
In , millions of people depend on compounded medicines to live normal, productive, healthy lives. Their first-hand stories speak directly to the power of this important therapy. As the FDA considers removing access to certain medicines like compounded hormones, their voices must be part of the conversation.

369 result(s)
Ivette L.
Story Image 02.01.2024

“Life changing”

Jacob R.
Story Image 11.15.2022

“Compounded Testosterone has dramatically improved my life!”

Julie N.
Story Image 11.08.2022

“Quality of life restored”

Cheryl L.
Story Image 11.08.2022

“Compounding changed my life”

Anette U.
Story Image 06.05.2024

“Life savers”

Monica M.
Story Image 02.01.2024

“Diagnosed in 2014”

Linda A.
Story Image 10.10.2023

“Compounding Hormones are a MUST”

Patricia B.
Story Image 03.03.2023

“Cannot take oral medication...”

Jean E.
Story Image 03.03.2023

“Nothing short of amazing!”

Laurie Y.
Story Image 02.09.2023

“Autoimmune hormonal needs!”

Richard D.
Story Image 02.01.2023

“A truly life changing therapy.”

Maria Paula D.
Story Image 01.13.2023

“High quality & personalized doses”

Rebecca B.
Story Image 12.13.2022

“Success with Pellett”

Ana Q.
Story Image 12.13.2022


Story Image 12.13.2022

“Great experience!”

Lisa M.
Story Image 12.09.2022

“Compounded hormones are saving my life!”

Leni I.
Story Image 11.23.2022

“Never experience Menopause”

Christine S.
Story Image 11.11.2022

“My HRT cream is amazing”

Charytin M.
Story Image 11.08.2022

“Life changing”

Betty V.
Story Image 11.08.2022

“Saved my life!”

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Ivette L.
Florida Hialeah

“Life changing”

Before I knew my hormones were unbalanced I couldn’t figure out what was wrong with me. I was cranky, exhausted, emotional, in pain, headaches - I can go on and on. Thankfully my doctor had me do bloodwork for a hormone panel test & and BINGO! I was off the charts! He put on a plan & and ever since there’s no going back! I told anyone who’d listen that may be going through what I was going through to please schedule an appt with their doctor to get tested. I am truly grateful.
Jacob R.
Florida MIami

“Compounded Testosterone has dramatically improved my life!”

Not long after turning 50, I realized that I was always very tired, and weak, had lost muscle mass, and had virtually lost my libido. My primary care physician put me through a barrage of tests. But said nothing wrong. Two years later, I mentioned this to my urologist. He tested my hormone levels which came back at 1/4th the level they should have been for a man of my age, size, and weight. My urologist prescribed a combination of Compounded Testosterone and OTC DHEA. Within less than 30 days, I was feeling so much better. The difference for me, my wife, and our young children are immeasurable. He checks me twice per year to make sure they are at the optimal levels for me. Today, at 63 I am still going strong. Please do not jeopardize the availability of compounded hormones for me and the millions of others who benefit from them.
Julie N.
Florida Port Saint Lucie

“Quality of life restored”

In 2016 I started having a serious decline in several areas of my life. I couldn’t stay asleep for more than half an hour. I was awakened every night for two years every half an hour with hot flashes. I had pain starting to creep up in my legs, knees, and hips when I would lay down to sleep…when I sat too long with my students in class. I had emotionally tearful moments-- too many to count.
I tried taking higher-quality multivitamins and supplements to try and ease these issues. To no avail. After two years of all the above and energy levels dwindling, I began to research the topic of bio-identical hormone replacement. Through my research, I was also concerned with the history of breast cancer on my mom's side both of her sisters had it and one passed away from it. I knew through my research that there could be some risk but I also knew that the quality of my life was in a serious decline on so many levels. Exercise and supplements were doing absolutely nothing to alleviate my symptoms.
I finally desired to seek professional help and my new doctor was an answer to my dilemma. Since receiving my first bio-identical hormone pellets I have not missed a blood workup or pellet insertion appointment, mammogram, or breast sonogram. I previously wasn’t a person who went for regular checkups as I was healthy. I would go years in between gynecological exams. This is how much my quality of life has increased since being able to receive bio-identical hormone pellets. My doctor closed her practice close to my home and I even travel 45 minutes one way along with taking time off from work to keep up with this life-restoring treatment. Please make sure that this continues to not only be an option for me but for all women. I can not believe that this is not a mainstream treatment for menopause. Please make sure this medical treatment isn’t removed as well as make sure there are more studies done proving its efficacy as well as improving the quality of women’s as well as men's lives. Please make sure that this treatment can also be covered by insurance. If you will don your own research you will find that there are other long term health benefits. If you are a woman or love a woman or care about women, then please do research and fight for us to be able to keep our quality of life through bio-identical hormone replacement pellets.
Cheryl L.
Florida Tampa

