United States

In the United States, millions of people depend on compounded medicines to live normal, productive, healthy lives. Their first-hand stories speak directly to the power of this important therapy. As the FDA considers removing access to certain medicines like compounded hormones, their voices must be part of the conversation.

5217 result(s)
Jacob R.
Story Image 11.15.2022

“Compounded Testosterone has dramatically improved my life!”

Julie N.
Story Image 11.08.2022

“Quality of life restored”

Ann M.
Story Image 11.08.2022

“Our compounder provides lifesaving medicine...”

Kelly B.
Story Image 11.08.2022

“Compound Therapy has Saved My Life!”

Story Image 11.22.2022

“Mood swings, anger, lack of energy, hopelessness, fatigue, sleepless - this was my life.”

Vanessa F.
Story Image 11.17.2022

“My PMDD was treated effectively with compounded progesterone”

Jamie L.
Story Image 11.17.2022

“They saved my life and marriage!”

Patricia G.
Story Image 11.15.2022


Stacie G.
Story Image 11.15.2022

“I depend on compounded thyroid for my quality of life!”

Jill J.
Story Image 11.15.2022

“Life changing”

Julie L.
Story Image 11.11.2022

“Postmenopausal hormone therapy”

Marta B.
Story Image 11.11.2022

“Compounded hormones are miles better than the regular ones”

Christine S.
Story Image 11.11.2022

“My HRT cream is amazing”

Cheryl F.
Story Image 11.08.2022

“I have been receiving bio-identical hormone replacement for 14 years”

Theresa H.
Story Image 11.08.2022

“I had a hysterectomy due to a fibroid that caused severe bleeding and other issues.”

Danielle R.
Story Image 11.08.2022


Margaret W.
Story Image 11.08.2022

“Pellets and bio-identical hormones were recommended to me by a friend who had heard both my mental and physical issues.”

Terri H.
Story Image 11.08.2022

“Compounded Hormones saved me”

Melissa S.
Story Image 11.08.2022

“Saved my thinking!”

Andie E.
Story Image 11.08.2022

“Post chemo thyroid crisis”

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Jacob R.
Florida MIami

“Compounded Testosterone has dramatically improved my life!”

Not long after turning 50, I realized that I was always very tired, and weak, had lost muscle mass, and had virtually lost my libido. My primary care physician put me through a barrage of tests. But said nothing wrong. Two years later, I mentioned this to my urologist. He tested my hormone levels which came back at 1/4th the level they should have been for a man of my age, size, and weight. My urologist prescribed a combination of Compounded Testosterone and OTC DHEA. Within less than 30 days, I was feeling so much better. The difference for me, my wife, and our young children are immeasurable. He checks me twice per year to make sure they are at the optimal levels for me. Today, at 63 I am still going strong. Please do not jeopardize the availability of compounded hormones for me and the millions of others who benefit from them.
Julie N.
Florida Port Saint Lucie

“Quality of life restored”

In 2016 I started having a serious decline in several areas of my life. I couldn’t stay asleep for more than half an hour. I was awakened every night for two years every half an hour with hot flashes. I had pain starting to creep up in my legs, knees, and hips when I would lay down to sleep…when I sat too long with my students in class. I had emotionally tearful moments-- too many to count.
I tried taking higher-quality multivitamins and supplements to try and ease these issues. To no avail. After two years of all the above and energy levels dwindling, I began to research the topic of bio-identical hormone replacement. Through my research, I was also concerned with the history of breast cancer on my mom's side both of her sisters had it and one passed away from it. I knew through my research that there could be some risk but I also knew that the quality of my life was in a serious decline on so many levels. Exercise and supplements were doing absolutely nothing to alleviate my symptoms.
I finally desired to seek professional help and my new doctor was an answer to my dilemma. Since receiving my first bio-identical hormone pellets I have not missed a blood workup or pellet insertion appointment, mammogram, or breast sonogram. I previously wasn’t a person who went for regular checkups as I was healthy. I would go years in between gynecological exams. This is how much my quality of life has increased since being able to receive bio-identical hormone pellets. My doctor closed her practice close to my home and I even travel 45 minutes one way along with taking time off from work to keep up with this life-restoring treatment. Please make sure that this continues to not only be an option for me but for all women. I can not believe that this is not a mainstream treatment for menopause. Please make sure this medical treatment isn’t removed as well as make sure there are more studies done proving its efficacy as well as improving the quality of women’s as well as men's lives. Please make sure that this treatment can also be covered by insurance. If you will don your own research you will find that there are other long term health benefits. If you are a woman or love a woman or care about women, then please do research and fight for us to be able to keep our quality of life through bio-identical hormone replacement pellets.
Ann M.
Iowa West Des Moines

