Mike W.
South Carolina
“Compounded Hormones Have Benefited Me.”
Compounded hormones have definitely benefited me in very significant ways. I have used compounded bioidentical hormones for the past 9 years. Please continue to allow compounded pharmacies to provide compounded hormones.
Lori W.
South Carolina
I have used compounded hormones for 9-10 years. I can't imagine my life without them. They help keep me happy and healthy. I have complete trust in the products I get from my compounding pharmacy, and I definitely do not want to lose the right and privilege to purchase them.
Jacqueline W.
“Amazing Vitality!”
As a post-menopausal woman, my HRTs have given me extra vitality since they were tailored to my specific deficits. Leveling out my hormones created calm and balance and a full good night's rest. I attribute bone strength to my compounded HRTs.
Dianne P.
“Bio-Identical hormones got me through menopause and beyond”
When in my mid-40's, started going through a change of life. Started out with day sweats which soon turned into awful night sweats and no sleep...I was miserable. My PA at the time was hesitant to put me on hormone replacement BUT after my levels got bad enough she prescribed bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT). At that time, there was only one or perhaps two compounding pharmacies in town but was fortunate enough to find one that worked with my PA to compound a formula that provided relief. Hormone levels had to be checked often to make sure my levels were where they needed to be but that was so much better than being miserable 24/7. I'm still on BHRT and hope to remain on them until such time as they are no longer necessary to regulate my erratic hormone levels.
Cheryl H.
East Lansing
“I've been taking bioidentical HRT for several years”
Bioidentical hormones have enabled me to maintain a healthy, viable, and vibrant life. I can sleep, do not have brain fog, and most importantly, am also helping keep my bones strong. I researched bioidentical hormones, and studies and worked with my endocrinologist in order to make an informed and educated decision. Please do not remove this important choice from those of us who need this to maintain our health and well-being.
“Compounding Hormones are a MUST”
I've recently been diagnosed with osteoarthritis as well as loss of bone density in my spinal column. The number one remedy for this is hormone treatment. I refuse to subject my body to synthetic hormones that are metabolized through the liver and have numerous side effects. Compounding hormonal medications are the SAFEST and most EFFECTIVE way to treat and hopefully reverse these conditions. I plead with Congress to NOT allow the FDA to restrict anyone's ability to have this much safer option available to them.
In the few months I've been administering the compounded hormone treatments I no longer suffer from arthritic pain, this is solely attributed to these meds, no other pain or anti-inflammatory medications are consumed by me. I cannot stress enough the importance of compounding pharmaceuticals are necessary for my well-being and for countless others.
Jackie F.
“My experience with compounded hormones has changed my life.”
I suffered for many years before finding compounded hormones. I felt so awful all the time, so tired that I couldn't make it through the day without a nap. Sleeping on weekends for entire days and then going right back to bed at night. I was gaining weight, had zero libido, was cranky all the time, and just felt like I was existing. When my hormones were tested my testosterone and progesterone were both low. I was provided a cream for both progesterone and testosterone. I could feel a difference in myself within the first month. So far I have lost 35 lbs and feel like I have the energy to do things. After using the creams for a while I felt alive again and didn't feel like sleeping my life away. I have now been on these hormone creams for a couple of years and I pray that I can continue to access them so I can stay healthy, happy, and have a good marriage.
Loraine U.
Kansas City
“Compounded Medications saved my life by enabling me to sleep”
I wanted to let this group know that compounded bio-identical hormone replacement enabled me to sleep. This product has made a significant difference in my life and in the life of my family members. Please do not take away the compounded bio-identical hormone replacement solutions we are able to receive. They increase the quality of our life, e.g., in my case, it enabled me to sleep.
Kay B.
Woodland Hills
“How compounded hormones help me...”
These compounded hormones help me in so many areas of health compared to other medications that I took in the past. They improve my mood, facilitate my sex drive, improve my joint elasticity, and improve my skin and my sleep. I have depended upon them prescribed by a licensed Medical Doctor whom I have seen in person for over 25 years. If you as congressmen and women are taking a stance to stop the sale of these hormones please care about post-menopausal women and at the very least allow them to be prescribed by medical doctors possibly limiting online prescribing. Please do not remove access to these as many older women such as myself need them. Thank you for listening to my comments
Lori K.
“I am a post-menopausal, 42 year old woman, wife, mother, and speech language pathologist.”
Before starting hormone replacement therapy with bio-identical hormones, my hormonal changes and deficits were affecting me in my workplace as a wife and as a mother, and as a Christian being able to put forth and do for others. I also have ADHD and going through these changes Has made my executive functioning skills so much worse. Once getting on HRT, I have been able to not only function but thrive! My relationships are better I feel better about myself. I have more confidence and feel more useful, and I am able to keep up with my children! The thought of having to give up the bio-identical hormones terrifies me as I don’t want to lose the progress that I’ve made, and my system is typically very sensitive to different kinds of medicines and other things. But the bio-identical hormones work beautifully for me. Please please consider me and others like me who are just trying to be good contributing citizens of society and need these therapies to be able to function.
