
In , millions of people depend on compounded medicines to live normal, productive, healthy lives. Their first-hand stories speak directly to the power of this important therapy. As the FDA considers removing access to certain medicines like compounded hormones, their voices must be part of the conversation.

383 result(s)
Ivette L.
Story Image 02.01.2024

“Life changing”

Patricia L.
Story Image 08.13.2024

“Lifesaving BHRT-- A Must!!!”

Joanna D.
Story Image 08.13.2024

“Hormone Replacement Therapy”

Gloria L.
Story Image 08.13.2024

“Please keep bio-identical hormones available!”

Aaron T.
Story Image 08.13.2024

“Changed my life!”

Leslie W.
Story Image 08.13.2024

“I have had only good experiences”

Story Image 08.13.2024

“Best option ever!!!”

Mark F.
Story Image 08.13.2024

“Quality of Life”

Jose B.
Story Image 08.13.2024

“Enhanced my well being!”

Story Image 08.13.2024

“I got a chemical burn from preservatives in pharmaceutical creams...”

Elizabeth G.
Story Image 08.13.2024

“Vaginal cream”

Paige H.
Story Image 08.13.2024

“Mold Toxicity”

Jen D.
Story Image 08.13.2024

“Early menopause”

Illena T.
Story Image 08.13.2024

“Compound hormones changed my life!”

Mary D.
Story Image 08.05.2024

“I have been taking Compounding Hormone Replacement for 20 years or more.”

Anette U.
Story Image 06.05.2024

“Life savers”

Monica M.
Story Image 02.01.2024

“Diagnosed in 2014”

Linda A.
Story Image 10.10.2023

“Compounding Hormones are a MUST”

Patricia B.
Story Image 03.03.2023

“Cannot take oral medication...”

Jean E.
Story Image 03.03.2023

“Nothing short of amazing!”

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Ivette L.
Florida Hialeah

“Life changing”

Before I knew my hormones were unbalanced I couldn’t figure out what was wrong with me. I was cranky, exhausted, emotional, in pain, headaches - I can go on and on. Thankfully my doctor had me do bloodwork for a hormone panel test & and BINGO! I was off the charts! He put on a plan & and ever since there’s no going back! I told anyone who’d listen that may be going through what I was going through to please schedule an appt with their doctor to get tested. I am truly grateful.
Patricia L.
Florida Miami Beach

“Lifesaving BHRT-- A Must!!!”

I have been in Perimenopause, and started experiencing debilitating symptoms such as extreme fatigue, depression, insomnia, etc…I am currently on compound BHRT (Biodentical hormone therapy). It has unequivocably improved my quality of life, and I cannot imagine my life without it. For me to not have access to this lifesaving compound BHRT would be detrimental to my overall health and well-being. We must continue to have access!!
Joanna D.
Florida Miami

“Hormone Replacement Therapy”

Unfortunately, my story is not a good one. I received a kidney transplant 26 years ago and lived a completely normal, healthy lifestyle of being a vegan, with no sugar, no desserts, soda, or processed foods so that my kidney would last this long. I started HRT treatment with a new doctor in March of this year and by August my kidney function went from 77 egfr to 37. My creatinine is usually .9 -1 and now it is 1.62. I am trying to best save my kidney function, but do not know if it will ever return to normal. This has been so devastating as I have always taken the best care of this precious gift of a kidney.
Gloria L.

“Please keep bio-identical hormones available!”

Please keep bioidentical hormone therapy available and accessible through compounding pharmacies.

They are necessary for our health, well being and lives!!

This also includes for my daughter and best friend.

Thank you!
Aaron T.
Florida Fort Lauderdale

“Changed my life!”

When I went to my eurologist 3 years ago for a random check up I found that my testosterone levels were extremely low and at 49 years old they were only going to get worse with age.

I started taking TRT and DPAC (compound medication) and 3 years later I can say it changed my life. I'm more awake, I sleep better, I have more energy and my overall quality of life is simply light uears better.