“Our compounder provides lifesaving medicine...”

I am the owner of a 10-year-old rat terrier and chihuahua mix named Ozzy. Ozzy has suffered from seizures since he was a puppy. He is on a number of medications to control these episodes but still needs emergency medicine from time to time. At some point, we were prescribed liquid diazepam to be administered anally in case of seizure. In these cases, he also needs a dose of phenobarbital, which we had been given in pill form.
Initially, to administer this medication was a difficult process that required assembly and took precious time in Ozzy's most vulnerable moments, in addition to being a challenge to pack when traveling. The liquid diazepam had to be drawn into a syringe using a needle, then the needle needed to be replaced with a nozzle attached to a tube which then would be injected into Ozzy. All this while our beloved pet seized violently and painfully waiting for relief. The phenobarbital pill also represented a challenge, not only because it was bitter, but because Ozzy struggled to bite and swallow during seizures.
We discovered compounding after moving in 2015. Since then, they have supplied us with a chicken-flavored liquid suspension of phenobarbital, as well as diazepam suppositories. Thanks to these compounded medications, providing Ozzy emergency relief during his seizures is much faster and easier. The suppositories need no equipment to administer, and the phenobarbital can be administered without something to disguise the taste.
Having access to compounded medications has really given us peace of mind about treating Ozzy's seizures. We would ask our representatives to protect access to these services so that it continues to be possible to help our dog, who is very important to us, in a way that's easier for both him and us.
Kelly B.
Colorado Parker

“Compound Therapy has Saved My Life!”

I know hormone therapy saved my life in many different ways! A year ago, I started Hormone Pellet Therapy along with supplements, Progesterone, and Thyroid medication. I was 40 pounds heavier! I had hit a wall and could not lose the weight! My knees were starting to fail on me and working a labor-intensive job as a custom picture framer at 59 years old I knew I had to find a solution! This treatment has boosted my attitude, and my energy and my family and friends have truly seen a huge change not only physically but mentally! I tell everyone about my progress with hormone therapy. It is Important for the health of women and men in the United States. I stand tall in this medical treatment and will always fight for hormone therapy and for my health! Because YES it has SAVED MY LIFE! Physical activities I do besides custom picture framing your memories is belly dancing class, weight-lifting class, and paddleboarding now at the age of 60 years old!

“Mood swings, anger, lack of energy, hopelessness, fatigue, sleepless - this was my life.”

Menopause Misery. All of the characteristics women encounter during menopause were life for me. My days and nights were filled with lack of energy, fatigue, sleepless nights, severe hot flashes, and uncontrolled mood swings.

I've been on compounded bioidentical hormones for three years now and since beginning them, I have returned to feeling "normal", or like a human being. The first thing that changed after beginning them was my sleep, which went from being awake every two hours to a full night's rest. And then the hot flashes subsided, almost completely. My mood has turned from despair to hope again, and life is good instead of drudgery.

