United States

In the United States, millions of people depend on compounded medicines to live normal, productive, healthy lives. Their first-hand stories speak directly to the power of this important therapy. As the FDA considers removing access to certain medicines like compounded hormones, their voices must be part of the conversation.

5217 result(s)
Denise C.
Story Image 07.06.2022

“A nurse's prospective on cBHT”

Diane J.
Story Image 06.29.2022

“I am well and I am strong because of compounding.”

Jan L.
Story Image 06.29.2022

“Had ZERO hormones!”

Paula C.
Story Image 07.01.2022

“Compounded hormones are about health choices for women”

stephanie P.
Story Image 07.06.2022

“Low- Dose Progesterone cBHRT”

T.M. M.
Story Image 07.06.2022

“cBHT ended years of perimenopause/menopause suffering for me!”

Holly M.
Story Image 07.06.2022

“Compounded hormones for relief from peri-menopause symptoms”

Melissa B.
Story Image 07.06.2022

“Life changing”

Karen O.
Story Image 07.06.2022

“Feeling old and rundown doesn’t have to be…..”

Story Image 07.06.2022

“Compounded Hormones Have Made Me Feel Like Me Again”

Lauren B.
Story Image 07.01.2022

“Bio-identical hormones saved my life.”

Carrie D.
Story Image 07.01.2022

“Life saver!”

Roberta B.
Story Image 07.01.2022

“Compounding hormones help me immensely”

Story Image 07.01.2022

“No quality of life without compounding...”

Story Image 07.01.2022

“Compounded hormones saved my life”

Sara N.
Story Image 07.01.2022

“Compounded hormones work for me!”

Lidia M.
Story Image 07.01.2022

“I had hot flashes and night sweats and was unable to sleep”

Ruth S.
Story Image 07.01.2022


Charlotte W.
Story Image 06.29.2022

“Must Have Compounded Hormones”

James L.
Story Image 06.29.2022

“Compounded hormones have helped me get back to being me!”

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Denise C.
Florida Naples

“A nurse's prospective on cBHT”

Thank you for reading my story. I've suffered migraines my whole life that became exponentially worse as menopause began. The cBHT was the magic cure. The headaches were not just reduced, they disappeared. This is a level of "normalness" I had never experienced. The pharmacist who compounds my hormones is a trusted part of my medical team. As a nurse, I understand the value of a competent medical team. It seems to me that if we are already regulating and licensing pharmacists, that means they have been adequately educated, trained, and confirmed by a government agency to be a specialist in their profession and craft. Why would they not be trusted by the FDA to perform the very tasks for which they are trained? Redirecting the compounding of something so personal and unique to each woman to a very impersonal pharmaceutical company seems like it would significantly reduce the ability to properly dose and treat a woman for her individual needs and likely increase costs, which would price many out of access. Please leave compounding in the hands of skilled pharmacists for all of those very good reasons.
Thank you,
Diane J.

“I am well and I am strong because of compounding.”

I have taken low-dose bio-identical hormones for several years. It is my only prescription medication. I trust my functional medicine doctor and my compounding pharmacy. I am currently competing in a CrossFit championship as an athlete. I am well and I am strong. Do not restrict compounded hormones based on a study commissioned by the FDA.
Jan L.
California Pacific Palisades

“Had ZERO hormones!”

In 1994, at the age of 43, having been diagnosed with advanced breast cancer, I underwent a stem cell transplant; ie. massive doses of chemotherapy which destroyed any cancer cells left in my body, but also my immune system. My own stem cells, which had been previously harvested, were re-infused into my body, and as of today, I am still disease-free. However, when my gynecologist checked my hormone levels after my treatment, she found I had NONE. So she prescribed compounded testosterone for me. No estrogen for breast cancer survivors!

