North Dakota
At the age of 50 I started with an occasional KT flash, which was no problem. Fast forward two years into the future and my hot flashes are severe I would be putting on makeup at the vanity and all the sudden a hit flag would have sweat running down my face or I would be at my desk working and hit flashes would fog up my readers.
Compound cream brought my life back to an even keel. I can’t imagine going back to the hot flash factor of menopause again. Compounds make a huge impact on people’s lives every day.
North Carolina
“I appreciate the ability to make minor adjustments to my hormone therapy based on how my body responds.”
I have been using compounded hormone replacement for just over a year. In partnership with my primary care physician and my compounding pharmacist, we have been able to tailor my therapy to my needs. We can make minor adjustments based on how my body responds. I am not forced to take pre-determined pill dosages that may not meet my needs. I am able to sleep soundly through the night without multiple episodes of waking. Hot flashes are now controlled. This allows me to have productive work days without brain fog from fatigue and hormonal imbalances. I appreciate having a qualified care team take care of me and understand my health needs.
“I experienced fatigue, vaginal dryness and sleep issues until hormone replacement.”
Hormone replacement has helped me maintain a balance with sleep, energy, vaginal discomfort and mood. Having celiac, the need for hormone replacement was vital to balancing out all my other hormones. Medical providers understand the need to be able to treat their patients and the benefits. Insurance and the FDA are not equipped to know the multiply reasons hormone replacement and the use of bio identical hormones on every persons unique situation. Stopping the ability for people like me to get hormone replacement is wrong on many levels.
“Early Menopause”
I have early menopause due to endometriosis. My endometriosis caused me to need to adopt in order to bring children into our family. I have 4 children. They are 11, 8, 2, and 2. They keep me very busy!!
As my youngest two were joining our family, I began experiencing menopause symptoms. It was excruciating and miserable to be dealingwith that, while teaching and taking care of my children, especially my two youngest!
I tried for awhile to see if my symptoms would smooth out, but they did not.
What a great relief it was to start cBHT. I no longer have hot flashes with nausea, exhaustion, and weakness. I can be a Mom with new vigor.
Please don't take my cBHT away!
San Jose
“Compounded hormones saved my life”
I have suffered from hormonal imbalances since the age of 12, I am now 47. As a teen and young adult I was put on synthetic hormones but they made me feel sick, impotent and left me too fatigued to go to school or function so I stopped taking them. They also gave me crippling migraines. Without compounded hormones I was left suicidally depressed. My periods were were so painful I could not work several days out of every month. I lost countless hours of productivity to menstrual pain and all of my 20s to hormone related depression. At 42 I was put on compounded hormones and it changed my life. No longer was I suicidal or depressed, my periods became manageable, I was able to function again instead of sleep for 12 hours a day. I regained my libido and at 47, I feel more feminine than I did at 25. I am no longer suicidal and I am rarely depressed, Please don’t take away this life saving, transformative treatment from women. Synthetic hormones do not work for all bodies and can make you severely sick if you are sensitive to them. We need this life saving treatment.
“Compounded Thyroid Medicine Gave Me Myself Back”
I had tried two different thyroid medications for months each before moving to a compounded T3/T4 specially made for me. The difference was extremely noticeable. I felt like myself again on the compounded thyroid medication! I no longer felt medicated--my body was getting exactly what it needed to function properly. Compounding has also allowed my doctor to meet the needs of *my* body as it went through pregnancy and post-partum by making slight alterations to my compound. My body isn't the same a everyone else's, why does my medication need to be?
“I am physician prescribing cBHRT”
For the last 10 years I have prescribed compounded BHRT and I have seen the significant difference in all aspect of my patient's life.
I have changed several of my patients from synthetric hormones compounded hormones and I can tell the difference as well as my patients.
Me as a patient I have used cBHRT for more than years with excellent results.
“Help me tremendously!”
I started suffering loss of hormones 12 years ago. It took two years, but thank God for BHRT. I was hot and sweaty and absolutely miserable. The hormones took all my symptoms away. They are like a miracle for me. I would hate to have to live life without them!