This therapy has been & continues to be life-changing for me.
Vanessa F.
Idaho Middleton

“My PMDD was treated effectively with compounded progesterone”

I have a premenstrual dysphoric disorder. I have been treated with antidepressants, and birth control pills, and have been offered a complete hysterectomy. I have found relief in compounded progesterone. Instead of feeling unwell and unable to function, I feel like a normal human being. To remove the ability of women to have access to this compounded hormone would be unethical, negligent, and corrupt.
Jamie L.
Texas Houston

“They saved my life and marriage!”

In 1998 I began Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy, I was depressed, losing hair, and having menopause symptoms. The treatments have been effective and I would recommend compounded meds to anyone. Thanks for keeping the option available to women and men. 
Patricia G.
Alabama Athens


After being diagnosed with hypothyroidism, I tried prescription drugs with little results. I started going to an MD who was more interested in health than sick care. Through several compounded formulas and lots of blood work, he prescribed the right one for me which was not a one size fits all. That was about nine years ago. I got my life back and no longer have the symptoms. Please do not stop the compounding pharmacies that have helped so many.
Stacie G.
North Carolina Durham

“I depend on compounded thyroid for my quality of life!”

As a Lymes Disease patient who has hypothyroidism, I have to take thyroid medication to have energy and stay healthy. I’ve been on Levoxyl, Synthroid, and several other synthetic t3 and t4 medications and nothing worked for me to decrease my hypothyroid symptoms until I discovered natural desiccated thyroid. I have a lot of allergies and armor didn’t work for me but nature thyroid did until it was taken away. I now rely on a compounded natural desiccated thyroid that is made without allergens which have given me back my energy, vitality, and life. I’m afraid that without it my health will decline again and I will be at risk for heart disease, debilitating fatigue, and inflammation pain.
Jill J.
Arizona Goodyear

“Life changing”

I’ve been using bio-identical hormones for 14 years and it was life-changing for me. I had hot flashes and body flushing that happened every 20 minutes, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. I could not sleep and it was affecting my work and my relationships. I would never go back. I will never use the synthetic version primarily because they must be broken down in the liver. The cream I use is absorbed through my skin sidestepping my liver. Better for my body.
Julie L.
Washington bainbridge Is

“Postmenopausal hormone therapy”

After menopause I found that my libido had dropped significantly, my mood was down, and I had pain in my lady parts, caused by dryness, just from walking. All of these symptoms went away with my compounded hormones. I have been using these hormones for about 8 years. Why on earth would you vote to take these away from us, other than to harm us? Please defend our freedom.
Marta B.
Colorado Bayfield

“Compounded hormones are miles better than the regular ones”

I started taking compounded hormones when I went through menopause about 14 years ago. I felt the benefits immediately - greatly reduced mood swings, no more hot/cold flashes, increased muscle strength, and firmer skin. They are expensive, so I tried regular hormones for a while to see if I could save money. A few days after taking the "regular" hormones, I had to go off of them, because I felt like I'd been hit by a truck. I went back to compounded hormones and I'm still on them and will be for as long as I can. Quality of life is important. Don't take that away from me.
Christine S.
Florida NAPLES

“My HRT cream is amazing”

I am a 65-year-old female who has been using compounded HRT cream for 15 years. My entire health would change without my HRT cream which is designed just for me. Aging is hard enough, without my HRT cream I will be miserable. Thanks for listening.
Cheryl F.
New Jersey Shamong

“I have been receiving bio-identical hormone replacement for 14 years”

I have been on bio-identical hormone replacement therapy for 14 years. Before I started I was experiencing extreme fatigue, disrupted sleep, low sex drive ( which was negatively affecting my marriage), vaginal dryness, and brain fog. Bio-identical hormone replacement has dramatically increased my quality of life. If this is no longer available to me I will be devastated. I do hope that you realize the study that is being used to potentially take away bio-identical hormones from thousands of people is a poorly designed study. Just like the NIH-funded women’s health initiative. Please do not take away our quality of life-based on flawed data.
Theresa H.
Minnesota St. Cloud

“I had a hysterectomy due to a fibroid that caused severe bleeding and other issues.”