I have relied upon the compounded formula ever since 1994 to keep my system in balance as much as possible since my cancer experience. I don't know what I would do if I were to become unable to find the medication.
Paula C.
Texas Brenham

“Compounded hormones are about health choices for women”

I have clients who are facing declining health on a daily basis without the option that compounded hormones offer. My health has greatly improved since taking compounded medications myself over the past couple of years. This is about choice in healthcare. We need our voices and our choices to be made known. Compounding is personalized, safe, and in demand.
stephanie P.
Illinois Moline

“Low- Dose Progesterone cBHRT”

I have chosen to take cBHRT since 1997. I am a patient with breast and ovarian cancer in my family history. After suffering many miscarriages, the only hormone-related option my doctor would allow me to try was a low-dose bio-identical progesterone therapy. This was not commercially available. However, our local Compounding Pharmacist formulated a compound, especially for me. Three beautiful children later, I am happy to report I am cancer-free and now navigating menopause with the help of cBHRT. Having the option of cBHRT has allowed me to live life to the fullest and in excellent health. Please do what you can to allow women to have this choice available. A manufacturer cannot reproduce a personally tailored compounded prescription. A highly trained Compounding Pharmacist can and should. Thank you.
T.M. M.
Washington Olympia

“cBHT ended years of perimenopause/menopause suffering for me!”

I started taking cBHT a couple of years ago because I was menopausal and had been suffering from mood swings, night sweats, anxiety, hot flashes, insomnia, and brain fog. After taking cBHT, I'm a whole new person physically and mentally. My life has been given back to me and I never want to be without cBHT.
Holly M.
Kansas Lawrence

“Compounded hormones for relief from peri-menopause symptoms”

I am a forty-eight year old cis female. About four years ago I started having symptoms that my body was moving toward menopause. Contrary to popular belief most women don’t simply stop having periods one day; for most of us, it’s like going through second puberty: heavier, more erratic periods, mood swings, brain fog, night sweats, irritability. This is because in many cases natural progesterone production falls off but the ovaries continue to produce estrogen unchecked, which leads to “estrogen dominance.” I’ve read this referred to as “the ovaries’ last hurrah.”

I first heard about it from a book published in the 1980’s called “No More Hot Flashes And Other Good News,” which my mother read when she was in my position 20 years ago. The author of that book, a female gynecologist, recommended bio-identical or compounded progesterone. This progesterone is chemically different from the synthetic progesterone, commonly known as progestin, found in birth control pills and in IUDs. Many women who have trouble with hormonal birth control have a bad reaction to progestin.

Unfortunately, the first doctor I saw four years ago seemed not to have heard of compounded progesterone treatment or pretended not to. She insisted it wouldn’t help me and tried to make me buy an IUD, or have my uterine walls cauterized, despite the fact that there was no medical reason for such extreme and expensive treatment.

I found a different doctor who promptly suggested compounded progesterone, which I take orally in liquid form. Prior to taking it, my periods had become so heavy I was anemic and having dizzy spells. I was waking every night with night sweats, which affected my sleep, which in turn affected my memory, attention, and emotional control at work.

Taking the compounded progesterone has improved my quality of life and that of my family, as well as my productivity at work. Restricting access to such a simple, harmless treatment would be detrimental to a great many women just when they are in their most productive work years.
Melissa B.

“Life changing”

I went through chemo for stage 4 cancer 14 years ago. After treatment was over I was not sleeping and was all over the place mentally. A year later I found a doctor that had my hormones tested. My hormone levels were zero. I had no hormones. I was prescribed compounded hormone therapy. It was a night and day difference. I was finally sleeping and starting to feel normal again. The chemo treatment put me into early menopause. So, I do and will continue to have my levels tested annually and will continue taking cBHT. I have tried going without them in the past and can tell the difference. My life and family's life wouldn't be the same if cBHT was not available.
Karen O.
Pennsylvania Easton

“Feeling old and rundown doesn’t have to be…..”

When my ob/gyn suggested I go on BHRT for various symptoms I attributed to being post menopausal and part of the natural aging process, after first being on oral progesterone alone with unpleasant side effects, I said yes. I am now 77 years old, married to a wonderful man nine years my junior. It is heartening to feel vibrant, energetic, and be sexually active, in spite of some wrinkles, without discomfort or pain. I am monitored and blood tested every six months to see if my prescription needs any tweaking.
 I am just so thankful that I have the opportunity, through my healthcare providers, to be healthy and age gracefully.
Kansas Prairie Village

“Compounded Hormones Have Made Me Feel Like Me Again”

After I went through menopause I felt like something was terribly wrong with me. I had previously been quick-minded, had plenty of energy, slept through the night, and desired intimacy with my husband. But several years later, I had just lost the me that I knew. My OBGYN encouraged me to have my hormones tested and it confirmed what he had expected. My body had stopped making nearly all of my natural hormones. I was testing far below the normal range for my age on every test. He recommended compounded hormones--natural hormones that were specifically compounded for me and my specific needs based on my testing. These hormones have changed my life and have brought me back to the me I had always known. I will be devastated if I can no longer have access to these. They are as medically necessary for my health and well-being as any other medicine people must take. I have my blood/hormones tested annually and we make adjustments as needed. Please do NOT take away our access to these important and necessary compounds.
Lauren B.
South Carolina Greenville

“Bio-identical hormones saved my life.”