I hope that your intentions are not to restrict or remove compound medications that truly help change people's lives and help them to live a better healthier life.
Leslie W.
Florida Miami Beach

“I have had only good experiences”

My gynecologist told me to take compounding hormones. I have been on these hormones for almost a decade and have been helped significantly by them. I do not want any governmental body/agency interfering in my care.
Florida Palm Beach Gardens

“Best option ever!!!”

After getting the hormones I feel with energy, more calm, happy, I can sleep through the night, my skin looks younger, and also they helped me increase my libido!
Mark F.
Florida Plant City

“Quality of Life”

When the Women’s Health Initiative study launched over a decade ago sponsored by the makers of Premarin it showed issues with our choices for hormone restoration from commercial meds in America. BHRT bioidentical hormones gave millions of men and women with declining hormones a choice. Like diabetics replacing insulin with human insulin, no longer beef or pork like the 80’s and back menopausal women can now choose a custom approach from many highly skilled compounding pharmacies. I feel compounders are only shown in a negative light by the FDA. There are many more wonderful pharmacies like mine, Family Care Pharmacy that have provided positive impact to loved ones who deserve this access to care. Truly custom, personalized medicine looking at the biological deficiency and providing the exact amount of medication needed not a 1 or 2 strength off the shelf solution. Know that many pharmacies self included have follow up assessments and surveys surrounding the patients pharmacological treatment to continue to optimize therapy based on patient and physician feedback. Please do not allow the FDA to deny access to care based on a highly flawed NESEM study.
Jose B.
Florida Miami

“Enhanced my well being!”

My Urologist discovered I had low T and prescribed a compound solution. This has worked well for me and restored my T levels within normal range. I feel better too.
Florida Boca Raton

“I got a chemical burn from preservatives in pharmaceutical creams...”

I get a reaction (chemical burn) to the preservatives and chemicals in standard prescription creams.The burn is so severe it can last for 7-10 days. I suffered for several years without help until one doctor recommended compounding for my estrogen cream.

In addition, I have a sensitivity to sodium laurel sulfate (confirmed by my lips burning and splitting open from conventional toothpaste and the problem resolving once I changed products). Many of our oral pharmaceuticals contain SLS. I can tolerate a short term dose of such medicines but they usually leave me with a very sensitive and uncomfortable bladder and pelvic area. The literature says SLS is ‘not harmful’ to us because our body releases it through our urine.Those of us who are sensitive feel the exposure in our urinary system. I can recover from that in a week or two but I would not be able to tolerate a long term medication containing SLS. It’s good to know compounding would be an option should I need a long term medication when the standard version contains SLS, for example, Metformin extended release. I certainly would not want to go through a whole red tape process to justify what I have been successfully using for almost ten years.
Elizabeth G.

“Vaginal cream”

I am a 70 year old women who has suffered for many years with vaginal dryness. Now, I know we don't like to talk about things like this because after all we are women and we are somewhat modest.
I didn't understand why it became more difficult for me to have intercourse even though I still wanted to have sex but found it painful.
Additionally, I started to become incontinent. Which was also embarrassing.
Finally, I found a doctor who gave me this prescription for vaginal cream. 
So he gave me this option of having it compounded. Thank the lord! It was totally worth it. I still feel there is something wrong when
we can talk openly about Erectile Dysfunction (ED) and the little blue pill that helps cure this is covered by insurance there is something wrong.
This medication can change the life style and the pleasure of living out your Golden years to the fullest.
Please make sure women have this.
Thank you
Paige H.
Florida Melbourne

“Mold Toxicity”

My hormones are nuts due to mold toxicity completely ravaging my body. I can’t take man-made hormone therapy due to side effects and tolerance to chemicals. Compounded is one of the only ways that I can receive treatment.
Jen D.
Florida Cocoa Beach

“Early menopause”

I went into menopause early after my doctor took me off birth control pills at age 43. Without biodentical compounded hormones I would not be able to function, take care of my family or work a job. Without them my hair was falling out, my body constantly aching and no sex drive which was destroying my marriage. With these compounded hormones I am able to live a good productive life.
Illena T.
Florida Naples

“Compound hormones changed my life!”