After my hysterectomy, my day-to-day life changed greatly. I went on with life not knowing that there was a solution. I was introduced to a lifesaver, my doctor almost a year later. She did a complete blood workup and found that all three sex hormones were out of whack. Since discovering my results, I have been fortunate enough to have access to a compounding pharmacy. The compounding pharmacy has been a Godsend for me as they provide me with "Critical" hormone replacement therapy (cBHT) in the form of a troche. Please take my story to heart and reconsider your choice to restrict cBHT! My need for cBHT is no different from a person with Diabetes or Epilepsy. Please don't take my ability to live a "normal" life with cBHT.
Thank you
Danielle R.
Minnesota Cold Spring


I am so grateful for my compounding pharmacist from whom I get my bio-identical progesterone. I was diagnosed with a progesterone deficiency which has been affecting my menstrual cycle and my sleep. I suffer from insomnia and having my progesterone to take has helped me to get some much-needed sleep. I pray that Congress will fight to keep our bioidentical hormones available. Please protect our compounding pharmacists!!!
Margaret W.
Colorado Golden

“Pellets and bio-identical hormones were recommended to me by a friend who had heard both my mental and physical issues.”

After years of weight gain, anxiety, depression, lack of sex drive, and just general malaise, I researched bio-identical hormone therapy on the advice of a friend. I contacted my doctor and had my first consultation. After in-depth blood work it was determined that several of my hormones and vitamins were completely out of sync. I chose to try pellet and hormone therapy and within 2 weeks I was a new person. I have continued doing the therapy for several years and my husband has now joined me and has experienced the same wonderful and positive results hearing that the FDA wants to ban this has frankly frightened me to death. I hope they will do their due diligence like I did and see that there are so many of us that rely on this amazing treatment to keep us healthy and balanced.
Terri H.
Kansas Olathe

“Compounded Hormones saved me”

I was at my wit's end, feeling all the horrible symptoms of menopause. Cranky, foggy-headed, weight gain, no energy, depression, unable to sleep, unable to concentrate, hot flashes, no sex drive, not wanting to start or complete a project. None of the anti-depressants, over-the-counter or natural remedies worked for me. My doctor's suggestion of compounded hormones sounded like something I should try. I am so glad I did. Within a couple of months, I was back to my old self, feeling like exercising, which helped me make better food choices, and helped me lose weight. I was able to get out and enjoy myself, and my family. I can focus, concentrate and sleep! Without compounded hormones formulated for JUST ME, I will not feel this good. I fear feeling terrible again, in bad health. Compounded hormones are needed and very necessary for me and for so many.
Melissa S.
Missouri Rolla

“Saved my thinking!”

As a Pediatric ER nurse one can not stand around while the menopause brain is word searching! Observations and rapid critical thinking are of PARAMOUNT importance. I made a list of my symptoms- many many more than just word searching, and then prioritize them, and went to my OBGYN who prescribed the Bio-identical compounded hormones replacement- safer than pharmaceutical hormones. By the way, my OBGYN was on the federal board for women's health, because he knew a thing or two!!!
The compounded hormones saved not only my life, but my career and I’m sure the lives of the pediatric patients that I cared for! No more brain fog, more sleep, less emotional swing.
Andie E.
Oregon Portland

“Post chemo thyroid crisis”

I developed thyroid neuropathy in my legs and vestibular nerve post-chemo and was put on Synthroid for a year. While my numbers in the lab looked better my symptoms remained. I tried PT, OT, acupuncture, and a myriad of supplements to no avail. My internist suggested I try a smaller amount of compounded hormone and within 6 weeks I not only felt better but my balance, gait, and pain greatly improved.
I now have no symptoms and continue my compounded product. Please leave these valuable RXs as and choice and let my MD decide what I need!
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+ Add your story
Story Image Jacob R.