“Compounding changed my life”

When I became perimenopausal, I could not function. I was exhausted, had severe anxiety so bad I could not leave my house, depression and crying spells, hot flashes, mood swings, painful rashes on my body, and hair loss just to name a few. I have found doctors are not trained and for the most part, show little caring until I found the right doctor. I could not take traditional pills due to side effects. Compounding allowed my doctor to prescribe doses right just for me and my body. I have my life back, running my business, and enjoying time with my husband, family, and friends. I am sleeping at night!! I am so happy to have found a physician and compounding pharmacy to work with me.
Anette U.
Florida Hollywood

“Life savers”

I’m now 52 years old.
I started taking bio identical progesterone at age 39 after I gave birth. My body never produced the amount of progesterone I needed to feel good and in balance.
This progesterone first cream and now pills have saved my life.,
I’m now using as well estradiol cream and continue with progesterone.
Please allow these miracle helpers to continue available for us women, we really need them to be able to enjoy or lives.
Thank you
Monica M.
Florida Ft Lauderdale

“Diagnosed in 2014”

I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, (dermatomyositis) these hormones had saved my life! Other harsh medications like Methotrexate and Prednisone were making me feel very sick! Please do not stop compounding bio-identical hormones. They're known for their healing properties and non-side effects!
I'm taking cortisol and pregnenolone and my life depends on them!
Linda A.
Florida Miami

“Compounding Hormones are a MUST”

I've recently been diagnosed with osteoarthritis as well as loss of bone density in my spinal column. The number one remedy for this is hormone treatment. I refuse to subject my body to synthetic hormones that are metabolized through the liver and have numerous side effects. Compounding hormonal medications are the SAFEST and most EFFECTIVE way to treat and hopefully reverse these conditions. I plead with Congress to NOT allow the FDA to restrict anyone's ability to have this much safer option available to them.
In the few months I've been administering the compounded hormone treatments I no longer suffer from arthritic pain, this is solely attributed to these meds, no other pain or anti-inflammatory medications are consumed by me. I cannot stress enough the importance of compounding pharmaceuticals are necessary for my well-being and for countless others.
Patricia B.
Florida Naples

“Cannot take oral medication...”

I cannot ingest hormone replacement. I need compounded medication. I had a hysterectomy at age 30 and went straight into menopause. The compounded medication helped me get my life back since I cannot take oral hormones because of inflammatory reactions. I am a breast cancer survivor and these nontriggering hormone replacements help me tremendously.
Jean E.
Florida Miami

“Nothing short of amazing!”

I have been taking hormone therapy to increase my energy levels. I noticed a drastic drop in my energy around the age of 40. Leisurely, I am an avid athlete and weight lifter. Professionally, I am a P.E. teacher and trainer. So you can imagine the kind of energy levels that are required to do these things on a daily basis. Not to mention, I am a happily married man of 15 years with three boys. At the end of the work day, my boys require just as much committed energy from me to their needs. They train in jiu Jitsu, we play sports at our local park, and we all know boys are constantly getting into antics. Since being placed on hormone therapy my energy levels have been renewed and my gym workouts have been tremendous. So if this therapy were to be in jeopardy and made unavailable, men like myself would slowly struggle to maintain the strength and desire required to continue to drive our great nation forward. Hormone therapy keeps the mind and body of men in alpha mode. For me, it's the 2x a week kick in the ass remedy that drives me to be a great individual, father, sibling, co-worker, and husband. KEEP IT ON THE MARKET!
Laurie Y.
Florida Naples

“Autoimmune hormonal needs!”

Please! Bio-identical hormones have changed my life for the better. Please don’t get rid of the. I love how they can be made for your specific needs. I personally know of several friends who also that this has helped their quality of life tremendously.
Richard D.
Florida Miramar

“A truly life changing therapy.”

