United States

In the United States, millions of people depend on compounded medicines to live normal, productive, healthy lives. Their first-hand stories speak directly to the power of this important therapy. As the FDA considers removing access to certain medicines like compounded hormones, their voices must be part of the conversation.

5217 result(s)
Michelle H.
Story Image 01.05.2023

“Greatly improved my quality of life”

Nancy V.
Story Image 01.13.2023

“I am perimenopausal with 3 young children”

Mary D.
Story Image 01.23.2023

“I am finally sleeping!”

Joyce C.
Story Image 01.23.2023

“I was diagnosed with Osteoporosis in 2006...”

d H.
Story Image 01.23.2023

“Life Changing!”

Kimberly N.
Story Image 01.16.2023

“Finding the right balance of medication changed my life!”

Margo L.
Story Image 01.13.2023


Susan H.
Story Image 01.13.2023

“Not having proper Thyroid medications and doses can be life threatening.”

Jean B.
Story Image 01.13.2023

“Here we go again......”

Ann K.
Story Image 01.13.2023

“Compound hormones”

Joy S.
Story Image 01.13.2023

“These are wonderful. I am feeling great again!”

Story Image 01.13.2023

“I cannot take synthetic hormones.”

Story Image 01.13.2023

“I needed help with brain fog, irritability, and no libido.”

Sonya V.
Story Image 01.13.2023

“Best Thing Not Spoken About”

Story Image 01.13.2023

“Life changing”

Katy Z.
Story Image 01.13.2023

“Truly a life saver”

Maria Paula D.
Story Image 01.13.2023

“High quality & personalized doses”

Rose C.
Story Image 01.13.2023

“I have found all of my symptoms of distress in the bowels to be gone permanently.”

Candy D.
Story Image 01.05.2023

“Compound hormones help keep me healthy and safe.”

jill M.
Story Image 12.22.2022

“12 years of hormonal misery”

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Michelle H.
Oregon Medford

“Greatly improved my quality of life”

My hormones tanked while going through menopause. I experienced anxiety, severe insomnia and hot flashes to name a few. Compounded Bioidentical Hormone Treatment was a game changer and probably saved my life.
Nancy V.
South Dakota Sioux Falls

“I am perimenopausal with 3 young children”

Feeling depressed and having no energy with 3 young children was awful! I tried traditional medicine with no relief and some side effects that were worse than my original symptoms. I am grateful that my provider suggested a compounded medication that has helped my perimenopausal symptoms immensely! I can now keep up with my kids and our entire family’s quality of life has been improved!
Mary D.
Texas Austin

“I am finally sleeping!”

I thought my life was over! I was getting very little sleep, was depressed, anxious feeling life would be over any day as I could not function to my usual capacity it was so hard just getting out of bed to try and get a new day started. Since starting my hormone replacement, especially progesterone, my life is finally worth living again! I never knew how far gone I was until I started feeling myself again. Thank you for life!
Joyce C.
Wisconsin Elkhorn

“I was diagnosed with Osteoporosis in 2006...”

I was diagnosed with Osteoporosis in 2006, my doctor prescribed Trans-dermal Identical Hormones to me to help keep the bones I have. I am very small in stature and bone. This has been life-changing for me.
d H.
Mississippi mendenhall

“Life Changing!”

Taking pellets has been a life-changing experience for me. if it weren’t for my ability to obtain these hormones it would significantly alter my quality of life!
Kimberly N.
Minnesota Sanborn

“Finding the right balance of medication changed my life!”

Compounded Bio-identical hormone treatment has greatly impacted my quality of life. My anxiety is controllable, I sleep again and feel ready for the next day, no hot flashes, and many more benefits!
Margo L.
Washington Spokane


I have been on bio-identical hormones for 12 years. I had to find a doctor to prescribe them. My own doctor caused me to have terrible painful periods and after a bad pap smear, I had to have a D&C. Then she took me off completely. I was sweating so badly all day my boss would give me a hand fan every time I walked into her office. Finally, a big fan was found for me, but I was pouring sweat most of the day. My sister-in-law told me how bio-identical hormones helped her without side effects. I found a doctor here and have not had any problems since. Please do not take away my bio-identical hormones!
Susan H.
Massachusetts SWANSEA

“Not having proper Thyroid medications and doses can be life threatening.”