“Compounded Testosterone has dramatically improved my life!”

Story Image Julie N.

“Quality of life restored”

Story Image Ann M.

“Our compounder provides lifesaving medicine...”

Story Image Kelly B.

“Compound Therapy has Saved My Life!”

Story Image MICHAL J.

“Mood swings, anger, lack of energy, hopelessness, fatigue, sleepless - this was my life.”

Story Image Vanessa F.

“My PMDD was treated effectively with compounded progesterone”

Story Image Jamie L.

“They saved my life and marriage!”

Story Image Patricia G.


Story Image Stacie G.

“I depend on compounded thyroid for my quality of life!”

Story Image Jill J.

“Life changing”

Story Image Julie L.

“Postmenopausal hormone therapy”

Story Image Marta B.

“Compounded hormones are miles better than the regular ones”

Story Image Christine S.

“My HRT cream is amazing”

Story Image Cheryl F.

“I have been receiving bio-identical hormone replacement for 14 years”

Story Image Theresa H.

“I had a hysterectomy due to a fibroid that caused severe bleeding and other issues.”

Story Image Danielle R.


Story Image Margaret W.

“Pellets and bio-identical hormones were recommended to me by a friend who had heard both my mental and physical issues.”

Story Image Terri H.

“Compounded Hormones saved me”

Story Image Melissa S.

“Saved my thinking!”

Story Image Andie E.

“Post chemo thyroid crisis”

Jacob R.
Florida MIami

“Compounded Testosterone has dramatically improved my life!”

Not long after turning 50, I realized that I was always very tired, and weak, had lost muscle mass, and had virtually lost my libido. My primary care physician put me through a barrage of tests. But said nothing wrong. Two years later, I mentioned this to my urologist. He tested my hormone levels which came back at 1/4th the level they should have been for a man of my age, size, and weight. My urologist prescribed a combination of Compounded Testosterone and OTC DHEA. Within less than 30 days, I was feeling so much better. The difference for me, my wife, and our young children are immeasurable. He checks me twice per year to make sure they are at the optimal levels for me. Today, at 63 I am still going strong. Please do not jeopardize the availability of compounded hormones for me and the millions of others who benefit from them.
Julie N.
Florida Port Saint Lucie

“Quality of life restored”

In 2016 I started having a serious decline in several areas of my life. I couldn’t stay asleep for more than half an hour. I was awakened every night for two years every half an hour with hot flashes. I had pain starting to creep up in my legs, knees, and hips when I would lay down to sleep…when I sat too long with my students in class. I had emotionally tearful moments-- too many to count.
I tried taking higher-quality multivitamins and supplements to try and ease these issues. To no avail. After two years of all the above and energy levels dwindling, I began to research the topic of bio-identical hormone replacement. Through my research, I was also concerned with the history of breast cancer on my mom's side both of her sisters had it and one passed away from it. I knew through my research that there could be some risk but I also knew that the quality of my life was in a serious decline on so many levels. Exercise and supplements were doing absolutely nothing to alleviate my symptoms.
I finally desired to seek professional help and my new doctor was an answer to my dilemma. Since receiving my first bio-identical hormone pellets I have not missed a blood workup or pellet insertion appointment, mammogram, or breast sonogram. I previously wasn’t a person who went for regular checkups as I was healthy. I would go years in between gynecological exams. This is how much my quality of life has increased since being able to receive bio-identical hormone pellets. My doctor closed her practice close to my home and I even travel 45 minutes one way along with taking time off from work to keep up with this life-restoring treatment. Please make sure that this continues to not only be an option for me but for all women. I can not believe that this is not a mainstream treatment for menopause. Please make sure this medical treatment isn’t removed as well as make sure there are more studies done proving its efficacy as well as improving the quality of women’s as well as men's lives. Please make sure that this treatment can also be covered by insurance. If you will don your own research you will find that there are other long term health benefits. If you are a woman or love a woman or care about women, then please do research and fight for us to be able to keep our quality of life through bio-identical hormone replacement pellets.
Ann M.
Iowa West Des Moines

“Our compounder provides lifesaving medicine...”

