United States

In the United States, millions of people depend on compounded medicines to live normal, productive, healthy lives. Their first-hand stories speak directly to the power of this important therapy. As the FDA considers removing access to certain medicines like compounded hormones, their voices must be part of the conversation.

5217 result(s)
Aaron T.
Story Image 08.13.2024

“Changed my life!”

Kim R.
Story Image 08.13.2024

“Hormone therapy has changed my life”

Lawrence R.
Story Image 08.13.2024

“I need my calm down cream!”

Lenny M.
Story Image 08.13.2024

“Compounding hormones keep me healthy and vital”

Story Image 08.13.2024

“Compounded medication is the difference maker.”

Leslie W.
Story Image 08.13.2024

“I have had only good experiences”

Kelli D.
Story Image 08.13.2024

“At 52, I don't desire to go through my activities of normal daily living without my compounded hormones ever again!”

Dawn W.
Story Image 08.13.2024

“Full hysterectomy at 35”

Cara F.
Story Image 08.13.2024

“Early menopause.”

amalia S.
Story Image 08.13.2024

“Dramatic decrease of symptoms!”

Story Image 08.13.2024

“Thyroid cancer 2007”

Story Image 08.13.2024

“Best option ever!!!”

Autumn M.
Story Image 08.13.2024

“Menopause at 41.”

Mark F.
Story Image 08.13.2024

“Quality of Life”

BreeAnne P.
Story Image 08.13.2024

“cBHT saved my mother's sanity”

Jose B.
Story Image 08.13.2024

“Enhanced my well being!”

Keann P.
Story Image 08.13.2024

“Hormone therapy completely changed my life.”

Story Image 08.13.2024

“I got a chemical burn from preservatives in pharmaceutical creams...”

Lyndsey S.
Story Image 08.13.2024

“My Quality of Life”

Elizabeth G.
Story Image 08.13.2024

“Vaginal cream”

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Aaron T.
Florida Fort Lauderdale

“Changed my life!”

When I went to my eurologist 3 years ago for a random check up I found that my testosterone levels were extremely low and at 49 years old they were only going to get worse with age.

I started taking TRT and DPAC (compound medication) and 3 years later I can say it changed my life. I'm more awake, I sleep better, I have more energy and my overall quality of life is simply light uears better.

I hope that your intentions are not to restrict or remove compound medications that truly help change people's lives and help them to live a better healthier life.
Kim R.
North Carolina Cary

“Hormone therapy has changed my life”

I went into peri- menopause about 10 years ago. As a young 40 yr old my symptoms were not being taking seriously until I found a doctor that specialized in female hormone therapy. This Gyn studied the research and did testing and monitoring to find out exactly what was going on in my body. Compounding gave her the ability to customize the prescription for me.

The traditional products are not formulated for individuals rather test subjects and speculated effectiveness for the masses. I appreciate the fact that my prescription can be tweaked as needed for me. Why would you take customization away from consumers? One size does not fit all when treating symptoms of menopause!!!!
Lawrence R.
North Carolina Cary

“I need my calm down cream!”

Need compounded testosterone cream to increase level while calming my overall mood. The compound pharmacy provides a critical need that serves to enhance hormone levels. In addition, the pharmacist answers to any questions and provides the expertise to alleviate any concerns.
Lenny M.
Tennessee Nashville

“Compounding hormones keep me healthy and vital”

I'm 65 years old, male, 5'11", 180 lbs, 32" waist, in excellent health, no illness or disease - NO PRESCRIPTION drugs - which is the most significant part of this story. Whenever I take a physical the doctors always ask "What medication are you taking"? When I reply NONE they have a shocked look on their face as if to imply....."everyone takes some medication"!

With compounded bio-identical hormones you don't have to take medications. 
Please insure that bio-identical hormones are available through compounding pharmacies for all people who want them.
Mississippi Hattiesburg

“Compounded medication is the difference maker.”

I’m allergic to all formulas of my medication from commercial pharmacies. Compounded medication does not have the chemical allergens that are a threat to my life.
Leslie W.
Florida Miami Beach

“I have had only good experiences”

My gynecologist told me to take compounding hormones. I have been on these hormones for almost a decade and have been helped significantly by them. I do not want any governmental body/agency interfering in my care.
Kelli D.
Minnesota Cokato

“At 52, I don't desire to go through my activities of normal daily living without my compounded hormones ever again!”

Dear Congress,

Unfortunately, through no fault of my own, I suffer hormonal imbalance, among other medical comorbidities. Compounded hormones (cBHT) and the other medicines and minerals I need at specific doses for my unique individual situation have been essential. Compounded hormones are the only tolerated, and suitable option to regain my normal health. Due to my unique situation and comorbidities, other single dose medications are not tolerated or even indicated for my treatment.