Canoga park
“Without compounded hormones I would not be here today”
I am a woman in surgical menopause for 18 years. No one explained to me the grave impact on my body and mental well being that having my ovaries removed
would cause me. A woman’s ovaries that produce all sex hormones are incredibly necessary for a plethora of functions in a body. I fell apart after my surgery. I no longer was the woman who I once was and I did not want to live. I started hormone replacement therapy and unfortunately, I was one of those women who are difficult to balance hormones and tried EVERYTHING out there that was FDA approved. I settled on compounding hormones because they can be custom made for my needs and additionally do not give me the side effects that the more potent FDA approved hormones gave to me. I have gone on to live a very fulfilling life another 18 years on hormones and cannot function with my compounded hormone therapy.
Andria Michele
South Dakota
“Saved my life”
I was in a bad way before I started with bio-identical hormone treatment about a decade ago.
I was anxious, depressed, suicidal and once, I even had a flash of a homicidal thought! It scared the heck out of me.
I had talked to my doctor, but he said the only way he knew was birth control and anti-depressant, but I had previously been on both with terrible side-effects.
I happened to talk with a friend and she suggested a woman that worked with bio-identical hormones.
It was a multiple step process. After the test results came back, I was sitting in the office waiting to hear the news.
It was a bad day that day. As I sat in the chair, I felt like a volcano was trying to go off inside me. It was hard to keep my emotions in check with so much inner turmoil.
The pharmacy was kind enough to rush my order and so I picked up the hormone cream on the way to work and used it that night, and then the next morning.
By 24 hours after my appointment and only 2 applications I was back to my normal, happy self. It was nothing short of miraculous.
I cannot express enough fury and indignation that the government is attempting to regulate something that is natural and normal. BIO-IDENTICAL means it is identical to our natural biology NOT synthetic.
For me, pharmaceuticals and synthetics have caused horrible side effects including anxiety, depression, and suicidal desires. The last birth control option I tried caused me to want to drive my car into a semi-truck. I never took a birth control pill again.
Yes, my natural hormone imbalances caused similar issues, but instead of creating more issues or exacerbating the issues, bio-identical hormone cream SOLVED them.
sherman oaks
“Compounded bio identical hormones gave me my life back.”
I was without hormones for 17 very long years. I had no quality of life. My physicians would not allow me to take hormones due to my having had two breast cancers. I could not sleep, I had horrific anxiety, the health of my vagina was failing and I could not make love with my husband. I had been in school to become a physician's assistant but had to stop due to my not being able to remember anything and I was unemployable as I could not stay awake or remember anything. I had every symptom a women possibly can have most unwanted and life to me was never fun -- all of my joy was completely gone. I felt like a dead weed all dried up and had hot flashes - 40 per day. 17 years of this was a living nightmare. I did finally meet the amazing physicians who understood that hormones help us - they do not harm. At age 59 I was given hormones - compounded bioidentical hormones and now at age 63 I work full time and I interview a world renowned menopause specialist twice per week and I am finishing up my first year of school. I laugh, I am able to sleep again, I am enjoying life. For me to live as I was without hormones was not living and it was awful. I cried daily for no reason, felt depressed and lethargic. My husband felt so helpless as to how to help me. Compounded bioidentical hormones were my lifesaver and never ever will I go off of them. Protecting my heart, brain, vagina, bones and muscle too is vital to me to do. I feel 100% safe in taking my hormones prescribed to me by a well trained doctor who does not wish to do any harm to me. Menopause is a specialty as is dosing correctly. Copying nature is not a bad thing - it is a good thing! We women and men need these we do. To take them from us would be a huge tragedy for almost10 million women and many men too. Thank you for reading my testimony. It is very important to all of us. Carolyne S. Los Angeles
“DHEA suppositories for vaginal atrophy”
Since I am a breast cancer survivor and unable to take regular hormone therapy for vaginal atrophy, the only relief afforded me is through compounded hrt.