I have a disabling medical condition, Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, MCAS, that causes severe allergies and chemical sensitivities. I have required compounded thyroid hormone medication which has to be made in a clear gel cap and made in an olive oil base because I am severely hyper-reactive to many dyes, preservatives, and fillers. I also need less medication than many people need. Manufactured thyroid medications don't come in the small doses I require and they have fillers that I have adverse reactions to, which can send me to the ER. Not having proper Thyroid medications and doses can be life-threatening. I have needed other compounded medications over the years since I need smaller doses that are dye free, preservative-free, and use fillers and carriers so that I will not have adverse reactions to them. For example, I had to take a low-dose hormone replacement therapy medication that was only made by a pharmaceutical manufacturer. It was made with an iodine preservative as many of the low-dose birth control medications used for HRT are made with and use dyes. I was taken away by ambulance at 1 am after my first dose with my throat tightening, vomiting and shaking out of control, and heart racing and brought to the ER for stabilization. This is just another example why I require compounded hormone medications. We are NOT all the same and some do better with custom-made compound-made medications at the doses that work for our needs.
Jean B.
South Dakota SIOUX FALLS

“Here we go again......”

I am a 69-year-old female who has taken compounded bio-identical hormones for well over 15 years. The bio-identical hormones not only assisted in dealing with the side effects of transitioning into menopause, but it has given me mental and physical well-being over the years--and it shows.

It is my understanding that the FDA is threatening to restrict or prohibit compounded bio-identical hormones. WHY?

To members of Congress, please urge the FDA to base any action on real science and not some slanted and manipulated NASEM report.
Ann K.
Maryland Middle River

“Compound hormones”

I have fought no energy and night sweats for over 15 years. I started on compounded hormones over two years ago and am now able to sleep at night without waking up 5 times in a pool of sweat. I have the energy to get out of bed go to work all day and come home to work out for an hour or more. I feel better that I am now at 60 years old than I did at 45. Compounded hormones have completely changed my life for the better and I know without them I will age and not be able to do the things I do now. I let them start to wear off a few months ago, night sweats returned as bad as ever.
Joy S.
Georgia White

“These are wonderful. I am feeling great again!”

My nurse practitioner put me on these years ago and I have felt so good as far as my brain goes. I have a lot of health problems and these do help to keep away the sweats and brain fog, lots of women rely on them to keep them up and going so if you took them away a lot of people would be walking around feeling awful. Please don’t do the unthinkable and ruin a lot of women’s lives, I know they make me feel like I can go on every day. 
California La Mesa

“I cannot take synthetic hormones.”

I have tried several different types of synthetic hormones. All made me ill. I had a total hysterectomy at the age of 40. After my doctor tried to stabilize my body with pharmaceutical HRT, I realized that my body couldn’t tolerate the treatment. I had migraines, body-wide aches and pains, severe mood swings, and high blood pressure.

I then found a doctor who specialized in compounded hormone therapy and I finally felt healthy. My prescriptions are made for my body. Through the support and knowledge of my doctor, my symptoms have disappeared and I feel so much better.

I have concerns that there is the threat to limit or take away access to compounded hormones. Not everyone can take the standard pharmaceutical hormones, nor the dosages they come in. With careful monitoring of my doctor, I am confident that she is doing what is best for me.

Thank you for listening and for your time.
Michigan Gowen

“I needed help with brain fog, irritability, and no libido.”