It's like the lock on the front door to my house... only one uniquely grounded key unlocks my front door, not just any key will unlock it. Only one very special, uniquely crafted key. It's not rocket science it's common sense, we can't slide a 4 inch square peg through a 2 inch round hole either. Since I've utilized compounded hormones I feel like I'm 30 years old again! I feel FANTASTIC! I have a normal life again, I can sleep uninterrupted for a full 7-8 hours, and I am back to all my usual and necessary activities, even gym workouts!

You may not be aware, but the FDA is citing a deeply flawed report from NASEM, signaling that it may consider new restrictions on compounded therapies. Compound pharmacy is the only therapy that actually works for me. I've tried them all, believe me, you can bank on the fact that my insurance company has put me through all the horrifically disturbing standard, "one size fits all", less efficacious step-edit formulary protocols throughout my treatment process. Been there, done that, and most definitely do NOT want to do that again! It's really quite simple, hundreds of thousands of individuals just like me can reassure you "one size does not fit all!"

The restrictions that would result from the FDA citing flawed NASEM reports would not only put access to compounded hormones and the only successful and tolerated treatment I have, but also successful therapy for hundreds of thousands of other individuals under a very real threat!

PLEASE spend the time and effort to preserve access to compounded hormones and other important compounded therapies so hundreds of thousands of patients are not thrown back into a miserable life of suffering through no fault of their own. Compounded hormones are vital to mine and thousands of others sanity each and every day. As well, they have been well tolerated, efficacious, improved outcomes, and have improved my quality of life! Isn't that what medicine is all about?
Dawn W.
Idaho Soda Springs

“Full hysterectomy at 35”

I found myself where I never thought I would be. After trying every alternative there was no doubt that I needed a full hysterectomy at 35. Afterwards the moodswings, dryness, depression and lack of sex drive was taking a toll on my spouse & family. The availability of compounded hormones made me feel like myself again. Please don't restrict access.
Cara F.
Colorado Castle rock

“Early menopause.”

I started perimenopause at 40 and by 45 was in menopause. If I did not have my local compounding pharmacy to provide me with my cBHT I don’t know where I would be. These hormones help me feel like a normal person again.
amalia S.
Arizona Tempe

“Dramatic decrease of symptoms!”

I have several medical diagnoses which were exacerbated severely, along with completely new sets of symptoms, with the onset of menopause. At least one of my conditions is reliant on the activity of estrogen and progesterone. My labs showed severe deficiency in both. I was trying to manage my already known health conditions, work full time and deal with all the symptoms of menopause (including lack of sleep) at the same time. An MD prescribed transdermal/topical Bioidentical HRT. Within 3 months my body responded and I was back to feeling and operating close to my usual baseline. Symptoms improved even more after 6 mos. Please do not take compounding Bioidentical HRT away from us. There are so many that can not function as a healthy human without it.
Alabama Tuscaloosa

“Thyroid cancer 2007”

Since having my thyroid removed in 2007 due to cancer. I’ve been diagnosed as being hypothyroid. I’ve tried Synthroid and Levothyroxine with Cytomel as I need T3 AND T4.

I cannot take the above mentioned meds as I have reactions to the fillers.

I’ve been on Armour Thyroud since 2010. This medication is much easier on my body and Ive adjusted well.

For those of us who suffer with thyroid disease, we would not wish this illness on our worst enemy.

However we need this medication to continue to thrive with our disease.

If this medication is taken off the market due to proposed regulations in 2029 so many of us would suffer.

More studies are needed. Thank you. 
Florida Palm Beach Gardens

“Best option ever!!!”

After getting the hormones I feel with energy, more calm, happy, I can sleep through the night, my skin looks younger, and also they helped me increase my libido!
Autumn M.
Michigan Port Huron

“Menopause at 41.”

My name is Autumn, I had to have a partial hysterectomy in 2014, I was 31 years old. I had incredible large amounts of uterine fibroids, endometriosis and pcs. This surgery was a year after I had my 2nd son. He was born with many special needs too. Fast forward to October 2022 my ovaries and all the metastatic endrometriosis that continued to grow in my abdomen post hysterectomy, had to be removed. I suffered every day until October, much pain impacted life. I am now in menopause, luckily I was able to come off my psych meds with my psychiatrist help. Turns out I had been misdiagnosed with bipolar since I was 14, thanks medical system and fda. Over medicated contributed to weight gain and many more life long problems. I have autism and trauma I am working through and severe anxiety from menopause. I won’t take psychiatric meds. I can’t take estrogen or many other hormones non bio identical as it raises my blood pressure which is being watch, I have a thoracic aorta aneurism, so high blood pressure is not a good thing. My Obgyn thinks the Biest will help and be safe. Please don’t make this more difficult to get. But both our boys are special needs and I am trying to work as an artist, husband barely makes enough money too. I need help.
Mark F.
Florida Plant City