I am the owner of a 10-year-old rat terrier and chihuahua mix named Ozzy. Ozzy has suffered from seizures since he was a puppy. He is on a number of medications to control these episodes but still needs emergency medicine from time to time. At some point, we were prescribed liquid diazepam to be administered anally in case of seizure. In these cases, he also needs a dose of phenobarbital, which we had been given in pill form.
Initially, to administer this medication was a difficult process that required assembly and took precious time in Ozzy's most vulnerable moments, in addition to being a challenge to pack when traveling. The liquid diazepam had to be drawn into a syringe using a needle, then the needle needed to be replaced with a nozzle attached to a tube which then would be injected into Ozzy. All this while our beloved pet seized violently and painfully waiting for relief. The phenobarbital pill also represented a challenge, not only because it was bitter, but because Ozzy struggled to bite and swallow during seizures.
We discovered compounding after moving in 2015. Since then, they have supplied us with a chicken-flavored liquid suspension of phenobarbital, as well as diazepam suppositories. Thanks to these compounded medications, providing Ozzy emergency relief during his seizures is much faster and easier. The suppositories need no equipment to administer, and the phenobarbital can be administered without something to disguise the taste.
Having access to compounded medications has really given us peace of mind about treating Ozzy's seizures. We would ask our representatives to protect access to these services so that it continues to be possible to help our dog, who is very important to us, in a way that's easier for both him and us.
Kelly B.
Colorado Parker

“Compound Therapy has Saved My Life!”

I know hormone therapy saved my life in many different ways! A year ago, I started Hormone Pellet Therapy along with supplements, Progesterone, and Thyroid medication. I was 40 pounds heavier! I had hit a wall and could not lose the weight! My knees were starting to fail on me and working a labor-intensive job as a custom picture framer at 59 years old I knew I had to find a solution! This treatment has boosted my attitude, and my energy and my family and friends have truly seen a huge change not only physically but mentally! I tell everyone about my progress with hormone therapy. It is Important for the health of women and men in the United States. I stand tall in this medical treatment and will always fight for hormone therapy and for my health! Because YES it has SAVED MY LIFE! Physical activities I do besides custom picture framing your memories is belly dancing class, weight-lifting class, and paddleboarding now at the age of 60 years old!

“Mood swings, anger, lack of energy, hopelessness, fatigue, sleepless - this was my life.”

Menopause Misery. All of the characteristics women encounter during menopause were life for me. My days and nights were filled with lack of energy, fatigue, sleepless nights, severe hot flashes, and uncontrolled mood swings.

I've been on compounded bioidentical hormones for three years now and since beginning them, I have returned to feeling "normal", or like a human being. The first thing that changed after beginning them was my sleep, which went from being awake every two hours to a full night's rest. And then the hot flashes subsided, almost completely. My mood has turned from despair to hope again, and life is good instead of drudgery.

This therapy has been & continues to be life-changing for me.
Vanessa F.
Idaho Middleton

“My PMDD was treated effectively with compounded progesterone”

I have a premenstrual dysphoric disorder. I have been treated with antidepressants, and birth control pills, and have been offered a complete hysterectomy. I have found relief in compounded progesterone. Instead of feeling unwell and unable to function, I feel like a normal human being. To remove the ability of women to have access to this compounded hormone would be unethical, negligent, and corrupt.
Jamie L.
Texas Houston

“They saved my life and marriage!”

In 1998 I began Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy, I was depressed, losing hair, and having menopause symptoms. The treatments have been effective and I would recommend compounded meds to anyone. Thanks for keeping the option available to women and men. 
Patricia G.
Alabama Athens


After being diagnosed with hypothyroidism, I tried prescription drugs with little results. I started going to an MD who was more interested in health than sick care. Through several compounded formulas and lots of blood work, he prescribed the right one for me which was not a one size fits all. That was about nine years ago. I got my life back and no longer have the symptoms. Please do not stop the compounding pharmacies that have helped so many.
Stacie G.
North Carolina Durham

“I depend on compounded thyroid for my quality of life!”

