Susie S.
Kansas City
“Life enriching and saving!”
Hot flashes were making me incredibly sick, and interfering with sleep every night. Until HRT that is! Not to mention the complete difference they make for sexual intimacy in my marriage. My doctor has always monitored me to make sure I never exceed the required healthy levels for my age, and I've never developed any complications or negative side effects. I honestly don't know of any doctor or compounding pharmacy that prescribes hormonal replacement irresponsibly. However, I believe it would be completely irresponsible to take such a life allowing therapy away from patients.
“TRT, My Ability to Work, and Quality of Life”
I am a 63 y/o male with an incomplete spinal cord injury from age 21. Approximately 15+ years ago, I went to my doctor complaining of increased muscle loss, weakness, fatigue, low appetite, inability to benefit from exercise (catabolic), and feeling semi-depressed due to the aforementioned issues.
I was found to have low testosterone, which is not unusual for SCI. After starting TRT compounded cream to raise my Testosterone level, I went from being underweight (145lbs. at 6'4") to 175 lbs. (mostly muscle weight). My strength improved, I responded to exercise for the first time in years, my mood elevated, my appetite increased and I was able to work a full-time job and transition off of Federal Disability Benefits. Overall, the quality of my life vastly improved.
I have zero doubt had I not had access to TRT I would not be able to walk (now at age 63), nor would I have been able to continue to work and would have stayed on Disability Benefits instead of achieving self-sufficiency and independence.
If access to Compounded TRT is taken away, Considering my advanced age and disability DX, I have no doubt I will regress to a horribly painful (both physical and Psychological) state, to a dramatically limiting quality of life worse than that which I experienced prior to TRT therapy.
Please continue to allow Doctors and Compounding Pharmacies provide access to Hormone therapies that are so critical to their patients who need them, therein improving their health, well-being, ability to function and overall quality of life.
Patricia E.
Round Rock
“Living my BEST life with compounded BHRT...”
My gynecologist had been giving me Premarin pills while in my 40s. I started to have heavy bleeding. When he examined me, he told me I was in the final stages before uterine cancer. Hearing the “C” word scared me so bad, that I asked him if I should have just my uterus removed? He told me it was up to me. So I went to another doctor for a second opinion. This doctor said he knew my gynecologist, and whatever he said was a fact, that I could trust his diagnosis. And by the way, get your ovaries removed, because once ovarian cancer is discovered, you’re dead before the doctors can save you!
So I had a total hysterectomy: uterus, ovaries, Fallopian tubes, cervix – everything removed. And not long after, my emotions began to plummet, I became super paranoid, and I cried or screamed at the smallest provocation! I felt like I was losing my mind. I went back to my gynecologist and he gave me a prescription for depression. I was shocked. NO, I was not going to take that!
My sister told me about compounded BHRT and connected me with her doctor. I started learning about how important the correct balance of hormones was to maintain not only my sanity but my overall health. It took more than a year, but after that, I was back to normal – happy, able to make rational decisions, and take care of my family, besides myself.
I’ve continued to monitor my use of compounded BHRT, with testing annually, both blood tests and urine “Dutch” tests, to make sure my dosages meet my needs and maintain balance. I’ve been using them for 16 years. And I’m still thriving! I’m strong, healthy, and vibrant. My friends are amazed that I have maintained a youthful appearance. But what matters most to me is the ability to maintain my mental faculties, maintain strong bones, and live my best life. And with careful diet, sleep, exercise, and BHRT, I can live my BEST life for many years to come!
“I want to keep taking compounded hormones!”
I want to keep my medicine... it helps me with my hot flashes and mood swings. I don’t have any problems taking this medication. Please don’t take compounding away!
Linda Goodin
South Carolina
“Taking Bio-Identical Hormones”
I suffered from terrible night sweats and brain fog. I was also tired all the time. I now take bio-identical progesterone, estrogen, and testosterone and both my doctor and naturopath agree that it is working for me. Without it, I would be miserable.
