Kelly M.
New Jersey
“I had a hysterectomy to remove severe endometriosis”
I have been taking compounded hormones since having a full hysterectomy to remove severe endometriosis. I was extremely young to have a hysterectomy but I had no choice. My choice to take compounded hormones was the best that I could have done! It has helped with hormonal problems as well as depression. This country is backward - why on earth wouldn't you want to keep something available to women that is helpful to their health and well-being?
Compounded hormones have saved my life. I am grateful to my doctor for monitoring my health.
Keep compounded hormones! Let people live a better and healthier life!
“Life changing reset with hormones”
Millions of people suffer hormonal imbalance, compounded hormones are essential to therapy and the only suitable option to remain healthy.
The report from NASEM is indicating the FDA may consider restrictions on these critical therapies. I don't take kindly to my health being threatened. It's absurd to think we would sit back and allow another bully in our life to try and control the very hormones that keep us healthy.
“Poor Quality of Life without Compounding”
Taking compounded BHRT has greatly improved my quality of life and has also improved my bone strength. I was diagnosed with Osteopenia and it started improving after I started taking the compounded hormones. Compounded BHRT is vital to many women.
Christina D.
New Jersey
“I use compounded progesterone because I am allergic to the peanut oil drug companies use in their product.”
I use compounded progesterone because the drug companies use peanut oil in their progesterone. I am allergic to nuts.
I also have to get a compounded product for my dog. He takes a product that supports his high liver enzymes. The drug company has not been able to produce it recently. My dog would die if I could not get this for him.
Beth M.
Eureka Springs
“I need Compounded hormones!”
I went through menopause at age 44. It made me feel like I was exhausted, angry and sweating. Unable to think well or sleep. My poor husband was wondering who the hell I was.
For the past 8 years, I have been on two different forms of bio-identical hormones compounded just for me.
My life is so much better. No more awful mood swings. Energy! Sleep! Kindness! is all mine once again.
Taking away my right to choose my own compounded medicine is removing fundamental freedom. Period.
“I need my compounded hormones.”
I had a lot of problems sleeping and had heart palpitations so a doctor gave me a pharmaceutical prescription which gave me cramps and headaches and made the heart palpitations worse. I changed doctors and got a prescription for a compound blend of estradiol, estriol, and progesterone all natural. Now I have no side effects, I sleep better, and have no more heart pain or flutters, and my brain is clearer. PLEASE DO NOT TAKE THIS AWAY. I need my compounded hormones and I believe it keeps me alive.
Lou Ann L.
“I take low dose compounded hormones once a week for good reason”
Every female on my mother's side of my family has suffered from hot flashes and night sweats until they died from age 80 to 95! I started taking the drug when I began going through menopause at 50 and suffered from the same life-disrupting symptoms. I would "flush" red so drastically that people thought I was having a stroke or something equally as life-threatening. The compounded hormones are the only way I can maintain a normal life. I know this. Every time I would try to stop taking this medication within 3 or 4 months the symptoms would come back full force.
“I had a total hysterectomy at 30 years old”
I had a total hysterectomy at 30 y/o due to severe endometriosis. My very caring physician recommended cBHT which has given me a healthy, vigorous, productive life without complications for decades. I also have inflammatory arthritis, and the estrogen helps protect my bones and brain health. Denying physicians the ability to prescribe these life-changing treatments -- and the patients the ability to receive them - is denying an achievable quality of life.
Gail A.
New York
Miller Place
“Bio-identical hormones saved my sleep!”
I sought out bio-identical hormones to decrease the amount of medication I’d been consuming. My night sweats were so bad I’d wake multiple times and then couldn’t fall back to sleep. I was having trouble being clear-headed at work. After taking bio-identical hormones, I began to notice how much they helped and how I could sleep again!
After this, I told my GYN that I had painful intercourse and we started on a topical vaginal cream. Magical! And I had used other creams they never worked like my compounded cream.
My life has vastly improved all because of compounded medication!
Sharon Gail H.
“Compounded Hormones are the Safest Hormone”
I have used compounded hormones for many years. They are the MOST effective at controlling symptoms of menopause. I am healthier because I use them.
Jim S.
