Carrie S.
“Compounded USP Thyroid Saved My Life”
I've been successfully taking compounded USP thyroid for 20 years with no side effects. I am unable to tolerate Armour Thyroid or Synthroid, so compounded USP thyroid is the only option for me. It has literally saved my life - giving me the health and energy I need to function. I am outraged that the FDA is trying to take away access to this medication for people like me who rely on it and have no other options. I am terrified to think about not having access to this medication that I have relied on for 20 years. The FDA must stop attempting to take away this medication from people like me who've safely used it for decades. There is simply no legitimate reason for this action.
Stacey C.
Cedar City
“I have lost weight, have improved sleep, my brain fog cleared, I have stronger muscles, and more energy.”
After years of synthetic meds, there was no improvement in my thyroid and progesterone issues. Compounded is the only way to go for me. My health is now balanced, hard to lose weight has just melted off, I have better sleep, my osteopenia is improving as well as headaches and brain fog have lifted and gotten better. My energy is much improved as well as I have more muscle strength and endurance. As a grandmother, they have given me my life back. I can better enjoy my young grandchildren and keep up with them. I can exercise and have desire and energy for all the activities I had given up before my Dr put me on compounded meds. Please don't take them away.
Nikki J.
Eagle Mountain
“I had surgical menopause at age 26.”
I suffered from endometriosis and had to have a total hysterectomy. I am now 46 years old and went through 15 years of not having adequate hormone replacement until I turned 40 and found a clinic that checked my bloodwork. That is when I found out there was no detectable levels of testosterone or progesterone in my blood and my Estrogen levels were through the roof while my Estradiol levels were low. It took one year to start to see improvements in my quality of life. I felt that I was done a disservice by my doctors for 15 years because no one bothered to check ALL my hormone levels. This is a critical therapy for women like me who lose their ovaries at such a young age.
Cathy S.
Sandy Springs
“I thought I was going into early senility”
I went through a period of time in my early fifties when I thought I was losing my mind. I couldn't sleep, which had never been a problem for me. I couldn't remember ANYTHING! I forgot words - "you know - that thing that the water runs into in the counter" when I couldn't come up with the word for the sink. I worked as a receptionist and I would have to ask people 5 times what their name was before I could get it all written down on their work order. I had hair-trigger emotions - crying way too easily or snapping someone's head off for no real reason. I was scared. I didn't want to live that way - I even had thoughts of suicide since I didn't want to have my family deal with early dementia, especially combined with the typical longevity of women in my family.
I happened to read an article about how hormones can affect one's brain and something clicked. I had my hormones and blood checked by a doctor who specialized in this area. My blood counts were all great. My hormones, on the other hand, were gone. My numbers were so low, the doctor commented "No wonder you feel like crap." He put me on a customized blend of several bio-identical hormones.
Within 2 weeks, I was sleeping again! I felt like myself again within a month. I had had hot flashes too - I called them "warm flashes." I'd feel too warm, but didn't have the red-faced, break-into-a-sweat, hot flashes some women get. But - I had my "warm flashes" hourly or even more frequently. Sweater on, sweater off. Covers on, covers off. After starting the bioidentical hormone therapy, their frequency dropped to a few times a day. I still have them 12 years later, just not nearly so often. But the flashes were never the reason I sought help. To me, they were a nice side effect of starting to use the bioidentical cream therapy that rescued my mental state.
I am still using my bioidentical cream many years later for a couple of reasons:
1) My family has a history of osteopenia and osteoporosis. There is little family history of heart problems and no family history of female cancers.
2) I am so scared to death that going off them will affect my brain/moods/sleep back to that dark place, that I'm not willing to even try. I've tried skipping it for a few days and I immediately start having trouble sleeping.
Please, please, please don't take my bioidentical hormones away from me!!!! I don't believe that any synthetic hormone drug available will help me like the customized blend I'm taking now does. It will also cost way too much for me to afford (and I seriously doubt insurance, when I'm lucky enough to have health insurance, would cover it). I am VERY happy with my bioidentical hormones - I've had no side effects and they help me tremendously!