I started compound hormone therapy at 38. I was miserable with many abnormal symptoms. I feel so much better now! I had tried regular hormone pills in the past and they made me much worse. Im so thankful for finding a doctor who prescribed me Compounding hormones. I’ve met so many women with a similar experience.
Mary D.
Florida Miami

“I have been taking Compounding Hormone Replacement for 20 years or more.”

I have been taking Compounding Hormone Replacement for 20 years or more. I believe the fact that I have remained very healthy, is due to the compounding hormones I have taken. Additionally, I have remained fairly active and eat primarily a healthy diet. I am on NO medications. I have had osteopenia of the hips for several years, which has not advanced to osteoporosis. I have very fibrocystic breast but no diagnosis of pre-cancer or cancer. I am petite, weighing 90 pounds, give or take a couple of pounds. Therefore, adding weights and resistance to my strength training has helped me to avoid osteoporosis. I will continue on Compounding Hormones unless my GYN advises otherwise. I have seen a few GYN doctors over the years and each has approved my taking the hormone replacement. I get regular checkups. I am extremely happy with the Compounding Pharmacy I have used. I met the owner years ago and their quality and service have remained outstanding. You can always talk on the phone to a live representative and they are very responsive to any request.
Anette U.
Florida Hollywood

“Life savers”

I’m now 52 years old.
I started taking bio identical progesterone at age 39 after I gave birth. My body never produced the amount of progesterone I needed to feel good and in balance.
This progesterone first cream and now pills have saved my life.,
I’m now using as well estradiol cream and continue with progesterone.
Please allow these miracle helpers to continue available for us women, we really need them to be able to enjoy or lives.
Thank you
Monica M.
Florida Ft Lauderdale

“Diagnosed in 2014”

I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, (dermatomyositis) these hormones had saved my life! Other harsh medications like Methotrexate and Prednisone were making me feel very sick! Please do not stop compounding bio-identical hormones. They're known for their healing properties and non-side effects!
I'm taking cortisol and pregnenolone and my life depends on them!
Linda A.
Florida Miami

“Compounding Hormones are a MUST”

I've recently been diagnosed with osteoarthritis as well as loss of bone density in my spinal column. The number one remedy for this is hormone treatment. I refuse to subject my body to synthetic hormones that are metabolized through the liver and have numerous side effects. Compounding hormonal medications are the SAFEST and most EFFECTIVE way to treat and hopefully reverse these conditions. I plead with Congress to NOT allow the FDA to restrict anyone's ability to have this much safer option available to them.
In the few months I've been administering the compounded hormone treatments I no longer suffer from arthritic pain, this is solely attributed to these meds, no other pain or anti-inflammatory medications are consumed by me. I cannot stress enough the importance of compounding pharmaceuticals are necessary for my well-being and for countless others.
Patricia B.
Florida Naples

“Cannot take oral medication...”

I cannot ingest hormone replacement. I need compounded medication. I had a hysterectomy at age 30 and went straight into menopause. The compounded medication helped me get my life back since I cannot take oral hormones because of inflammatory reactions. I am a breast cancer survivor and these nontriggering hormone replacements help me tremendously.
Jean E.
Florida Miami

“Nothing short of amazing!”

I have been taking hormone therapy to increase my energy levels. I noticed a drastic drop in my energy around the age of 40. Leisurely, I am an avid athlete and weight lifter. Professionally, I am a P.E. teacher and trainer. So you can imagine the kind of energy levels that are required to do these things on a daily basis. Not to mention, I am a happily married man of 15 years with three boys. At the end of the work day, my boys require just as much committed energy from me to their needs. They train in jiu Jitsu, we play sports at our local park, and we all know boys are constantly getting into antics. Since being placed on hormone therapy my energy levels have been renewed and my gym workouts have been tremendous. So if this therapy were to be in jeopardy and made unavailable, men like myself would slowly struggle to maintain the strength and desire required to continue to drive our great nation forward. Hormone therapy keeps the mind and body of men in alpha mode. For me, it's the 2x a week kick in the ass remedy that drives me to be a great individual, father, sibling, co-worker, and husband. KEEP IT ON THE MARKET!
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+ Add your story
Story Image Ivette L.

“Life changing”

Story Image Patricia L.