After going through fertility treatment to get pregnant, my hormones were a mess. I couldn't sleep, I was depressed, and anxious. I was in pain. I had osteoporosis. I found a doctor who started me on bio-identical hormone therapy which changed my life. I am a happy person and I no longer have osteoporosis. Please don't take away these types of medications. Please don't take away my right to choose. Please don't allow this type of therapy to become obsolete
Carrie D.
South Carolina Piedmont

“Life saver!”

Compounded hormones saved me and my marriage. I tried it all and nothing worked until we found bio-identical hormones. Within a short time I was sleeping again, my mood was balanced, and I got my sex life back again. These help so many people. Please don't take this away. Thank you!
Roberta B.
California Redondo Beach

“Compounding hormones help me immensely”

Because of medical issues, I experienced problems in menopause. Synthetic hormone prescriptions didn't help. I tried the compounding hormones and my problems stopped. They worked as no others did!
I have been on them for years and have no side effects. They are a true gift to be available to us. I pray that the FDA allows them to continue.
California Novato

“No quality of life without compounding...”

I don’t where I would be without the help of compounded hormones! I suffered greatly from anxiety, sleepless nights, terrible hot flashes, and severe depression. No amount of counseling or any other hormone could have helped me the way my compounding hormones have. I finally have a normal life, free of anxiety, depression, and hot flashes I also get to have a decent night's sleep. It’s as if I got a second lease on life. I also had a cat years ago that needed a compounded thyroid medicine and she was able to live 2 more years with quality. Our lives matter!!!! Cutting pharmacies like these would create more problems, not resolve them! We need good medicine and this is the solution!
Arizona Scottsdale

“Compounded hormones saved my life”

I have been taking BHRT since 2013 to treat the sudden onset of menopause at 40 years old due to a total abdominal hysterectomy and oophorectomy (endometrial cancer). Without these hormones, I would not be able to function. Prior to taking BHRT, I struggled with severe brain fog, debilitating depression, hot flashes, night sweats, sleep deprivation, bodily changes, and a drastic decline in overall quality of life. BHRT gave me my life back and the ability to live a productive, active life and feel like a woman again. I would suffer immensely without them.
Sara N.
Oregon Portland

“Compounded hormones work for me!”

I switched to compounded hormones prescribed to me by my Naturopathic doctor, after using a synthetic hormone that gave me side effects. Please continue to allow compounded hormones. This is necessary so people like me who have side effects with conventional medications have an alternative that works! Thank you.
Lidia M.
Florida Miami

“I had hot flashes and night sweats and was unable to sleep”

Before I started taking Compounded hormones I had horrible night sweats that left me unable to sleep through the night. I would get up tired and had a hard time staying awake. Since I started taking compounded hormones, my quality of life has changed so much, I am able to sleep and I have the energy to do my work plus my mind is more clear. I cannot imagine having to go back to those days before I found the wonderful doctor who prescribed the Compounded hormones I am using now.
Ruth S.
Kansas Hays


After 50 years of problems with menstrual cycles, bio-identical hormone replacement has given me control and relief from these issues. I've not had a hysterectomy or other surgeries like so very many of my family and friends.
Charlotte W.
Texas Conroe

“Must Have Compounded Hormones”

I had a complete hysterectomy. I must take the hormones. I tried the synthetic prescriptions from the regular pharmacy and immediately got serious chest pains, anxiety, and brain fog. I am unable to take regular prescriptions from the drug store. I must have these compounded hormones to live. I also use compounded hormones for female pain due to the surgery.
James L.

“Compounded hormones have helped me get back to being me!”

I started compounded TRT treatment a few years ago after trying all other methods of regaining my lost energy and ability to recover from exercise. It's a downward spiral when testosterone levels decline for varying reasons. Compounded TRT has helped me to get back to being me again so I can exercise and enjoy a good quality life.
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+ Add your story
Story Image Denise C.

“A nurse's prospective on cBHT”

Story Image Diane J.