Brooke H.
“Compounding Is The Healthiest Way To Truly Heal”
I take Compounded Thyroid and Pellet Testosterone. These two compounded hormones have absolutely transformed my health on every level. I absolutely depend on these wonderful natural compounds. These are so much safer than pharmaceuticals. Please do the right thing and demand FDA stop coming after compounding hormones. I suffer from low testosterone and low thyroid. My life is so healthy and vibrant thanks to these natural compounds
“Compounding changed my life”
When I became perimenopausal, I could not function. I was exhausted, had severe anxiety so bad I could not leave my house, depression and crying spells, hot flashes, mood swings, painful rashes on my body, and hair loss just to name a few. I have found doctors are not trained and for the most part, show little caring until I found the right doctor. I could not take traditional pills due to side effects. Compounding allowed my doctor to prescribe doses right just for me and my body. I have my life back, running my business, and enjoying time with my husband, family, and friends. I am sleeping at night!! I am so happy to have found a physician and compounding pharmacy to work with me.
Wheat Ridge
“Life changing!”
Before starting bio-identical hormone therapy, I tried using estrogen patches and pills. It didn’t help at all. It was then that I tried pellets and boy what a difference for me. Helped with depression, moodiness, and overall health. It made me a lot stronger, both mentally and physically.
theresa M.
“I beat osteoporosis...”
I beat osteoporosis because my doctor prescribed cBHT. I have a family history of women with osteoporosis. I was pleasantly surprised at the last two Dexa scan results said, "no treatment necessary".
“Crucial to my existence”
I started with compounded Hormone replacement after going through menopause. I tried the more conventional ways, but they didn’t cut it. After having a full hysterectomy two years ago, my dosage had to be adjusted. I don’t know what will happen to me without it. Because my body doesn’t produce the hormones it needs, it is essential that compounded hormone therapy remain available to me and many other women (and men) so we can live the best life possible.
Charytin M.
“Life changing”
These hormones compounded have been a life saving
Was suffering from perimenopausal symptoms which were dismissed by my provider trying commercial progesterone did not relieve my symptoms as the compounded progesterone has. Off-label testosterone has been a life changer for my sexual dysfunction symptoms if taken away there is no commercial use that can provide me the symptom relief that I have experienced.
Kitty H.
South Portland
“I need compounded thyroid meds AND others.”
I am allergic to CORN. I capitalized it because the problem is that many people don't realize how prevalent corn is in the American diet. Corn syrup, corn meal, corn starch, dextrose, malt dextrose, and "natural ingredients" are only a few of the items I have to look for on what are often very long lists of ingredients on food labels. Now let's talk about medicine ingredients, specifically inactive ingredients. This information is a little easier to get now via the internet. But I must be the one to do the research because corn is hidden is so many ingredients that even doctors and pharmacists would not recognize it. For example, a common binding ingredient in pills is modified food starch. I challenge any medical professional to be able to tell me if a specific pill with modified food starch contains corn protein or not. So because Rx meds for my hypothyroidism contain starch, I must have my levoythyroxine compounded to protect me from possible migraines, anaphylaxis, or death. It is that simple - my choices are to compound it, risk death, or risk the problems associated with untreated hypothyroidism.
Lorraine L.
“Calms my anxiety and helps me sleep.”
Menopause and oral cancer, combined, had me stressed out with anxiety and insomnia.
My PCP had my hormone levels tested and I had no detectable Estrogen, Progesterone or Testosterone. He prescribed transdermal HRT cream and it has done wonders for my mood, sleep, and outlook on life.
It is a must for my well-being.
“My experience”
At age 62, I had a total hysterectomy. I was given oral estrogen. When I went in for routine lab tests on estrogen level, it was found that my levels were very high and not being used in my body but loading up in my liver. I could not take oral estrogen. I found a pharmacist to evaluate my needs via lab work and started using a natural compounding pharmacy to get this hormone made in cream form and progesterone, which I could use safely to improve my health. and prevent bone loss. My quality of live would suffer immensely without being able to have this service provided. I am a medical professional, RN, MSN, working through the covid pandemic.