Lynn V.
Why didn't I know about this sooner? I should have been on testosterone years ago... why didn't my doctor make this suggestion? Why did I have to find out on my own? Does anyone realize that by doing hormone therapy, I am actually a healthier, happier, and much more balanced individual who will no longer need the health care services of someone who isn't? Get it? This should be promoted, not left out of modern medicine's advances... Please let me stand up for myself here, let me stand up against men telling a woman once again what to do with her body. Just stop!!
Andrea L.
“Wonderful stuff!”
I can't begin to tell you how much hormone therapy has helped me regain control over my emotions, menopause, and so much more. Please allow these therapies to continue.
Patricia B.
“Cannot take oral medication...”
I cannot ingest hormone replacement. I need compounded medication. I had a hysterectomy at age 30 and went straight into menopause. The compounded medication helped me get my life back since I cannot take oral hormones because of inflammatory reactions. I am a breast cancer survivor and these nontriggering hormone replacements help me tremendously.
Jennifer A.
“My creams work, please don't take them away!”
I lost my sister to breast cancer sadly. She was estrogen positive. I didn't want to end up using synthetic and not-safe forms of estrogen. I found a great doctor after my surgical hysterectomy that put me in instant menopause. I was a wreck, and the creams helped. It took time but it was worth it.
“Nothing short of amazing!”
I have been taking hormone therapy to increase my energy levels. I noticed a drastic drop in my energy around the age of 40. Leisurely, I am an avid athlete and weight lifter. Professionally, I am a P.E. teacher and trainer. So you can imagine the kind of energy levels that are required to do these things on a daily basis. Not to mention, I am a happily married man of 15 years with three boys. At the end of the work day, my boys require just as much committed energy from me to their needs. They train in jiu Jitsu, we play sports at our local park, and we all know boys are constantly getting into antics. Since being placed on hormone therapy my energy levels have been renewed and my gym workouts have been tremendous. So if this therapy were to be in jeopardy and made unavailable, men like myself would slowly struggle to maintain the strength and desire required to continue to drive our great nation forward. Hormone therapy keeps the mind and body of men in alpha mode. For me, it's the 2x a week kick in the ass remedy that drives me to be a great individual, father, sibling, co-worker, and husband. KEEP IT ON THE MARKET!
Patricia J.
Clinton Township
“I suffered horribly from post-menopausal symptoms like hot flashes and fatigue.”
I could barely get out of bed when I began to approach menopause and I was working as a registered nurse. I could hardly get through one eight-hour shift. I was always tired and could not function well on the job. I went to see a preventive medicine doctor who tested my hormone levels and said they were extremely low, which would account for my symptoms. He then prescribed the bioidentical hormones and my life began to change for the better. Please do not interfere with a doctor's ability to prescribe these life-saving medications for patients who are suffering.
Castle Rock
“Compounded Hormones saved my sanity!”
After a full hysterectomy, I had a difficult time with surgical menopause. I tried the pill forms of HRT but they caused too many side effects and the dosages were either too high, not enough, or I couldn't process them correctly due to other GI conditions. When I was able to get a doctor to prescribe bio-identical hormones tailored to my specific body and needs, my life changed for the better. We need to keep access to this type of therapy. Please support people first!
“Autoimmune hormonal needs!”
Please! Bio-identical hormones have changed my life for the better. Please don’t get rid of the. I love how they can be made for your specific needs. I personally know of several friends who also that this has helped their quality of life tremendously.
Richard D.
“A truly life changing therapy.”
My story begins with always feeling extra tired and no will to do much. I didn't understand what was wrong with me and even thought I might have depression. Had a friend tell me to check out my hormone levels and so I did. To my surprise, my testosterone levels were that of an 80-year-old man-- we are talking 197 total testosterone with horrible levels of free and bioavailable testosterone. I got on testosterone therapy and literally within a few weeks I felt so much better the energy was back the drive to do things was also back not to mention a few other perks and functionality of a younger version of myself years ago. It was shocking honestly the effect a hormone can have on you physically and also mentally an absolutely life-changing therapy. I fear these restrictions would cause shortages. It would be devastating to not be able to receive this therapy for so many people and go back to hormone levels probably even lower than before. It's truly a matter of health because, without proper hormone levels, our bodies and even minds won't function properly. Thank you for your time.
Melissa W.
“Libido #5 cream saved my sex life”
For years sex was not a pleasant experience. I struggled with depression and anxiety every time I tried to have sex with my husband. I was extra dry and had low libido due to having type 1 diabetes for over 25 years. When my Gyno prescribed libido number 5 it was a 360. I had a sex drive, was aroused, and enjoyed sex with my husband. I felt like I just started living. My hormones were now in balance and I was in control of my body. Thank you compound therapy for putting the sex back into my sex life!