“Quality of Life”

When the Women’s Health Initiative study launched over a decade ago sponsored by the makers of Premarin it showed issues with our choices for hormone restoration from commercial meds in America. BHRT bioidentical hormones gave millions of men and women with declining hormones a choice. Like diabetics replacing insulin with human insulin, no longer beef or pork like the 80’s and back menopausal women can now choose a custom approach from many highly skilled compounding pharmacies. I feel compounders are only shown in a negative light by the FDA. There are many more wonderful pharmacies like mine, Family Care Pharmacy that have provided positive impact to loved ones who deserve this access to care. Truly custom, personalized medicine looking at the biological deficiency and providing the exact amount of medication needed not a 1 or 2 strength off the shelf solution. Know that many pharmacies self included have follow up assessments and surveys surrounding the patients pharmacological treatment to continue to optimize therapy based on patient and physician feedback. Please do not allow the FDA to deny access to care based on a highly flawed NESEM study.
BreeAnne P.
Pennsylvania Kennett Square

“cBHT saved my mother's sanity”

My mother really suffered when her body started menopausal symptoms when she was just into her forties. She was given many different manufactured products to try and help curb her life-interrupting symptoms; yet all proved to be not worth the side effects, if they assisted at all.
At the time there were not many "compounders" in our local area, but one independent pharmacist owner, opened a "natural pharmacy" that promoted compounding for patients with specific needs. After a brief, yet very informative conversation with this pharmacist, my mom was set on trying cBHRT therapy.
It was a godsend as she would describe it. Her life literally went "back to normal", if you will, as she was able to trust her body once again.
My mother's story is quite detailed and I'm sure she'd be willing to tell it to anyone it would help, but with compounded hormone therapy being challenged as a legal treatment, she is very disappointed and feels many women are going to have to suffer, for no real good reason. She has urged me to share her brief story with the hopes more women (all people) will have access to these compounded medications and not have to suffer needlessly.
Thank you for your time and attention and please, from my mother and I, PRESERVE THIS CRITICAL MEDICAL THERAPY and stop this threat to legit, life-changing, cBHRT therapy!
Jose B.
Florida Miami

“Enhanced my well being!”

My Urologist discovered I had low T and prescribed a compound solution. This has worked well for me and restored my T levels within normal range. I feel better too.
Keann P.
Idaho Blackfoot

“Hormone therapy completely changed my life.”

I had a full hysterectomy at the age of 40 because of endometriosis. Without the use of compounded hormone therapy I would have gone thru menopause at a very young age and the hormone helped keep the hot flases and mood swings under control. I cannot imagine not having access to them.
Florida Boca Raton

“I got a chemical burn from preservatives in pharmaceutical creams...”

I get a reaction (chemical burn) to the preservatives and chemicals in standard prescription creams.The burn is so severe it can last for 7-10 days. I suffered for several years without help until one doctor recommended compounding for my estrogen cream.

In addition, I have a sensitivity to sodium laurel sulfate (confirmed by my lips burning and splitting open from conventional toothpaste and the problem resolving once I changed products). Many of our oral pharmaceuticals contain SLS. I can tolerate a short term dose of such medicines but they usually leave me with a very sensitive and uncomfortable bladder and pelvic area. The literature says SLS is ‘not harmful’ to us because our body releases it through our urine.Those of us who are sensitive feel the exposure in our urinary system. I can recover from that in a week or two but I would not be able to tolerate a long term medication containing SLS. It’s good to know compounding would be an option should I need a long term medication when the standard version contains SLS, for example, Metformin extended release. I certainly would not want to go through a whole red tape process to justify what I have been successfully using for almost ten years.
Lyndsey S.
Idaho Eagle

“My Quality of Life”