As a Lymes Disease patient who has hypothyroidism, I have to take thyroid medication to have energy and stay healthy. I’ve been on Levoxyl, Synthroid, and several other synthetic t3 and t4 medications and nothing worked for me to decrease my hypothyroid symptoms until I discovered natural desiccated thyroid. I have a lot of allergies and armor didn’t work for me but nature thyroid did until it was taken away. I now rely on a compounded natural desiccated thyroid that is made without allergens which have given me back my energy, vitality, and life. I’m afraid that without it my health will decline again and I will be at risk for heart disease, debilitating fatigue, and inflammation pain.
Jill J.
Arizona Goodyear

“Life changing”

I’ve been using bio-identical hormones for 14 years and it was life-changing for me. I had hot flashes and body flushing that happened every 20 minutes, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. I could not sleep and it was affecting my work and my relationships. I would never go back. I will never use the synthetic version primarily because they must be broken down in the liver. The cream I use is absorbed through my skin sidestepping my liver. Better for my body.
Julie L.
Washington bainbridge Is

“Postmenopausal hormone therapy”

After menopause I found that my libido had dropped significantly, my mood was down, and I had pain in my lady parts, caused by dryness, just from walking. All of these symptoms went away with my compounded hormones. I have been using these hormones for about 8 years. Why on earth would you vote to take these away from us, other than to harm us? Please defend our freedom.
Marta B.
Colorado Bayfield

“Compounded hormones are miles better than the regular ones”

I started taking compounded hormones when I went through menopause about 14 years ago. I felt the benefits immediately - greatly reduced mood swings, no more hot/cold flashes, increased muscle strength, and firmer skin. They are expensive, so I tried regular hormones for a while to see if I could save money. A few days after taking the "regular" hormones, I had to go off of them, because I felt like I'd been hit by a truck. I went back to compounded hormones and I'm still on them and will be for as long as I can. Quality of life is important. Don't take that away from me.
Christine S.
Florida NAPLES

“My HRT cream is amazing”

I am a 65-year-old female who has been using compounded HRT cream for 15 years. My entire health would change without my HRT cream which is designed just for me. Aging is hard enough, without my HRT cream I will be miserable. Thanks for listening.
Cheryl F.
New Jersey Shamong

“I have been receiving bio-identical hormone replacement for 14 years”

I have been on bio-identical hormone replacement therapy for 14 years. Before I started I was experiencing extreme fatigue, disrupted sleep, low sex drive ( which was negatively affecting my marriage), vaginal dryness, and brain fog. Bio-identical hormone replacement has dramatically increased my quality of life. If this is no longer available to me I will be devastated. I do hope that you realize the study that is being used to potentially take away bio-identical hormones from thousands of people is a poorly designed study. Just like the NIH-funded women’s health initiative. Please do not take away our quality of life-based on flawed data.
Theresa H.
Minnesota St. Cloud

“I had a hysterectomy due to a fibroid that caused severe bleeding and other issues.”

After my hysterectomy, my day-to-day life changed greatly. I went on with life not knowing that there was a solution. I was introduced to a lifesaver, my doctor almost a year later. She did a complete blood workup and found that all three sex hormones were out of whack. Since discovering my results, I have been fortunate enough to have access to a compounding pharmacy. The compounding pharmacy has been a Godsend for me as they provide me with "Critical" hormone replacement therapy (cBHT) in the form of a troche. Please take my story to heart and reconsider your choice to restrict cBHT! My need for cBHT is no different from a person with Diabetes or Epilepsy. Please don't take my ability to live a "normal" life with cBHT.
Thank you
Danielle R.
Minnesota Cold Spring


I am so grateful for my compounding pharmacist from whom I get my bio-identical progesterone. I was diagnosed with a progesterone deficiency which has been affecting my menstrual cycle and my sleep. I suffer from insomnia and having my progesterone to take has helped me to get some much-needed sleep. I pray that Congress will fight to keep our bioidentical hormones available. Please protect our compounding pharmacists!!!
Margaret W.
Colorado Golden

“Pellets and bio-identical hormones were recommended to me by a friend who had heard both my mental and physical issues.”