“I am well and I am strong because of compounding.”

Story Image Jan L.

“Had ZERO hormones!”

Story Image Paula C.

“Compounded hormones are about health choices for women”

Story Image stephanie P.

“Low- Dose Progesterone cBHRT”

Story Image T.M. M.

“cBHT ended years of perimenopause/menopause suffering for me!”

Story Image Holly M.

“Compounded hormones for relief from peri-menopause symptoms”

Story Image Melissa B.

“Life changing”

Story Image Karen O.

“Feeling old and rundown doesn’t have to be…..”

Story Image Susanne

“Compounded Hormones Have Made Me Feel Like Me Again”

Story Image Lauren B.

“Bio-identical hormones saved my life.”

Story Image Carrie D.

“Life saver!”

Story Image Roberta B.

“Compounding hormones help me immensely”

Story Image Nancy

“No quality of life without compounding...”

Story Image Mona

“Compounded hormones saved my life”

Story Image Sara N.

“Compounded hormones work for me!”

Story Image Lidia M.

“I had hot flashes and night sweats and was unable to sleep”

Story Image Ruth S.


Story Image Charlotte W.

“Must Have Compounded Hormones”

Story Image James L.

“Compounded hormones have helped me get back to being me!”

Denise C.
Florida Naples

“A nurse's prospective on cBHT”

Thank you for reading my story. I've suffered migraines my whole life that became exponentially worse as menopause began. The cBHT was the magic cure. The headaches were not just reduced, they disappeared. This is a level of "normalness" I had never experienced. The pharmacist who compounds my hormones is a trusted part of my medical team. As a nurse, I understand the value of a competent medical team. It seems to me that if we are already regulating and licensing pharmacists, that means they have been adequately educated, trained, and confirmed by a government agency to be a specialist in their profession and craft. Why would they not be trusted by the FDA to perform the very tasks for which they are trained? Redirecting the compounding of something so personal and unique to each woman to a very impersonal pharmaceutical company seems like it would significantly reduce the ability to properly dose and treat a woman for her individual needs and likely increase costs, which would price many out of access. Please leave compounding in the hands of skilled pharmacists for all of those very good reasons.
Thank you,
Diane J.

“I am well and I am strong because of compounding.”

I have taken low-dose bio-identical hormones for several years. It is my only prescription medication. I trust my functional medicine doctor and my compounding pharmacy. I am currently competing in a CrossFit championship as an athlete. I am well and I am strong. Do not restrict compounded hormones based on a study commissioned by the FDA.
Jan L.
California Pacific Palisades

“Had ZERO hormones!”

In 1994, at the age of 43, having been diagnosed with advanced breast cancer, I underwent a stem cell transplant; ie. massive doses of chemotherapy which destroyed any cancer cells left in my body, but also my immune system. My own stem cells, which had been previously harvested, were re-infused into my body, and as of today, I am still disease-free. However, when my gynecologist checked my hormone levels after my treatment, she found I had NONE. So she prescribed compounded testosterone for me. No estrogen for breast cancer survivors!

I have relied upon the compounded formula ever since 1994 to keep my system in balance as much as possible since my cancer experience. I don't know what I would do if I were to become unable to find the medication.
Paula C.
Texas Brenham

“Compounded hormones are about health choices for women”

I have clients who are facing declining health on a daily basis without the option that compounded hormones offer. My health has greatly improved since taking compounded medications myself over the past couple of years. This is about choice in healthcare. We need our voices and our choices to be made known. Compounding is personalized, safe, and in demand.
stephanie P.
Illinois Moline

“Low- Dose Progesterone cBHRT”

I have chosen to take cBHRT since 1997. I am a patient with breast and ovarian cancer in my family history. After suffering many miscarriages, the only hormone-related option my doctor would allow me to try was a low-dose bio-identical progesterone therapy. This was not commercially available. However, our local Compounding Pharmacist formulated a compound, especially for me. Three beautiful children later, I am happy to report I am cancer-free and now navigating menopause with the help of cBHRT. Having the option of cBHRT has allowed me to live life to the fullest and in excellent health. Please do what you can to allow women to have this choice available. A manufacturer cannot reproduce a personally tailored compounded prescription. A highly trained Compounding Pharmacist can and should. Thank you.
T.M. M.
Washington Olympia

“cBHT ended years of perimenopause/menopause suffering for me!”