“Lifesaving BHRT-- A Must!!!”

Story Image Joanna D.

“Hormone Replacement Therapy”

Story Image Gloria L.

“Please keep bio-identical hormones available!”

Story Image Aaron T.

“Changed my life!”

Story Image Leslie W.

“I have had only good experiences”

Story Image Maria

“Best option ever!!!”

Story Image Mark F.

“Quality of Life”

Story Image Jose B.

“Enhanced my well being!”

Story Image Claire

“I got a chemical burn from preservatives in pharmaceutical creams...”

Story Image Elizabeth G.

“Vaginal cream”

Story Image Paige H.

“Mold Toxicity”

Story Image Jen D.

“Early menopause”

Story Image Illena T.

“Compound hormones changed my life!”

Story Image Mary D.

“I have been taking Compounding Hormone Replacement for 20 years or more.”

Story Image Anette U.

“Life savers”

Story Image Monica M.

“Diagnosed in 2014”

Story Image Linda A.

“Compounding Hormones are a MUST”

Story Image Patricia B.

“Cannot take oral medication...”

Story Image Jean E.

“Nothing short of amazing!”

Ivette L.
Florida Hialeah

“Life changing”

Before I knew my hormones were unbalanced I couldn’t figure out what was wrong with me. I was cranky, exhausted, emotional, in pain, headaches - I can go on and on. Thankfully my doctor had me do bloodwork for a hormone panel test & and BINGO! I was off the charts! He put on a plan & and ever since there’s no going back! I told anyone who’d listen that may be going through what I was going through to please schedule an appt with their doctor to get tested. I am truly grateful.
Patricia L.
Florida Miami Beach

“Lifesaving BHRT-- A Must!!!”

I have been in Perimenopause, and started experiencing debilitating symptoms such as extreme fatigue, depression, insomnia, etc…I am currently on compound BHRT (Biodentical hormone therapy). It has unequivocably improved my quality of life, and I cannot imagine my life without it. For me to not have access to this lifesaving compound BHRT would be detrimental to my overall health and well-being. We must continue to have access!!
Joanna D.
Florida Miami

“Hormone Replacement Therapy”

Unfortunately, my story is not a good one. I received a kidney transplant 26 years ago and lived a completely normal, healthy lifestyle of being a vegan, with no sugar, no desserts, soda, or processed foods so that my kidney would last this long. I started HRT treatment with a new doctor in March of this year and by August my kidney function went from 77 egfr to 37. My creatinine is usually .9 -1 and now it is 1.62. I am trying to best save my kidney function, but do not know if it will ever return to normal. This has been so devastating as I have always taken the best care of this precious gift of a kidney.
Gloria L.

“Please keep bio-identical hormones available!”

Please keep bioidentical hormone therapy available and accessible through compounding pharmacies.

They are necessary for our health, well being and lives!!

This also includes for my daughter and best friend.

Thank you!
Aaron T.
Florida Fort Lauderdale

“Changed my life!”

When I went to my eurologist 3 years ago for a random check up I found that my testosterone levels were extremely low and at 49 years old they were only going to get worse with age.

I started taking TRT and DPAC (compound medication) and 3 years later I can say it changed my life. I'm more awake, I sleep better, I have more energy and my overall quality of life is simply light uears better.

I hope that your intentions are not to restrict or remove compound medications that truly help change people's lives and help them to live a better healthier life.
Leslie W.
Florida Miami Beach

“I have had only good experiences”

My gynecologist told me to take compounding hormones. I have been on these hormones for almost a decade and have been helped significantly by them. I do not want any governmental body/agency interfering in my care.
Florida Palm Beach Gardens

“Best option ever!!!”