I have been taking this compounded hormone for the past 6 years and have benefited greatly from improved quality of life. Without it, I would have to risk a hormone regimen that would put me at risk for more breast cancer. Not an option I want.
“Please do not take away compound hormones.”
They are effective and work better for me than non-compounded medications. I have been using compounded medications for at least 9 years and they make the quality of my life so much better. Please, please do not make access harder or unaffordable.
Lauren Mapleton
“I have Hashimoto's and take T3T4 Thyroid hormones.”
My journey started 7 years ago. I woke up one morning and my hands and joints were swollen. I when to urgent care and was referred to a rheumatologist. They determined I didn't have arthritis but had no clue what my problem was. I choose to see a Naturopath. I had determined that I had a thyroid condition and adrenal fatigue. After some blood work the naturopath said you are correct. It took over three years to discover that my body doesn't convert T3 to T4 and pig hormone Synthroid didn't work for me. We finally decided to try a compounded pharmacy. It has been the best thing for me. My Hashimoto symptoms are so much better. This is one of those times when western medicine doesn't work and I need doctors who could think outside of the box to help me. I know that I wouldn't be able to physically function if I couldn't take my compounded T3/T4.
“Vida Witcher”
My name is Vida Witcher. I am 59 years old. I have been using bio identical hormones for nine years. I feel happy with no aches and pains and my sharp mind always surprises my husband. I look young for my age and I am in perfect health. I know without a doubt that these are the results of taking hormones.
Taking hormones is my choice and my right and it is between me and my doctor.
Law makers are supposed to be on People’s side so please be on my side. Let me live my freedom. I don’t need you to decide for me if bio identical hormones are safe. They are safe and I am the proof.
Vida Witcher
Austin, Texas
“Life changing”
I've been a cyclist since my early 30's. I typically cycle 4-5 times a week for about 35-55 miles each time. I noticed a few years ago that I could not ride as well - neither as long nor as fast. I became tired, lethargic, very lazy feeling. I also started to feel depressed and very negative about life in general. After comprehensive exams and blood work, my doctor recommended that I take testosterone since my levels were apparently under norm. I started to take the compounded hormones and began to feel better. After a short time I was energized, positive in my outlook, and found I regained my sex drive. I feel great now, cycle with my husband, and even have the energy to help care for my grand children when needed. I believe the hormones have made a tremendous impact on me and my life.
“BHRT Life Saver”
In January 2018 my ovaries that were left from a partial hysterectomy completely stopped working! And the doctor would not allow me to be on estrogen pills for the danger of cancer. And she found that Regel PharmaLab would compound the hormones my body needed to help me stop having hot flashes every two minutes! This BHRT really have been a lifesaver for me! With them I’m able to sleep through the night again - without hot flashes waking me every two minutes.
Not to mention helping my dry skin and dry body parts to no longer be dry!
I cannot imagine going through life without them!
“I feel like myself again”
I have been on bioidentical hormones for most of the past 2 decades. I was off for a couple of years due to moving and being unable to find a doc to prescribe them. Now, back on again and in awe of the many positive effects. My energy and vitality are back. I once again have my creativity and clear thinking, joy and enthusiasm for life. Let's not allow these natural solutions to be taken away from us!!!
“Compounded HRT saved me”
I’ve had hot flashes that have woken me from a sound sleep for ten years. Yes, you read that correctly. I hadn’t had a good night’s sleep in a decade. I had seen Perimenopausal and Menopausal Specialists. I had tried herbal supplements with varied and sporadic success. I had doctors telling me that I must be depressed! I was not depressed. I was tired! Sleep deprived. HRT has worked for me. I’m finally sleeping again and a number of other hormone related symptoms have been alleviated too. Listen. There’s a reason they use sleep deprivation as a torture device. Until you have experienced it, you cannot imagine the agony. HRT was a lifeline for me.
“Excellent experience from treatment”
My doctor recommended Testosterone injection treatment several years ago. I have been on this treatment twice a week for the past 5 years and have noticed a difference in higher libido as well as strength. I have checkups including blood work every three months and this treatment really works for me.