Hormone replacement therapy (pellets and compounded progesterone) helped me tremendously. I was only expecting to, hopefully, get back my libido, lessen the brain fog and hope my irritability would go away. Not only did it help all of these but I also had less muscle and joint pain. (the joint pain would keep me awake and night). I got better sleep, my mood improved and I was more energetic. I have been on them for 4 years now and still doing good. I can tell when the pellets is wearing off becasue some of the symptoms start up again. This has been a game changer and to take them away from us would be cruel. It has given me hope and a much better outlook on life.
Sonya V.
Mississippi Hattiesburg

“Best Thing Not Spoken About”

The hormone therapy I am receiving has been awesome. I tell every breast cancer survivor I can about the wonders of this therapy for us. Because of chemo, many of us go into early menopause. The therapy I have been able to receive has helped with my sex drive and vaginal dryness. Imagine being 40 years old, and no longer able to enjoy sex. I tell any woman in menopause to try this therapy. Thanks for my local compounder!
Pennsylvania COOPERSBURG

“Life changing”

I have been successfully using bio-identical hormones for many years. Prior to using them, I was experiencing severe anxiety, night sweating, and could not sleep. By adding these hormones to my life, I have had the much-improved quality of life including better sleep and relationships, and I am better able to have the energy to do my work. Taking these medications off the market will impact so many people. These hormones are much safer than synthetic versions that cause many side effects. I have had no negative effects from these medications, only positive ones.
Katy Z.
North Carolina 27707

“Truly a life saver”

Due to an autoimmune issue, I hit menopause like a wall when I turned 45. At first, I thought the menopause symptoms were just a new part of my autoimmune struggles. After my ob/GYN did blood testing, we decided on a (not bio-identical) hormonal patch, which did little to alleviate symptoms. After 6 months on the patch, I developed a melanoma about 6 inches from the patch site. I started researching and decided to try bio-identical hormone replacement instead. These have alleviated my symptoms (hot flashes every 5 minutes, debilitating panic attacks, and night sweats). Honestly, I had no idea how miserable menopause could be, and how it could affect every aspect of life. I wish I had started with bio identically and avoided the suffering I endured for several years before starting. Truly a lifesaver.
Maria Paula D.
Florida Hollywood

“High quality & personalized doses”

I’ve been a patient with diagnosed hypothyroidism for over 4 years. Thanks to the compounding pharmacy, my doctor has been able to manage my doses according to my personal needs.

This personalization has made it possible to take the doses needed depending on my lab results which change regularly and to keep my hormones on appropriate levels.
Rose C.
New York East Aurora

“I have found all of my symptoms of distress in the bowels to be gone permanently.”

Hi! I need to share my story about irritable bowel colitis. When I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease over 12 years they added all kinds of pharmaceutical medications to control it-- Nothing worked! Come to find out then it was the pharmaceutical medication that was causing the irritable bowel, colitis, Crohn's, etc. I found a doctor who suggested that I try a compounded version of the medication. I have found all of my symptoms of distress in the bowels to be gone permanently-- I support compounded pharmaceuticals!
Candy D.
Michigan Ada

“Compound hormones help keep me healthy and safe.”

I am only in my 30s but for some reason, whether it be stress, genetics, or something wrong with my nervous system or adrenal gland, I produce too much cortisol. This causes my other hormones to be suppressed. This caused me many other medical issues, such as uncontrollable weight gain, sleep issues, excruciating joint and muscle pain, swelling of my feet and legs, migraines, flare-ups of my endometriosis and menstruation issues, and multiple other problems. After some testing, my doctors, who also specialize in hormone replacement therapy, put me on compound progesterone. It was a life changer for me. I finally had energy, I wasn’t having so many migraines or joint pains, I started sleeping better, and my legs and feet completely stopped swelling. Plus my cycles stabilized more with fewer flareups. I finally have been able to live a healthier more productive life, like a woman in her 30s should be able to do. Compound progesterone gave me my life back. It would horrible if our access to compound hormones were taken away. That would be taking away our rights to appropriate medical care and treatment for the many conditions we have the compound hormones help us live normal lives with. 
jill M.
Texas Floresville

“12 years of hormonal misery”

I experienced ovarian failure after the birth of my last child. I was 38 years old when they stopped working. My testosterone and progesterone levels plummeted to the single digits. I went from being a professional athlete to tired, old, foggy-brained, and miserable in less than a 2 year period. I tried several doctors and treatments before I found what works for me. I use compounded testosterone cream and I finally feel like my level is stable. I have more vitality than I’ve had since I was 36.
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+ Add your story
Story Image Michelle H.

“Greatly improved my quality of life”

Story Image Nancy V.