My story begins with always feeling extra tired and no will to do much. I didn't understand what was wrong with me and even thought I might have depression. Had a friend tell me to check out my hormone levels and so I did. To my surprise, my testosterone levels were that of an 80-year-old man-- we are talking 197 total testosterone with horrible levels of free and bioavailable testosterone. I got on testosterone therapy and literally within a few weeks I felt so much better the energy was back the drive to do things was also back not to mention a few other perks and functionality of a younger version of myself years ago. It was shocking honestly the effect a hormone can have on you physically and also mentally an absolutely life-changing therapy. I fear these restrictions would cause shortages. It would be devastating to not be able to receive this therapy for so many people and go back to hormone levels probably even lower than before. It's truly a matter of health because, without proper hormone levels, our bodies and even minds won't function properly. Thank you for your time.
Maria Paula D.
Florida Hollywood

“High quality & personalized doses”

I’ve been a patient with diagnosed hypothyroidism for over 4 years. Thanks to the compounding pharmacy, my doctor has been able to manage my doses according to my personal needs.

This personalization has made it possible to take the doses needed depending on my lab results which change regularly and to keep my hormones on appropriate levels.
Rebecca B.
Florida Pensacola

“Success with Pellett”

I was implanted with a bio-identical hormone pellet after having an emergency removal of my ovary. I had already tried estradiol and a progestin IUD. The traditional medicines failed with horrible side effects including migraines, nausea, mood swings, weepiness, and insomnia. The bio-identical pellet along with Prometrium did the trick. I felt like myself again. The misery lifted. The panic and palpitations were gone. The hot flashes and night sweats were completely eliminated. I was calm, cool, and collected. Just as if the emergency ovariectomy had never happened.
Ana Q.
Florida Miami


I started and continue taking compound hormones to treat menopause. Traditional medicines did not work. I have been taking them now for over 8 years and it has given me a quality of life again!
Florida Miami

“Great experience!”

I have been using compounded hormones (progesterone, estrogen, testosterone) and it has made such a difference. I feel more energetic and it has increased my sexual drive. I go to the gym 3 times/a week now. The doctor checks my hormone level twice a year and the lab report shows a hormonal level according to what it is expected to have due to my age after taking the hormonal treatment. I am glad that after menopause we don’t have to feel depressed, down, and have low libido.
Lisa M.
Florida Naples

“Compounded hormones are saving my life!”

I have been using compounded hormones for 5 years now, and I do not appreciate the FDA trying to get involved with MY choice of where I purchase my hormones. Compounded hormones are made with the powder form of hormones that are compounded into various forms like creams, gels, troches, suppositories, capsules, etc.
Leni I.
Florida Miami

“Never experience Menopause”

Compounding is a safe, non-invasive and smooth process for your body and mind.
I started 2 years before menopause and I didn't experience any symptoms like hot flashes, dry eyes, or mood changes. Now 7 years after I feel more energetic and focused.
Christine S.
Florida NAPLES

“My HRT cream is amazing”

I am a 65-year-old female who has been using compounded HRT cream for 15 years. My entire health would change without my HRT cream which is designed just for me. Aging is hard enough, without my HRT cream I will be miserable. Thanks for listening.
Charytin M.
Florida Stuart

“Life changing”

These hormones compounded have been a life saving
Was suffering from perimenopausal symptoms which were dismissed by my provider trying commercial progesterone did not relieve my symptoms as the compounded progesterone has. Off-label testosterone has been a life changer for my sexual dysfunction symptoms if taken away there is no commercial use that can provide me the symptom relief that I have experienced.
Betty V.
Florida Miami

“Saved my life!”

After giving birth to my daughter at the age of 36 through a C-section, and while still on the operating table, the surgeon discovered that endometriosis had spread tremendously and attached to my colon. It was decided that it was best to remove all my reproductive organs. As the lack of hormones spread through my system, I went from a happy normal mom and wife to a depressive, suicidal, mood-swing-crazed person. The hot flashes were out of control, I lost hair, and had dried skin, it was an endless array of issues. I was placed on a typical one for all synthetic HRT which didn't help. After desperately searching and seeing new doctors, and trying new medicines, I came upon Dr. Michelle Starke, my Saviour. After the initial saliva test, she prescribed compounded hormones. My C\compounding pharmacy filled the prescription. I finally began to stabilize and ultimately got my life back. I wouldn't have survived if not for the compound hormone made especially for me. Don't keep other women from having the chance at life after menopause or a hysterectomy.
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+ Add your story
Story Image Ivette L.

“Life changing”

Story Image Jacob R.

