen blends and an oral progesterone capsule. These medications have treated me very well, eliminating migraine headaches, dense breast tissue, and a much better emotional outlook. Now in my 60’s I continue to have my levels tested and adjusted as needed, without the fears and side effects associated with a synthetic or horse derived product. My compounding pharmacy works well with my physician to assure my levels are balanced to keep me healthy and happy.
Ana Q.
Florida Miami


I started and continue taking compound hormones to treat menopause. Traditional medicines did not work. I have been taking them now for over 8 years and it has given me a quality of life again!
Florida Miami

“Great experience!”

I have been using compounded hormones (progesterone, estrogen, testosterone) and it has made such a difference. I feel more energetic and it has increased my sexual drive. I go to the gym 3 times/a week now. The doctor checks my hormone level twice a year and the lab report shows a hormonal level according to what it is expected to have due to my age after taking the hormonal treatment. I am glad that after menopause we don’t have to feel depressed, down, and have low libido.
Diane H.
Kentucky Louisville

“UTI Prevention”

After years of suffering from recurrent UTIs, I've found a solution using compounded hormones. Over the years, I've developed allergies to most antibiotics, putting me at risk of having no alternatives for treatment. This could lead to hospitalization, sepsis, and worse! I depend on compounded hormones!
Lisa M.
Florida Naples

“Compounded hormones are saving my life!”

I have been using compounded hormones for 5 years now, and I do not appreciate the FDA trying to get involved with MY choice of where I purchase my hormones. Compounded hormones are made with the powder form of hormones that are compounded into various forms like creams, gels, troches, suppositories, capsules, etc.
Robbye E.
Texas Rhome

“Hormones patches give migraines”

I started HRT two years ago. I cannot imagine life without my compounded pharmaceuticals. I attempted to use patches but quickly discovered that the lowest dose was too strong for me. It caused migraines and severe emotional distress. Since switching to the compounded creams I have regained my life.
Michelle M.
South Dakota Jefferson

“I feel back to normal.”

At least 10 years ago I had my Thyroid removed, and spent another 7 years feeling terrible, hardly able to get out of bed with no energy. Then I was diagnosed with Addison's Disease and things got worse. I then found a Doctor to work with me and was able to put me on compound hormones. It was LIFE CHANGING. I finally felt good with lots of energy and for the first time in years, I felt like myself. Without compounded hormones, none of this would have been possible for me and I would still be in bed and feeling terrible. Compounded Hormones cannot be taken away.
Missouri PATTON

“Bio-identical compounded hormones have been a lifesaver for me.”

I had a radical hysterectomy 11 years ago. I have been taking bio-identical hormones after the surgery. I could not live without them. They are a blessing from God!!

“Helped me return to a productive member of society!”

The right combination and individualization of hormone therapy saved my life and helped me to become a more productive member of society. Betting being able to get the right formulation was critical to balancing my hormones during the pre-menopausal and now post-menopause stages of my life.
Leni I.
Florida Miami

“Never experience Menopause”

Compounding is a safe, non-invasive and smooth process for your body and mind.
I started 2 years before menopause and I didn't experience any symptoms like hot flashes, dry eyes, or mood changes. Now 7 years after I feel more energetic and focused.
Chris E.
Washington Rochester

“No brain”

I was unable to think and concentrate before I was able to get compounded testosterone. They no longer offered estradiol. Compounding is not the problem.
Minnesota Kerkhoven

“I feel human again...”

I had been going to my regular doctor for years and telling him that something was wrong and off. They kept telling me there was nothing wrong. I was tired all the time, not wanting to socialize, super unhappy with myself and life. I was yelling at my husband and kids constantly for no reason at the drop of a hat. My cycles were terribly painful and irregular. I found a new doctor that specializes in hormones. With the use of compounded hormones, I feel like I have my life back. I get much more restful sleep, I am no longer unhappy with myself and I don't snap at my family. My cycles are also so much better as I no longer have pain and am very regular.
Mary Jo H.
Kansas Mission

“So much better!”

I was getting perineal tearing, not with sex, just wiping in the bathroom! Between using a hormone cream vaginally, and taking a hormone troche, I no longer have to deal with this painful situation. Please don't limit pharmacists from using compounded products which help so many issues other drugs don't.
Darci N.
Minnesota Big Lake

“These hormones have helped my menopause journey.”

I have been taking bio-identical hormones for about 6 years. It has helped me tremendously as s woman navigate the ups and downs of my hormones through menopause. It would be devastating to see these compounding pharmacies go away. They serve a huge purpose to many patients!!

Hear their stories, in their own words. Protect their access to compounded hormones.

On this page, we can only touch on the data that demonstrates the importance of compounded hormones to the lives of millions of women in this country. While the decision to take this vital therapy from patients and physicians might be profitable for the big pharmaceutical companies, it will be disastrous for the millions of patients that those same pharmaceutical companies cannot serve!

We encourage the appropriate committees in both the House and Senate to hold hearings on this critical issue.

Preserve compounded hormones.

Explore our interactive map that demonstrates the importance of compounded hormones to patients all across the country. Filter these first-hand accounts by state to see just how vital compounded hormones are.

Explore our interactive map that demonstrates the importance of compounded hormones to patients all across the country. Filter these first-hand accounts by state to see just how vital compounded hormones are.

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