“I am perimenopausal with 3 young children”

Story Image Mary D.

“I am finally sleeping!”

Story Image Joyce C.

“I was diagnosed with Osteoporosis in 2006...”

Story Image d H.

“Life Changing!”

Story Image Kimberly N.

“Finding the right balance of medication changed my life!”

Story Image Margo L.


Story Image Susan H.

“Not having proper Thyroid medications and doses can be life threatening.”

Story Image Jean B.

“Here we go again......”

Story Image Ann K.

“Compound hormones”

Story Image Joy S.

“These are wonderful. I am feeling great again!”

Story Image Shelly

“I cannot take synthetic hormones.”

Story Image Cheryl

“I needed help with brain fog, irritability, and no libido.”

Story Image Sonya V.

“Best Thing Not Spoken About”

Story Image DEANNA M.

“Life changing”

Story Image Katy Z.

“Truly a life saver”

Story Image Maria Paula D.

“High quality & personalized doses”

Story Image Rose C.

“I have found all of my symptoms of distress in the bowels to be gone permanently.”

Story Image Candy D.

“Compound hormones help keep me healthy and safe.”

Story Image jill M.

“12 years of hormonal misery”

Michelle H.
Oregon Medford

“Greatly improved my quality of life”

My hormones tanked while going through menopause. I experienced anxiety, severe insomnia and hot flashes to name a few. Compounded Bioidentical Hormone Treatment was a game changer and probably saved my life.
Nancy V.
South Dakota Sioux Falls

“I am perimenopausal with 3 young children”

Feeling depressed and having no energy with 3 young children was awful! I tried traditional medicine with no relief and some side effects that were worse than my original symptoms. I am grateful that my provider suggested a compounded medication that has helped my perimenopausal symptoms immensely! I can now keep up with my kids and our entire family’s quality of life has been improved!
Mary D.
Texas Austin

“I am finally sleeping!”

I thought my life was over! I was getting very little sleep, was depressed, anxious feeling life would be over any day as I could not function to my usual capacity it was so hard just getting out of bed to try and get a new day started. Since starting my hormone replacement, especially progesterone, my life is finally worth living again! I never knew how far gone I was until I started feeling myself again. Thank you for life!
Joyce C.
Wisconsin Elkhorn

“I was diagnosed with Osteoporosis in 2006...”

I was diagnosed with Osteoporosis in 2006, my doctor prescribed Trans-dermal Identical Hormones to me to help keep the bones I have. I am very small in stature and bone. This has been life-changing for me.
d H.
Mississippi mendenhall

“Life Changing!”

Taking pellets has been a life-changing experience for me. if it weren’t for my ability to obtain these hormones it would significantly alter my quality of life!
Kimberly N.
Minnesota Sanborn

“Finding the right balance of medication changed my life!”

Compounded Bio-identical hormone treatment has greatly impacted my quality of life. My anxiety is controllable, I sleep again and feel ready for the next day, no hot flashes, and many more benefits!
Margo L.
Washington Spokane


I have been on bio-identical hormones for 12 years. I had to find a doctor to prescribe them. My own doctor caused me to have terrible painful periods and after a bad pap smear, I had to have a D&C. Then she took me off completely. I was sweating so badly all day my boss would give me a hand fan every time I walked into her office. Finally, a big fan was found for me, but I was pouring sweat most of the day. My sister-in-law told me how bio-identical hormones helped her without side effects. I found a doctor here and have not had any problems since. Please do not take away my bio-identical hormones!
Susan H.
Massachusetts SWANSEA

“Not having proper Thyroid medications and doses can be life threatening.”