I started taking cBHT a couple of years ago because I was menopausal and had been suffering from mood swings, night sweats, anxiety, hot flashes, insomnia, and brain fog. After taking cBHT, I'm a whole new person physically and mentally. My life has been given back to me and I never want to be without cBHT.
Holly M.
Kansas Lawrence

“Compounded hormones for relief from peri-menopause symptoms”

I am a forty-eight year old cis female. About four years ago I started having symptoms that my body was moving toward menopause. Contrary to popular belief most women don’t simply stop having periods one day; for most of us, it’s like going through second puberty: heavier, more erratic periods, mood swings, brain fog, night sweats, irritability. This is because in many cases natural progesterone production falls off but the ovaries continue to produce estrogen unchecked, which leads to “estrogen dominance.” I’ve read this referred to as “the ovaries’ last hurrah.”

I first heard about it from a book published in the 1980’s called “No More Hot Flashes And Other Good News,” which my mother read when she was in my position 20 years ago. The author of that book, a female gynecologist, recommended bio-identical or compounded progesterone. This progesterone is chemically different from the synthetic progesterone, commonly known as progestin, found in birth control pills and in IUDs. Many women who have trouble with hormonal birth control have a bad reaction to progestin.

Unfortunately, the first doctor I saw four years ago seemed not to have heard of compounded progesterone treatment or pretended not to. She insisted it wouldn’t help me and tried to make me buy an IUD, or have my uterine walls cauterized, despite the fact that there was no medical reason for such extreme and expensive treatment.

I found a different doctor who promptly suggested compounded progesterone, which I take orally in liquid form. Prior to taking it, my periods had become so heavy I was anemic and having dizzy spells. I was waking every night with night sweats, which affected my sleep, which in turn affected my memory, attention, and emotional control at work.

Taking the compounded progesterone has improved my quality of life and that of my family, as well as my productivity at work. Restricting access to such a simple, harmless treatment would be detrimental to a great many women just when they are in their most productive work years.
Melissa B.

“Life changing”

I went through chemo for stage 4 cancer 14 years ago. After treatment was over I was not sleeping and was all over the place mentally. A year later I found a doctor that had my hormones tested. My hormone levels were zero. I had no hormones. I was prescribed compounded hormone therapy. It was a night and day difference. I was finally sleeping and starting to feel normal again. The chemo treatment put me into early menopause. So, I do and will continue to have my levels tested annually and will continue taking cBHT. I have tried going without them in the past and can tell the difference. My life and family's life wouldn't be the same if cBHT was not available.
Karen O.
Pennsylvania Easton

“Feeling old and rundown doesn’t have to be…..”

When my ob/gyn suggested I go on BHRT for various symptoms I attributed to being post menopausal and part of the natural aging process, after first being on oral progesterone alone with unpleasant side effects, I said yes. I am now 77 years old, married to a wonderful man nine years my junior. It is heartening to feel vibrant, energetic, and be sexually active, in spite of some wrinkles, without discomfort or pain. I am monitored and blood tested every six months to see if my prescription needs any tweaking.
 I am just so thankful that I have the opportunity, through my healthcare providers, to be healthy and age gracefully.
Kansas Prairie Village

“Compounded Hormones Have Made Me Feel Like Me Again”

After I went through menopause I felt like something was terribly wrong with me. I had previously been quick-minded, had plenty of energy, slept through the night, and desired intimacy with my husband. But several years later, I had just lost the me that I knew. My OBGYN encouraged me to have my hormones tested and it confirmed what he had expected. My body had stopped making nearly all of my natural hormones. I was testing far below the normal range for my age on every test. He recommended compounded hormones--natural hormones that were specifically compounded for me and my specific needs based on my testing. These hormones have changed my life and have brought me back to the me I had always known. I will be devastated if I can no longer have access to these. They are as medically necessary for my health and well-being as any other medicine people must take. I have my blood/hormones tested annually and we make adjustments as needed. Please do NOT take away our access to these important and necessary compounds.
Lauren B.
South Carolina Greenville

“Bio-identical hormones saved my life.”

After going through fertility treatment to get pregnant, my hormones were a mess. I couldn't sleep, I was depressed, and anxious. I was in pain. I had osteoporosis. I found a doctor who started me on bio-identical hormone therapy which changed my life. I am a happy person and I no longer have osteoporosis. Please don't take away these types of medications. Please don't take away my right to choose. Please don't allow this type of therapy to become obsolete
Carrie D.
South Carolina Piedmont

“Life saver!”