“Started cBHT last year and after 5 years I finally have moods and hot flashes under control”
I had been struggling with mood swings and hot flashes for many years. Once I started compounded cBHT, this has become a thing of the past. My doctor was very careful as I had labs drawn and had appointments with her 3 times in 6 months as the prescription was tweaked to get the best result. Compounded cBHT is very customized and very carefully prescribed in my experience. I do not want to go back to how I was before cBHT.
mary rose C.
“Saved me and my family!”
I have been taking compounded cBHT for over twenty years. I had tried regular hormone therapies for years with no success....I was depressed and had poor cognition, a problem when you are only 38. Since beginning therapy I am rarely ill, have no health problems, my cognition is fantastic, and I have no more depression. These were life-altering for me. Please consider there are more ways to maintain health!
Sue R.
Canoga park
“I can only tolerate compounded hormone creams”
My long journey with bio-identical hormones began 17 years ago after having a total hysterectomy including ovaries removed at the age of 41 years old. No one prepared me for the devastation and trauma of changes to my body and my mental state that would take place after the surgery. Had it not been for taking my compounded bio-identical hormone therapy after going through multiple and multiple trials with the FDA-approved hormone medications which failed me, I would not be here writing this message to you. I am extremely sensitive to the FDA-approved hormone replacement medications that are available and I cannot tolerate them for many reasons. Having compounded hormones adjusted and made specifically for my needs, allows me to have the flexibility that I need to adjust the dosage up or down as my body accepts it on daily basis. I also find that my body needs a small amount of testosterone therapy as that hormone is also left with my ovaries. Testosterone therapy helps me with my fibromyalgia pain, low libido, and mood changes that also affected me once my ovaries were removed. I depend on the compounded hormones, my doctor prescribes to live a normal life. I am currently 58 years old, and still plan on working for several more years!!
Jacqueline D.
“Helped my Bells Palsy, Fatigue, and Inflammation”
The bio-identical therapy that is compounded for me at my local compounding pharmacy has greatly improved my health and quality of life. cBHT is so important to my health. I pray it will continue to be available for my health and longevity.
marion C.
“Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy is essential for my well being!”
Bio-identical compounded hormone therapy has restored the health of my bones from osteopenia to normal after one year of therapy. Compounded Progesterone capsules are an essential ingredient in my therapy. This therapy has many important positive effects on the body and mind. I have been on this therapy for three years and intend to continue it for my lifetime.
Leslea G.
“Hormone therapy is treating my pain”
In 2019 I was diagnosed with osteoporosis like many women especially as they age. This was a devastating diagnosis for me. I was also suffering from severe chronic low back pain. I tried prescription medication for my osteoporosis but suffered debilitating side effects. I also tried many drugs and treatments for my back pain short of addicting opioids. When I discovered that bio-identical hormone replacement therapy could be used to treat osteoporosis, I had to try it. I do not suffer any side effects from taking this medication and my bone density has improved. Also, my back pain has been reduced by 75%. Please do not take away this option for treating patients like me and so many others. Osteoporosis medication is pretty awful stuff. Patients should have hormone replacement therapy as an option.
Nancy M.
“20 years using compounded hormones...”
I discovered compounded natural hormones in 2002 when I was 59 and with severe menopausal symptoms. Since then, I have had no side effects. I have cancer in the family but this does not cause cancer. I, at 79, have no wrinkles, an alert mind, and seem very young for my age. Driving coast to coast alone. Men desperately need hormones too.
Diane M.
“Supplemental Progesterone Saved Me!”
Starting at about age 53 I began having very heavy periods. My primary care physicians were so impressed as I aged to 58 that I was still having regular periods (not one missed) but alas, I was very anemic and had been for all those years. The last time I saw that doctor was when I had a cold and it was lasting a while so I went in. He was shocked that I was anemic and then more shocked that I was still bleeding to death each month. He thought I was amazing!
I knew this wasn't right. I researched things online and FINALLY found some evidence that maybe this was a symptom of low progesterone. I found a clinic that believed in the power of bio-identical hormones and in two months the bleeding stopped.
I'm now 65 years old and feel great. I'm taking bio-identical progesterone, bi-estrogen, and testosterone. Thank goodness for bio-identical hormones and the physicians who think outside the box to offer this choice of hormonal support.