Jacee C.
My hormones flatlined in my 40s from overtraining as well as undereating. And then perimenopause hit! I was struggling to recover from my workouts, with energy, with sleep. I have been using compounded medications to help, which they have tremendously! It's frustrating as a patient, as well as a doctor, that big government thinks they know my body, health, and medical needs better than my doctor and I do.
Katherine H.
Des Moines
“Compounded Hormones”
I am a physician. I have been prescribing compounded hormones for patients who need it for 3 years. Unfortunately, since medical school education is driven in large part by the pharmaceutical industry, there is very little that physicians-in-training learn about compounded hormones as an option for patients in their practices. I had to seek out my own training and education; however, it is worth it, as many patients do not want to be on and should not be on synthetic hormones due to side effects and the potential increase in cancer rates. That said, there are many patients who are still in need of a hormone replacement, and compounded hormones provide that option in a safe and effective way. I always do comprehensive testing before starting any patient on a compounded hormone and I follow them while on the hormones. I can tailor the dosage in as small an amount as needed for each individual patient due to the nature of the compounding--this is not possible with 'one-size-fits-all' synthetic hormones. Please do not take this option away from patients and prescribers. Thank you.
“They kept me from going on disability”
Was suffering hot flashes, brain fog, and joint pain to the point that I would have to stop working if not for bioidentical hormone therapy. I work as a nurse and to be in the middle of a conversation and totally forget what you are talking about isn’t going to keep me employed. Also, the joint pain and fatigue were debilitating. Since starting injectables these symptoms are gone. I also cannot do the synthetic hormones, they make me suicidal.
Linda J.
Pleasant Hill
“I feel like myself again!”
I first started hormone replacement in my 40's. Unfortunately, it was with synthetics. When I told my new doctor (we had moved), that I wasn't comfortable taking a synthetic, she said she had some success with a low-dose anti-depressant. This seemed to work until I started menopause. Then all the old symptoms came back.
I started compounded hormones and haven't looked back! I feel great! Without them, I am miserable, and because they are compounded I don't have to worry about developing cancer as I did on the synthetic compounds.
rebecca M.
“My CHRT is life or death”
I have severe allergies and multiple health conditions. Conventional hormones contain ingredients that cause brain damage, among damaging my other organs. If I can't get a medicine compounded, then I can't get a medicine. This could lead to a high risk for neurological, autoimmune, and other immune disorders in addition to my already 10 diagnoses. I need my meds to be compounded to LIVE. Without hormone therapy, I can't manage the immune and neurological disorders I have currently.
Beverlt C.
“Tremendously Improved Quality of Life”
I have used Bio-identical Hormone Replacement aka The Pellets for over 12 years and my quality of life has improved tremendously. I sleep better, my bone density has improved, no hot flashes or night sweats, and definitely have improved my libido which was nil prior to the pellets. I had tried every available option to me and none worked for me until the bio-hormone replacement.
I recommend them to anyone who suffers or has any of the issues I experienced (noted above).
I don’t even want to think how my well-being and particularly my health would be affected if they were no longer available. So please fight for all of us to keep compounded hormones available.
“Saved my life!”
After giving birth to my daughter at the age of 36 through a C-section, and while still on the operating table, the surgeon discovered that endometriosis had spread tremendously and attached to my colon. It was decided that it was best to remove all my reproductive organs. As the lack of hormones spread through my system, I went from a happy normal mom and wife to a depressive, suicidal, mood-swing-crazed person. The hot flashes were out of control, I lost hair, and had dried skin, it was an endless array of issues. I was placed on a typical one for all synthetic HRT which didn't help. After desperately searching and seeing new doctors, and trying new medicines, I came upon Dr. Michelle Starke, my Saviour. After the initial saliva test, she prescribed compounded hormones. My C\compounding pharmacy filled the prescription. I finally began to stabilize and ultimately got my life back. I wouldn't have survived if not for the compound hormone made especially for me. Don't keep other women from having the chance at life after menopause or a hysterectomy.