Granite Bay
“Compounding saved my marriage”
I am the Senior Director of Clinical Strategy at one of the largest medical companies in the world and plan our data needs. At 40 years of age, I was tired all the time, I could not recover from any workouts, I was competitively cycling and not able to train and recover and my libido had crashed. I went and had bloodwork and found that my testosterone level of the lowest 5% for an 85-year-old man. I am now 53, have been using compounded medications for 13 years and it has changed my life. I can work out and recover, and my wife and I have a great relationship (she is also using compounded medications after a partial hysterectomy). I have read the FDA report performed by a large number of pharmaceutical company consultants suggesting regulation and think this is an exceptionally flawed approach. This is a perfect opportunity for an RWE study on compounding drugs rather than a poorly run study by a clearly biased group.
“Compounded hormones saved my life and family”
Compounded hormones are saving my life, I feel better than I ever have and I feel like I matter in this world. If it weren’t for these hormones, I’d be bedridden with massive symptoms.
Mary Jo H.
“Skin integrity”
As a post-menopausal woman, I was having painful skin tears in my perineal area after just wiping myself on the toilet. These were happening more often until I started bio-identical compounded hormone replacement. My skin integrity is now much better. I couldn't get along without it! Also, no more mood swings. Please don't limit compounding pharmacists from doing what's best for their clients!
“S/P hysterectomy and BSO”
I had my uterus and both ovaries removed at the age of 35. I tried many different pharmaceutical pills and creams. I did different combinations. I tried no hormones at all. My skin and hair looked terrible. My brain was always in a fog and I physically felt awful. The only thing that has helped me feel normal is my compounded hormones. I don’t know how I would have survived these last 12-plus years without my hormones. I feel amazing. My hair and skin look great. My brain works as well as it did before my hysterectomy. As long as skittles are allowed to be on the market my compound hormones should be available.
LeRoy W.
I literally could not get out of bed. I couldn’t work. This treatment gave me my life back after my hormone production stopped entirely. Compounding pharmacies have been my only option.
Debra H.
“Bio-identical Hormones”
I have been on bio-identical hormones for years, they work for me. I have taken regular pharmaceutical hormones before--they did not work. My OB-GYN did lab work and the compounding pharmacy makes what my body needs. 3 different estrogens, progesterone, and testosterone. No other pill is manufactured for me as to what my body is lacking. Please let us keep getting bio-identical hormones the way we are now!
“Totally a life changer!”
When I went into perimenopause, I began to gain weight, and become irritable, my blood pressure went up and my doctor prescribed a standard hormone replacement pill for me to take. It didn't work. I went through 5 prescriptions for hormone replacement therapy to help my symptoms. None worked and some made my symptoms worse. When my doctor finally said he would approve of me taking bio-identical hormones, I felt I had nothing to lose. Once I started them, my symptoms finally decreased and I regained the quality of life I had missed. They are a lifesaver for many women.
Jennifer J.
“Please do not take away compounded hormones”
My body reacts so negatively to pharmaceutical progestin that it is impossible for me to take pharmacological hormones. Compounded hormones have been a lifesaver for me. I have taken them for over 16 years without complications. Without them, I am miserable, irritable, nervous, and unable to sleep. Please do not take these away.
“Compounding testosterone cream is the only affordable option for me...”
Years ago, my body stopped making testosterone. After extensive testing, the doctor determined I needed TRT. Looking at the existing options with my medical insurance I found that it was often considered a lifestyle option and therefore not covered, or covered to some extent but hugely expensive. Compounding offered a much more affordable option.
Matthew W.
“Compounded Testosterone cream improves my life quality.”
I am a biological male, at age 45 I found out I had a testosterone level that was lower than the maximum level allowed for top female Olympic athletes.
For almost a year I had injected myself with Testosterone. It was getting difficult to find syringes and injection supplies due to the ongoing supply chain issues, and the fact that all of the vaccine manufacturers were taking up all of the low dead space syringes. I was routinely having to use single-use vials multiple times, and the side effects from injections were never-ending.
I eventually found a new physician who suggested compounded cream that I could simply apply on a daily basis, however, the cream was “Compounded” and I’d have to get it from a specialty compounding pharmacy.
After using the compounding pharmacy I can say that I’m doing way better with compounded testosterone. No more needles, worrying about if my other pharmacy has syringes available, worrying if I can get a multiple-use vial or even a single-use vial I can use multiple times.
I do still have a universal side effect from TRT, body acne, this too is taken care of by the same compounding pharmacy, the pharmacist, my physician, and I researched a formula that works quite well for body acne.
Without my compounded prescriptions I’d probably be back to square one or just barely getting by with injections, and honestly, I’m not sure I would continue TRT if I had to go back to injections.