“Compounded Testosterone has dramatically improved my life!”

Story Image Julie N.

“Quality of life restored”

Story Image Cheryl L.

“Compounding changed my life”

Story Image Anette U.

“Life savers”

Story Image Monica M.

“Diagnosed in 2014”

Story Image Linda A.

“Compounding Hormones are a MUST”

Story Image Patricia B.

“Cannot take oral medication...”

Story Image Jean E.

“Nothing short of amazing!”

Story Image Laurie Y.

“Autoimmune hormonal needs!”

Story Image Richard D.

“A truly life changing therapy.”

Story Image Maria Paula D.

“High quality & personalized doses”

Story Image Rebecca B.

“Success with Pellett”

Story Image Ana Q.


Story Image Idolka

“Great experience!”

Story Image Lisa M.

“Compounded hormones are saving my life!”

Story Image Leni I.

“Never experience Menopause”

Story Image Christine S.

“My HRT cream is amazing”

Story Image Charytin M.

“Life changing”

Story Image Betty V.

“Saved my life!”

Ivette L.
Florida Hialeah

“Life changing”

Before I knew my hormones were unbalanced I couldn’t figure out what was wrong with me. I was cranky, exhausted, emotional, in pain, headaches - I can go on and on. Thankfully my doctor had me do bloodwork for a hormone panel test & and BINGO! I was off the charts! He put on a plan & and ever since there’s no going back! I told anyone who’d listen that may be going through what I was going through to please schedule an appt with their doctor to get tested. I am truly grateful.
Jacob R.
Florida MIami

“Compounded Testosterone has dramatically improved my life!”

Not long after turning 50, I realized that I was always very tired, and weak, had lost muscle mass, and had virtually lost my libido. My primary care physician put me through a barrage of tests. But said nothing wrong. Two years later, I mentioned this to my urologist. He tested my hormone levels which came back at 1/4th the level they should have been for a man of my age, size, and weight. My urologist prescribed a combination of Compounded Testosterone and OTC DHEA. Within less than 30 days, I was feeling so much better. The difference for me, my wife, and our young children are immeasurable. He checks me twice per year to make sure they are at the optimal levels for me. Today, at 63 I am still going strong. Please do not jeopardize the availability of compounded hormones for me and the millions of others who benefit from them.
Julie N.
Florida Port Saint Lucie

“Quality of life restored”

In 2016 I started having a serious decline in several areas of my life. I couldn’t stay asleep for more than half an hour. I was awakened every night for two years every half an hour with hot flashes. I had pain starting to creep up in my legs, knees, and hips when I would lay down to sleep…when I sat too long with my students in class. I had emotionally tearful moments-- too many to count.
I tried taking higher-quality multivitamins and supplements to try and ease these issues. To no avail. After two years of all the above and energy levels dwindling, I began to research the topic of bio-identical hormone replacement. Through my research, I was also concerned with the history of breast cancer on my mom's side both of her sisters had it and one passed away from it. I knew through my research that there could be some risk but I also knew that the quality of my life was in a serious decline on so many levels. Exercise and supplements were doing absolutely nothing to alleviate my symptoms.
I finally desired to seek professional help and my new doctor was an answer to my dilemma. Since receiving my first bio-identical hormone pellets I have not missed a blood workup or pellet insertion appointment, mammogram, or breast sonogram. I previously wasn’t a person who went for regular checkups as I was healthy. I would go years in between gynecological exams. This is how much my quality of life has increased since being able to receive bio-identical hormone pellets. My doctor closed her practice close to my home and I even travel 45 minutes one way along with taking time off from work to keep up with this life-restoring treatment. Please make sure that this continues to not only be an option for me but for all women. I can not believe that this is not a mainstream treatment for menopause. Please make sure this medical treatment isn’t removed as well as make sure there are more studies done proving its efficacy as well as improving the quality of women’s as well as men's lives. Please make sure that this treatment can also be covered by insurance. If you will don your own research you will find that there are other long term health benefits. If you are a woman or love a woman or care about women, then please do research and fight for us to be able to keep our quality of life through bio-identical hormone replacement pellets.
Cheryl L.
Florida Tampa

“Compounding changed my life”