Compounded hormones saved me and my marriage. I tried it all and nothing worked until we found bio-identical hormones. Within a short time I was sleeping again, my mood was balanced, and I got my sex life back again. These help so many people. Please don't take this away. Thank you!
Roberta B.
California Redondo Beach

“Compounding hormones help me immensely”

Because of medical issues, I experienced problems in menopause. Synthetic hormone prescriptions didn't help. I tried the compounding hormones and my problems stopped. They worked as no others did!
I have been on them for years and have no side effects. They are a true gift to be available to us. I pray that the FDA allows them to continue.
California Novato

“No quality of life without compounding...”

I don’t where I would be without the help of compounded hormones! I suffered greatly from anxiety, sleepless nights, terrible hot flashes, and severe depression. No amount of counseling or any other hormone could have helped me the way my compounding hormones have. I finally have a normal life, free of anxiety, depression, and hot flashes I also get to have a decent night's sleep. It’s as if I got a second lease on life. I also had a cat years ago that needed a compounded thyroid medicine and she was able to live 2 more years with quality. Our lives matter!!!! Cutting pharmacies like these would create more problems, not resolve them! We need good medicine and this is the solution!
Arizona Scottsdale

“Compounded hormones saved my life”

I have been taking BHRT since 2013 to treat the sudden onset of menopause at 40 years old due to a total abdominal hysterectomy and oophorectomy (endometrial cancer). Without these hormones, I would not be able to function. Prior to taking BHRT, I struggled with severe brain fog, debilitating depression, hot flashes, night sweats, sleep deprivation, bodily changes, and a drastic decline in overall quality of life. BHRT gave me my life back and the ability to live a productive, active life and feel like a woman again. I would suffer immensely without them.
Sara N.
Oregon Portland

“Compounded hormones work for me!”

I switched to compounded hormones prescribed to me by my Naturopathic doctor, after using a synthetic hormone that gave me side effects. Please continue to allow compounded hormones. This is necessary so people like me who have side effects with conventional medications have an alternative that works! Thank you.
Lidia M.
Florida Miami

“I had hot flashes and night sweats and was unable to sleep”

Before I started taking Compounded hormones I had horrible night sweats that left me unable to sleep through the night. I would get up tired and had a hard time staying awake. Since I started taking compounded hormones, my quality of life has changed so much, I am able to sleep and I have the energy to do my work plus my mind is more clear. I cannot imagine having to go back to those days before I found the wonderful doctor who prescribed the Compounded hormones I am using now.
Ruth S.
Kansas Hays


After 50 years of problems with menstrual cycles, bio-identical hormone replacement has given me control and relief from these issues. I've not had a hysterectomy or other surgeries like so very many of my family and friends.
Charlotte W.
Texas Conroe

“Must Have Compounded Hormones”

I had a complete hysterectomy. I must take the hormones. I tried the synthetic prescriptions from the regular pharmacy and immediately got serious chest pains, anxiety, and brain fog. I am unable to take regular prescriptions from the drug store. I must have these compounded hormones to live. I also use compounded hormones for female pain due to the surgery.
James L.

“Compounded hormones have helped me get back to being me!”

I started compounded TRT treatment a few years ago after trying all other methods of regaining my lost energy and ability to recover from exercise. It's a downward spiral when testosterone levels decline for varying reasons. Compounded TRT has helped me to get back to being me again so I can exercise and enjoy a good quality life.

Hear their stories, in their own words. Protect their access to compounded hormones.

On this page, we can only touch on the data that demonstrates the importance of compounded hormones to the lives of millions of women in this country. While the decision to take this vital therapy from patients and physicians might be profitable for the big pharmaceutical companies, it will be disastrous for the millions of patients that those same pharmaceutical companies cannot serve!

We encourage the appropriate committees in both the House and Senate to hold hearings on this critical issue.

Preserve compounded hormones.

Explore our interactive map that demonstrates the importance of compounded hormones to patients all across the country. Filter these first-hand accounts by state to see just how vital compounded hormones are.

Explore our interactive map that demonstrates the importance of compounded hormones to patients all across the country. Filter these first-hand accounts by state to see just how vital compounded hormones are.

No. of testimonials