I have a disabling medical condition, Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, MCAS, that causes severe allergies and chemical sensitivities. I have required compounded thyroid hormone medication which has to be made in a clear gel cap and made in an olive oil base because I am severely hyper-reactive to many dyes, preservatives, and fillers. I also need less medication than many people need. Manufactured thyroid medications don't come in the small doses I require and they have fillers that I have adverse reactions to, which can send me to the ER. Not having proper Thyroid medications and doses can be life-threatening. I have needed other compounded medications over the years since I need smaller doses that are dye free, preservative-free, and use fillers and carriers so that I will not have adverse reactions to them. For example, I had to take a low-dose hormone replacement therapy medication that was only made by a pharmaceutical manufacturer. It was made with an iodine preservative as many of the low-dose birth control medications used for HRT are made with and use dyes. I was taken away by ambulance at 1 am after my first dose with my throat tightening, vomiting and shaking out of control, and heart racing and brought to the ER for stabilization. This is just another example why I require compounded hormone medications. We are NOT all the same and some do better with custom-made compound-made medications at the doses that work for our needs.
Jean B.
South Dakota SIOUX FALLS

“Here we go again......”

I am a 69-year-old female who has taken compounded bio-identical hormones for well over 15 years. The bio-identical hormones not only assisted in dealing with the side effects of transitioning into menopause, but it has given me mental and physical well-being over the years--and it shows.

It is my understanding that the FDA is threatening to restrict or prohibit compounded bio-identical hormones. WHY?

To members of Congress, please urge the FDA to base any action on real science and not some slanted and manipulated NASEM report.
Ann K.
Maryland Middle River

“Compound hormones”

I have fought no energy and night sweats for over 15 years. I started on compounded hormones over two years ago and am now able to sleep at night without waking up 5 times in a pool of sweat. I have the energy to get out of bed go to work all day and come home to work out for an hour or more. I feel better that I am now at 60 years old than I did at 45. Compounded hormones have completely changed my life for the better and I know without them I will age and not be able to do the things I do now. I let them start to wear off a few months ago, night sweats returned as bad as ever.
Joy S.
Georgia White

“These are wonderful. I am feeling great again!”

My nurse practitioner put me on these years ago and I have felt so good as far as my brain goes. I have a lot of health problems and these do help to keep away the sweats and brain fog, lots of women rely on them to keep them up and going so if you took them away a lot of people would be walking around feeling awful. Please don’t do the unthinkable and ruin a lot of women’s lives, I know they make me feel like I can go on every day. 
California La Mesa

“I cannot take synthetic hormones.”

I have tried several different types of synthetic hormones. All made me ill. I had a total hysterectomy at the age of 40. After my doctor tried to stabilize my body with pharmaceutical HRT, I realized that my body couldn’t tolerate the treatment. I had migraines, body-wide aches and pains, severe mood swings, and high blood pressure.

I then found a doctor who specialized in compounded hormone therapy and I finally felt healthy. My prescriptions are made for my body. Through the support and knowledge of my doctor, my symptoms have disappeared and I feel so much better.

I have concerns that there is the threat to limit or take away access to compounded hormones. Not everyone can take the standard pharmaceutical hormones, nor the dosages they come in. With careful monitoring of my doctor, I am confident that she is doing what is best for me.

Thank you for listening and for your time.
Michigan Gowen

“I needed help with brain fog, irritability, and no libido.”

Hormone replacement therapy (pellets and compounded progesterone) helped me tremendously. I was only expecting to, hopefully, get back my libido, lessen the brain fog and hope my irritability would go away. Not only did it help all of these but I also had less muscle and joint pain. (the joint pain would keep me awake and night). I got better sleep, my mood improved and I was more energetic. I have been on them for 4 years now and still doing good. I can tell when the pellets is wearing off becasue some of the symptoms start up again. This has been a game changer and to take them away from us would be cruel. It has given me hope and a much better outlook on life.
Sonya V.
Mississippi Hattiesburg

“Best Thing Not Spoken About”

The hormone therapy I am receiving has been awesome. I tell every breast cancer survivor I can about the wonders of this therapy for us. Because of chemo, many of us go into early menopause. The therapy I have been able to receive has helped with my sex drive and vaginal dryness. Imagine being 40 years old, and no longer able to enjoy sex. I tell any woman in menopause to try this therapy. Thanks for my local compounder!
Pennsylvania COOPERSBURG

“Life changing”