When I became perimenopausal, I could not function. I was exhausted, had severe anxiety so bad I could not leave my house, depression and crying spells, hot flashes, mood swings, painful rashes on my body, and hair loss just to name a few. I have found doctors are not trained and for the most part, show little caring until I found the right doctor. I could not take traditional pills due to side effects. Compounding allowed my doctor to prescribe doses right just for me and my body. I have my life back, running my business, and enjoying time with my husband, family, and friends. I am sleeping at night!! I am so happy to have found a physician and compounding pharmacy to work with me.
Anette U.
Florida Hollywood

“Life savers”

I’m now 52 years old.
I started taking bio identical progesterone at age 39 after I gave birth. My body never produced the amount of progesterone I needed to feel good and in balance.
This progesterone first cream and now pills have saved my life.,
I’m now using as well estradiol cream and continue with progesterone.
Please allow these miracle helpers to continue available for us women, we really need them to be able to enjoy or lives.
Thank you
Monica M.
Florida Ft Lauderdale

“Diagnosed in 2014”

I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, (dermatomyositis) these hormones had saved my life! Other harsh medications like Methotrexate and Prednisone were making me feel very sick! Please do not stop compounding bio-identical hormones. They're known for their healing properties and non-side effects!
I'm taking cortisol and pregnenolone and my life depends on them!
Linda A.
Florida Miami

“Compounding Hormones are a MUST”

I've recently been diagnosed with osteoarthritis as well as loss of bone density in my spinal column. The number one remedy for this is hormone treatment. I refuse to subject my body to synthetic hormones that are metabolized through the liver and have numerous side effects. Compounding hormonal medications are the SAFEST and most EFFECTIVE way to treat and hopefully reverse these conditions. I plead with Congress to NOT allow the FDA to restrict anyone's ability to have this much safer option available to them.
In the few months I've been administering the compounded hormone treatments I no longer suffer from arthritic pain, this is solely attributed to these meds, no other pain or anti-inflammatory medications are consumed by me. I cannot stress enough the importance of compounding pharmaceuticals are necessary for my well-being and for countless others.
Patricia B.
Florida Naples

“Cannot take oral medication...”

I cannot ingest hormone replacement. I need compounded medication. I had a hysterectomy at age 30 and went straight into menopause. The compounded medication helped me get my life back since I cannot take oral hormones because of inflammatory reactions. I am a breast cancer survivor and these nontriggering hormone replacements help me tremendously.
Jean E.
Florida Miami

“Nothing short of amazing!”

I have been taking hormone therapy to increase my energy levels. I noticed a drastic drop in my energy around the age of 40. Leisurely, I am an avid athlete and weight lifter. Professionally, I am a P.E. teacher and trainer. So you can imagine the kind of energy levels that are required to do these things on a daily basis. Not to mention, I am a happily married man of 15 years with three boys. At the end of the work day, my boys require just as much committed energy from me to their needs. They train in jiu Jitsu, we play sports at our local park, and we all know boys are constantly getting into antics. Since being placed on hormone therapy my energy levels have been renewed and my gym workouts have been tremendous. So if this therapy were to be in jeopardy and made unavailable, men like myself would slowly struggle to maintain the strength and desire required to continue to drive our great nation forward. Hormone therapy keeps the mind and body of men in alpha mode. For me, it's the 2x a week kick in the ass remedy that drives me to be a great individual, father, sibling, co-worker, and husband. KEEP IT ON THE MARKET!
Laurie Y.
Florida Naples

“Autoimmune hormonal needs!”

Please! Bio-identical hormones have changed my life for the better. Please don’t get rid of the. I love how they can be made for your specific needs. I personally know of several friends who also that this has helped their quality of life tremendously.
Richard D.
Florida Miramar

“A truly life changing therapy.”

My story begins with always feeling extra tired and no will to do much. I didn't understand what was wrong with me and even thought I might have depression. Had a friend tell me to check out my hormone levels and so I did. To my surprise, my testosterone levels were that of an 80-year-old man-- we are talking 197 total testosterone with horrible levels of free and bioavailable testosterone. I got on testosterone therapy and literally within a few weeks I felt so much better the energy was back the drive to do things was also back not to mention a few other perks and functionality of a younger version of myself years ago. It was shocking honestly the effect a hormone can have on you physically and also mentally an absolutely life-changing therapy. I fear these restrictions would cause shortages. It would be devastating to not be able to receive this therapy for so many people and go back to hormone levels probably even lower than before. It's truly a matter of health because, without proper hormone levels, our bodies and even minds won't function properly. Thank you for your time.
Maria Paula D.
Florida Hollywood

“High quality & personalized doses”

I’ve been a patient with diagnosed hypothyroidism for over 4 years. Thanks to the compounding pharmacy, my doctor has been able to manage my doses according to my personal needs.