After years of weight gain, anxiety, depression, lack of sex drive, and just general malaise, I researched bio-identical hormone therapy on the advice of a friend. I contacted my doctor and had my first consultation. After in-depth blood work it was determined that several of my hormones and vitamins were completely out of sync. I chose to try pellet and hormone therapy and within 2 weeks I was a new person. I have continued doing the therapy for several years and my husband has now joined me and has experienced the same wonderful and positive results hearing that the FDA wants to ban this has frankly frightened me to death. I hope they will do their due diligence like I did and see that there are so many of us that rely on this amazing treatment to keep us healthy and balanced.
Terri H.
Kansas Olathe

“Compounded Hormones saved me”

I was at my wit's end, feeling all the horrible symptoms of menopause. Cranky, foggy-headed, weight gain, no energy, depression, unable to sleep, unable to concentrate, hot flashes, no sex drive, not wanting to start or complete a project. None of the anti-depressants, over-the-counter or natural remedies worked for me. My doctor's suggestion of compounded hormones sounded like something I should try. I am so glad I did. Within a couple of months, I was back to my old self, feeling like exercising, which helped me make better food choices, and helped me lose weight. I was able to get out and enjoy myself, and my family. I can focus, concentrate and sleep! Without compounded hormones formulated for JUST ME, I will not feel this good. I fear feeling terrible again, in bad health. Compounded hormones are needed and very necessary for me and for so many.
Melissa S.
Missouri Rolla

“Saved my thinking!”

As a Pediatric ER nurse one can not stand around while the menopause brain is word searching! Observations and rapid critical thinking are of PARAMOUNT importance. I made a list of my symptoms- many many more than just word searching, and then prioritize them, and went to my OBGYN who prescribed the Bio-identical compounded hormones replacement- safer than pharmaceutical hormones. By the way, my OBGYN was on the federal board for women's health, because he knew a thing or two!!!
The compounded hormones saved not only my life, but my career and I’m sure the lives of the pediatric patients that I cared for! No more brain fog, more sleep, less emotional swing.
Andie E.
Oregon Portland

“Post chemo thyroid crisis”

I developed thyroid neuropathy in my legs and vestibular nerve post-chemo and was put on Synthroid for a year. While my numbers in the lab looked better my symptoms remained. I tried PT, OT, acupuncture, and a myriad of supplements to no avail. My internist suggested I try a smaller amount of compounded hormone and within 6 weeks I not only felt better but my balance, gait, and pain greatly improved.
I now have no symptoms and continue my compounded product. Please leave these valuable RXs as and choice and let my MD decide what I need!

Hear their stories, in their own words. Protect their access to compounded hormones.

On this page, we can only touch on the data that demonstrates the importance of compounded hormones to the lives of millions of women in this country. While the decision to take this vital therapy from patients and physicians might be profitable for the big pharmaceutical companies, it will be disastrous for the millions of patients that those same pharmaceutical companies cannot serve!

We encourage the appropriate committees in both the House and Senate to hold hearings on this critical issue.

Preserve compounded hormones.

Explore our interactive map that demonstrates the importance of compounded hormones to patients all across the country. Filter these first-hand accounts by state to see just how vital compounded hormones are.

Explore our interactive map that demonstrates the importance of compounded hormones to patients all across the country. Filter these first-hand accounts by state to see just how vital compounded hormones are.

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