Veronica B.
“Compounded hormones saved my life”
I went through an extremely difficult time about 3 years ago when I developed severe peri-menopausal symptoms. I went from feeling healthy and strong to falling hard into a downward spiral that I could not control and ended up at the ER. My insomnia had gone on for a few months and became severe. I had joint pain, and jaw pain to the point that I couldn’t even eat. I had heart palpitations and extreme anxiety. I had twitching facial muscles. I could not function. I have a young daughter, and I could not properly care for her. I could not cope with life. A wonderful provider I found helped me find the cause of my problem, which was a decline and imbalance in all my hormones. I started on bio-identical hormones, and my health turned around completely in a matter of months. My system is very sensitive to many things (and I have serious allergies), so it took a bit of tweaking in terms of doses and bases to get to the “just-right” place. The fact that I could adjust the dose and even the topical base to what I needed through compounding, meant I could do exactly what my body needed. Bio-identical hormones truly saved my life.
Denise K.
“Compounded Hormones Saved My Sanity”
Compounded bio-identical hormones have been a life saver for me. When I approached menopause, not only was I having hot flashes and night sweats, but my emotional state was unbearable. It felt like a monster lived inside of me and every time I opened my mouth to talk to someone, it came out in a mean and hurtful way. I couldn't seem to stop it. My doctor tried traditional hormone replacement therapy but that caused heavy bleeding with large blood clots. Eventually, he prescribed compounded bio-identical hormones and like a miracle, I was my old self again. The heavy bleeding stopped and my emotions leveled out, the hot flashes and night sweats stopped and I was able to sleep well. I am forever grateful for compounded hormones. They continue to support a high quality of life for me.
Laurine W.
“Early Menopause Due To Hysterectomy”
Bioidentical hormones saved my life. I have been on them for 20 years without ANY adverse effects. I've tried pharmaceutical estrogen and this was not the case. I had severe migraines, and mood swings, and at times felt rageful. Without compounded hormones, I probably would be unable to work and severely depressed.
Beverly C.
“HRT is a life changer”
I was very reluctant to accept the prescription from my doctor for compounded hormone therapy. I am SO very glad I did, and wish I had sooner. It has changed my life, and I now realize it will change my future, too with all its benefits of heart health, bone health, and breast health. It has even changed my marriage! We are both happier.
Rhode Island
“End of my rope... before compounded hormones”
I was literally at the end of my rope. I told my story to half a dozen or more doctors and the only help I got was pain meds, or have a glass of wine at night, or taking a nice walk... I had severe and at times debilitating joint pain. I was unable to sleep which led to brain fog, irritability, mistakes at work... My period was so heavy and painful that I couldn't leave the house for 2 days and it would last for 10 to 12 days. I was severely anemic, eating a healthy iron-rich whole foods diet and taking supplements and nothing helped. Found a group that worked with bio-identical hormones and within a few weeks, I had my life back. The pain went away, the sleep came back and I was able to enjoy my life again. Please don't take this from the women who need it to LIVE!
“HRT Patient”
I've been using compound hormones for the last 4 years and it has changed my life. I was sluggish, gaining weight, exhausted, and lost interest in normal activities and all of that changed once I started taking HRT. It would be detrimental to my health if Congress decided to restrict compound hormones.
P.E. D.
“HRT is vital to my health”
After a hysterectomy in 2001, I began to take Rx hormone replacement therapy first as a patch and later as a cream the result was MULTIPLE breast lumps! Not to bore you with all the in-between but finally, one of my doctors suggested speaking with a compound pharmacist who in my mind saved my life! He figured out that I was estrogen dominant and was able to compound me a formula of HRT that best suited me and as a result NO breast lumps. Fast forward 22 years when a nurse practitioner decided to take me off the HRT...worth a try. The result...incontinence!. I went through multiple uncomfortable evaluations and tried multiple Rx with a urologist. In the end, it was decided that I should go back on my compounded HRT...the results were more incontinence, and no more breast lumps. If compounding HRT is no longer an option I don't know what I will do.