After getting the hormones I feel with energy, more calm, happy, I can sleep through the night, my skin looks younger, and also they helped me increase my libido!
Mark F.
Florida Plant City

“Quality of Life”

When the Women’s Health Initiative study launched over a decade ago sponsored by the makers of Premarin it showed issues with our choices for hormone restoration from commercial meds in America. BHRT bioidentical hormones gave millions of men and women with declining hormones a choice. Like diabetics replacing insulin with human insulin, no longer beef or pork like the 80’s and back menopausal women can now choose a custom approach from many highly skilled compounding pharmacies. I feel compounders are only shown in a negative light by the FDA. There are many more wonderful pharmacies like mine, Family Care Pharmacy that have provided positive impact to loved ones who deserve this access to care. Truly custom, personalized medicine looking at the biological deficiency and providing the exact amount of medication needed not a 1 or 2 strength off the shelf solution. Know that many pharmacies self included have follow up assessments and surveys surrounding the patients pharmacological treatment to continue to optimize therapy based on patient and physician feedback. Please do not allow the FDA to deny access to care based on a highly flawed NESEM study.
Jose B.
Florida Miami

“Enhanced my well being!”

My Urologist discovered I had low T and prescribed a compound solution. This has worked well for me and restored my T levels within normal range. I feel better too.
Florida Boca Raton

“I got a chemical burn from preservatives in pharmaceutical creams...”

I get a reaction (chemical burn) to the preservatives and chemicals in standard prescription creams.The burn is so severe it can last for 7-10 days. I suffered for several years without help until one doctor recommended compounding for my estrogen cream.

In addition, I have a sensitivity to sodium laurel sulfate (confirmed by my lips burning and splitting open from conventional toothpaste and the problem resolving once I changed products). Many of our oral pharmaceuticals contain SLS. I can tolerate a short term dose of such medicines but they usually leave me with a very sensitive and uncomfortable bladder and pelvic area. The literature says SLS is ‘not harmful’ to us because our body releases it through our urine.Those of us who are sensitive feel the exposure in our urinary system. I can recover from that in a week or two but I would not be able to tolerate a long term medication containing SLS. It’s good to know compounding would be an option should I need a long term medication when the standard version contains SLS, for example, Metformin extended release. I certainly would not want to go through a whole red tape process to justify what I have been successfully using for almost ten years.
Elizabeth G.

“Vaginal cream”

I am a 70 year old women who has suffered for many years with vaginal dryness. Now, I know we don't like to talk about things like this because after all we are women and we are somewhat modest.
I didn't understand why it became more difficult for me to have intercourse even though I still wanted to have sex but found it painful.
Additionally, I started to become incontinent. Which was also embarrassing.
Finally, I found a doctor who gave me this prescription for vaginal cream. 
So he gave me this option of having it compounded. Thank the lord! It was totally worth it. I still feel there is something wrong when
we can talk openly about Erectile Dysfunction (ED) and the little blue pill that helps cure this is covered by insurance there is something wrong.
This medication can change the life style and the pleasure of living out your Golden years to the fullest.
Please make sure women have this.
Thank you
Paige H.
Florida Melbourne

“Mold Toxicity”

My hormones are nuts due to mold toxicity completely ravaging my body. I can’t take man-made hormone therapy due to side effects and tolerance to chemicals. Compounded is one of the only ways that I can receive treatment.
Jen D.
Florida Cocoa Beach

“Early menopause”

I went into menopause early after my doctor took me off birth control pills at age 43. Without biodentical compounded hormones I would not be able to function, take care of my family or work a job. Without them my hair was falling out, my body constantly aching and no sex drive which was destroying my marriage. With these compounded hormones I am able to live a good productive life.
Illena T.
Florida Naples

“Compound hormones changed my life!”

I started compound hormone therapy at 38. I was miserable with many abnormal symptoms. I feel so much better now! I had tried regular hormone pills in the past and they made me much worse. Im so thankful for finding a doctor who prescribed me Compounding hormones. I’ve met so many women with a similar experience.
Mary D.
Florida Miami

“I have been taking Compounding Hormone Replacement for 20 years or more.”