This personalization has made it possible to take the doses needed depending on my lab results which change regularly and to keep my hormones on appropriate levels.
Rebecca B.
Florida Pensacola

“Success with Pellett”

I was implanted with a bio-identical hormone pellet after having an emergency removal of my ovary. I had already tried estradiol and a progestin IUD. The traditional medicines failed with horrible side effects including migraines, nausea, mood swings, weepiness, and insomnia. The bio-identical pellet along with Prometrium did the trick. I felt like myself again. The misery lifted. The panic and palpitations were gone. The hot flashes and night sweats were completely eliminated. I was calm, cool, and collected. Just as if the emergency ovariectomy had never happened.
Ana Q.
Florida Miami


I started and continue taking compound hormones to treat menopause. Traditional medicines did not work. I have been taking them now for over 8 years and it has given me a quality of life again!
Florida Miami

“Great experience!”

I have been using compounded hormones (progesterone, estrogen, testosterone) and it has made such a difference. I feel more energetic and it has increased my sexual drive. I go to the gym 3 times/a week now. The doctor checks my hormone level twice a year and the lab report shows a hormonal level according to what it is expected to have due to my age after taking the hormonal treatment. I am glad that after menopause we don’t have to feel depressed, down, and have low libido.
Lisa M.
Florida Naples

“Compounded hormones are saving my life!”

I have been using compounded hormones for 5 years now, and I do not appreciate the FDA trying to get involved with MY choice of where I purchase my hormones. Compounded hormones are made with the powder form of hormones that are compounded into various forms like creams, gels, troches, suppositories, capsules, etc.
Leni I.
Florida Miami

“Never experience Menopause”

Compounding is a safe, non-invasive and smooth process for your body and mind.
I started 2 years before menopause and I didn't experience any symptoms like hot flashes, dry eyes, or mood changes. Now 7 years after I feel more energetic and focused.
Christine S.
Florida NAPLES

“My HRT cream is amazing”

I am a 65-year-old female who has been using compounded HRT cream for 15 years. My entire health would change without my HRT cream which is designed just for me. Aging is hard enough, without my HRT cream I will be miserable. Thanks for listening.
Charytin M.
Florida Stuart

“Life changing”

These hormones compounded have been a life saving
Was suffering from perimenopausal symptoms which were dismissed by my provider trying commercial progesterone did not relieve my symptoms as the compounded progesterone has. Off-label testosterone has been a life changer for my sexual dysfunction symptoms if taken away there is no commercial use that can provide me the symptom relief that I have experienced.
Betty V.
Florida Miami

“Saved my life!”

After giving birth to my daughter at the age of 36 through a C-section, and while still on the operating table, the surgeon discovered that endometriosis had spread tremendously and attached to my colon. It was decided that it was best to remove all my reproductive organs. As the lack of hormones spread through my system, I went from a happy normal mom and wife to a depressive, suicidal, mood-swing-crazed person. The hot flashes were out of control, I lost hair, and had dried skin, it was an endless array of issues. I was placed on a typical one for all synthetic HRT which didn't help. After desperately searching and seeing new doctors, and trying new medicines, I came upon Dr. Michelle Starke, my Saviour. After the initial saliva test, she prescribed compounded hormones. My C\compounding pharmacy filled the prescription. I finally began to stabilize and ultimately got my life back. I wouldn't have survived if not for the compound hormone made especially for me. Don't keep other women from having the chance at life after menopause or a hysterectomy.

Hear their stories, in their own words. Protect their access to compounded hormones.

On this page, we can only touch on the data that demonstrates the importance of compounded hormones to the lives of millions of women in this country. While the decision to take this vital therapy from patients and physicians might be profitable for the big pharmaceutical companies, it will be disastrous for the millions of patients that those same pharmaceutical companies cannot serve!

We encourage the appropriate committees in both the House and Senate to hold hearings on this critical issue.

Preserve compounded hormones.

Explore our interactive map that demonstrates the importance of compounded hormones to patients all across the country. Filter these first-hand accounts by state to see just how vital compounded hormones are.

Explore our interactive map that demonstrates the importance of compounded hormones to patients all across the country. Filter these first-hand accounts by state to see just how vital compounded hormones are.

No. of testimonials