I have been successfully using bio-identical hormones for many years. Prior to using them, I was experiencing severe anxiety, night sweating, and could not sleep. By adding these hormones to my life, I have had the much-improved quality of life including better sleep and relationships, and I am better able to have the energy to do my work. Taking these medications off the market will impact so many people. These hormones are much safer than synthetic versions that cause many side effects. I have had no negative effects from these medications, only positive ones.
Katy Z.
North Carolina 27707

“Truly a life saver”

Due to an autoimmune issue, I hit menopause like a wall when I turned 45. At first, I thought the menopause symptoms were just a new part of my autoimmune struggles. After my ob/GYN did blood testing, we decided on a (not bio-identical) hormonal patch, which did little to alleviate symptoms. After 6 months on the patch, I developed a melanoma about 6 inches from the patch site. I started researching and decided to try bio-identical hormone replacement instead. These have alleviated my symptoms (hot flashes every 5 minutes, debilitating panic attacks, and night sweats). Honestly, I had no idea how miserable menopause could be, and how it could affect every aspect of life. I wish I had started with bio identically and avoided the suffering I endured for several years before starting. Truly a lifesaver.
Maria Paula D.
Florida Hollywood

“High quality & personalized doses”

I’ve been a patient with diagnosed hypothyroidism for over 4 years. Thanks to the compounding pharmacy, my doctor has been able to manage my doses according to my personal needs.

This personalization has made it possible to take the doses needed depending on my lab results which change regularly and to keep my hormones on appropriate levels.
Rose C.
New York East Aurora

“I have found all of my symptoms of distress in the bowels to be gone permanently.”

Hi! I need to share my story about irritable bowel colitis. When I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease over 12 years they added all kinds of pharmaceutical medications to control it-- Nothing worked! Come to find out then it was the pharmaceutical medication that was causing the irritable bowel, colitis, Crohn's, etc. I found a doctor who suggested that I try a compounded version of the medication. I have found all of my symptoms of distress in the bowels to be gone permanently-- I support compounded pharmaceuticals!
Candy D.
Michigan Ada

“Compound hormones help keep me healthy and safe.”

I am only in my 30s but for some reason, whether it be stress, genetics, or something wrong with my nervous system or adrenal gland, I produce too much cortisol. This causes my other hormones to be suppressed. This caused me many other medical issues, such as uncontrollable weight gain, sleep issues, excruciating joint and muscle pain, swelling of my feet and legs, migraines, flare-ups of my endometriosis and menstruation issues, and multiple other problems. After some testing, my doctors, who also specialize in hormone replacement therapy, put me on compound progesterone. It was a life changer for me. I finally had energy, I wasn’t having so many migraines or joint pains, I started sleeping better, and my legs and feet completely stopped swelling. Plus my cycles stabilized more with fewer flareups. I finally have been able to live a healthier more productive life, like a woman in her 30s should be able to do. Compound progesterone gave me my life back. It would horrible if our access to compound hormones were taken away. That would be taking away our rights to appropriate medical care and treatment for the many conditions we have the compound hormones help us live normal lives with. 
jill M.
Texas Floresville

“12 years of hormonal misery”

I experienced ovarian failure after the birth of my last child. I was 38 years old when they stopped working. My testosterone and progesterone levels plummeted to the single digits. I went from being a professional athlete to tired, old, foggy-brained, and miserable in less than a 2 year period. I tried several doctors and treatments before I found what works for me. I use compounded testosterone cream and I finally feel like my level is stable. I have more vitality than I’ve had since I was 36.

Hear their stories, in their own words. Protect their access to compounded hormones.

On this page, we can only touch on the data that demonstrates the importance of compounded hormones to the lives of millions of women in this country. While the decision to take this vital therapy from patients and physicians might be profitable for the big pharmaceutical companies, it will be disastrous for the millions of patients that those same pharmaceutical companies cannot serve!

We encourage the appropriate committees in both the House and Senate to hold hearings on this critical issue.

Preserve compounded hormones.

Explore our interactive map that demonstrates the importance of compounded hormones to patients all across the country. Filter these first-hand accounts by state to see just how vital compounded hormones are.

Explore our interactive map that demonstrates the importance of compounded hormones to patients all across the country. Filter these first-hand accounts by state to see just how vital compounded hormones are.

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