I have been taking Compounding Hormone Replacement for 20 years or more. I believe the fact that I have remained very healthy, is due to the compounding hormones I have taken. Additionally, I have remained fairly active and eat primarily a healthy diet. I am on NO medications. I have had osteopenia of the hips for several years, which has not advanced to osteoporosis. I have very fibrocystic breast but no diagnosis of pre-cancer or cancer. I am petite, weighing 90 pounds, give or take a couple of pounds. Therefore, adding weights and resistance to my strength training has helped me to avoid osteoporosis. I will continue on Compounding Hormones unless my GYN advises otherwise. I have seen a few GYN doctors over the years and each has approved my taking the hormone replacement. I get regular checkups. I am extremely happy with the Compounding Pharmacy I have used. I met the owner years ago and their quality and service have remained outstanding. You can always talk on the phone to a live representative and they are very responsive to any request.
Anette U.
Florida Hollywood

“Life savers”

I’m now 52 years old.
I started taking bio identical progesterone at age 39 after I gave birth. My body never produced the amount of progesterone I needed to feel good and in balance.
This progesterone first cream and now pills have saved my life.,
I’m now using as well estradiol cream and continue with progesterone.
Please allow these miracle helpers to continue available for us women, we really need them to be able to enjoy or lives.
Thank you
Monica M.
Florida Ft Lauderdale

“Diagnosed in 2014”

I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, (dermatomyositis) these hormones had saved my life! Other harsh medications like Methotrexate and Prednisone were making me feel very sick! Please do not stop compounding bio-identical hormones. They're known for their healing properties and non-side effects!
I'm taking cortisol and pregnenolone and my life depends on them!
Linda A.
Florida Miami

“Compounding Hormones are a MUST”

I've recently been diagnosed with osteoarthritis as well as loss of bone density in my spinal column. The number one remedy for this is hormone treatment. I refuse to subject my body to synthetic hormones that are metabolized through the liver and have numerous side effects. Compounding hormonal medications are the SAFEST and most EFFECTIVE way to treat and hopefully reverse these conditions. I plead with Congress to NOT allow the FDA to restrict anyone's ability to have this much safer option available to them.
In the few months I've been administering the compounded hormone treatments I no longer suffer from arthritic pain, this is solely attributed to these meds, no other pain or anti-inflammatory medications are consumed by me. I cannot stress enough the importance of compounding pharmaceuticals are necessary for my well-being and for countless others.
Patricia B.
Florida Naples

“Cannot take oral medication...”

I cannot ingest hormone replacement. I need compounded medication. I had a hysterectomy at age 30 and went straight into menopause. The compounded medication helped me get my life back since I cannot take oral hormones because of inflammatory reactions. I am a breast cancer survivor and these nontriggering hormone replacements help me tremendously.
Jean E.
Florida Miami

“Nothing short of amazing!”

I have been taking hormone therapy to increase my energy levels. I noticed a drastic drop in my energy around the age of 40. Leisurely, I am an avid athlete and weight lifter. Professionally, I am a P.E. teacher and trainer. So you can imagine the kind of energy levels that are required to do these things on a daily basis. Not to mention, I am a happily married man of 15 years with three boys. At the end of the work day, my boys require just as much committed energy from me to their needs. They train in jiu Jitsu, we play sports at our local park, and we all know boys are constantly getting into antics. Since being placed on hormone therapy my energy levels have been renewed and my gym workouts have been tremendous. So if this therapy were to be in jeopardy and made unavailable, men like myself would slowly struggle to maintain the strength and desire required to continue to drive our great nation forward. Hormone therapy keeps the mind and body of men in alpha mode. For me, it's the 2x a week kick in the ass remedy that drives me to be a great individual, father, sibling, co-worker, and husband. KEEP IT ON THE MARKET!

Hear their stories, in their own words. Protect their access to compounded hormones.

On this page, we can only touch on the data that demonstrates the importance of compounded hormones to the lives of millions of women in this country. While the decision to take this vital therapy from patients and physicians might be profitable for the big pharmaceutical companies, it will be disastrous for the millions of patients that those same pharmaceutical companies cannot serve!

We encourage the appropriate committees in both the House and Senate to hold hearings on this critical issue.

Preserve compounded hormones.

Explore our interactive map that demonstrates the importance of compounded hormones to patients all across the country. Filter these first-hand accounts by state to see just how vital compounded hormones are.

Explore our interactive map that demonstrates the importance of compounded hormones to patients all across the country. Filter these first-hand accounts by state to see just how vital compounded hormones are.

No. of testimonials