I first heard about Compounded hormone pellet therapy almost 2 years ago. I had a colleague who was going through menopause and was just miserable. Her OB just kept give her different Rx for Estrogen and other things that weren’t working. Within 3 weeks of her pellets being placed she felt like a new women and was no longer on any Rx meds. I knew I needed to look into it.
I am a mom of a 4 1/2 year old and a 2 year old, so to say I’m busy is an understatement. I have been a Registered Dental Hygienist for 19 years now, so health and research have always been something at the top of my lists when it comes to the ever evolving healthcare world.
When I first started looking into hormone therapy to help me, I was overweight, exhausted ( not sleeping well at all), emotional, incredibly short and rude with my husband and sometimes my children, and my anxiety was through the roof. I also have battled depression over the last 4 years as I suddenly and tragically lost my only brother. I knew I didn’t want to be on a Rx med for anything but I also knew I needed to do something to help me.
After my blood results came back and I saw how bad they were and after long discussions with my NP we mapped out a plan for my recovery that I was very happy with. We also discussed adding critical vitamins/supplements to my daily routine that I was incredibly deficient in as well. I’ve never had a doctor inform me so much about which vitamins/supplements to take, how much, and all the other benefits they had for me, not just the basics we all know. I felt good knowing I was taking things to help my body recover more naturally and not just shoving some synthetic drug down my throat that may help with one symptom but most definitely will cause another side effect.
Within the first month of starting my hormone journey the first thing I noticed was I was actually falling asleep quickly, and staying asleep all night. I was starting to dream again too, which was a great sign. The other major factor was my anxiety. It decreased my anxiety so much. I am much more calm and happy. I don’t get worked up over the little things I cannot control. My husband can attest I am so much nicer to him as well. I have now been on hormone therapy for about a year and a half and I can say I love this way of life. I have never felt better. I also have never felt better about what I’m putting into my body. I have lost over 40lbs, (have kept it off for over a year now) I have a ton more energy and I just feel really good. My body was so in need of so many things that I wasn’t giving it as well as it was unable to produce on it own. I am able to go longer between appointments as well because my body now knows it will get more and doesn’t use it all up as fast, I am “optimized” as they say.
My husband was always on testosterone cream but it never worked, and he didn’t care to take injections. After seeing my change he too decided hormone therapy might be the route for him. I will say, I’ve never seen him with more energy in our 13 years together. He could fall asleep at any point of the day and just always felt drained. He now is able to go throughout the day and enjoy activities with us without needing a nap. He’s happier and he too feels so much better. He always tells me he knows when his hormone therapy is starting to wear off because he feels so terrible.
This hormone therapy has changed my household for the better and I now know Countless others who are on it as well and every single person has said the same thing, they ALL feel so much better, are on less and less Rx synthetic drugs and are just happy to have found something that works. That’s what good quality medicine should do right? Taking that away will effect so many that rely on it for a better quality of life. Shoving synthetic prescription drugs down everyone’s throat does nothing but harm us in one way or another and we see it every single day!
Elizabeth G.

“Vaginal cream”

I am a 70 year old women who has suffered for many years with vaginal dryness. Now, I know we don't like to talk about things like this because after all we are women and we are somewhat modest.
I didn't understand why it became more difficult for me to have intercourse even though I still wanted to have sex but found it painful.
Additionally, I started to become incontinent. Which was also embarrassing.
Finally, I found a doctor who gave me this prescription for vaginal cream. 
So he gave me this option of having it compounded. Thank the lord! It was totally worth it. I still feel there is something wrong when
we can talk openly about Erectile Dysfunction (ED) and the little blue pill that helps cure this is covered by insurance there is something wrong.
This medication can change the life style and the pleasure of living out your Golden years to the fullest.
Please make sure women have this.
Thank you
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+ Add your story
Story Image Aaron T.

“Changed my life!”

Story Image Kim R.

“Hormone therapy has changed my life”

Story Image Lawrence R.

“I need my calm down cream!”

Story Image Lenny M.

“Compounding hormones keep me healthy and vital”

Story Image Jaxon

“Compounded medication is the difference maker.”

Story Image Leslie W.

“I have had only good experiences”

Story Image Kelli D.

“At 52, I don't desire to go through my activities of normal daily living without my compounded hormones ever again!”

Story Image Dawn W.

“Full hysterectomy at 35”

Story Image Cara F.

“Early menopause.”

Story Image amalia S.

“Dramatic decrease of symptoms!”

Story Image Mark

“Thyroid cancer 2007”

Story Image Maria

“Best option ever!!!”

Story Image Autumn M.

“Menopause at 41.”

Story Image Mark F.

“Quality of Life”

Story Image BreeAnne P.

“cBHT saved my mother's sanity”

Story Image Jose B.

“Enhanced my well being!”

Story Image Keann P.

“Hormone therapy completely changed my life.”

Story Image Claire

“I got a chemical burn from preservatives in pharmaceutical creams...”

Story Image Lyndsey S.

“My Quality of Life”

Story Image Elizabeth G.

“Vaginal cream”

Aaron T.
Florida Fort Lauderdale

“Changed my life!”

When I went to my eurologist 3 years ago for a random check up I found that my testosterone levels were extremely low and at 49 years old they were only going to get worse with age.

I started taking TRT and DPAC (compound medication) and 3 years later I can say it changed my life. I'm more awake, I sleep better, I have more energy and my overall quality of life is simply light uears better.

I hope that your intentions are not to restrict or remove compound medications that truly help change people's lives and help them to live a better healthier life.
Kim R.
North Carolina Cary

“Hormone therapy has changed my life”

I went into peri- menopause about 10 years ago. As a young 40 yr old my symptoms were not being taking seriously until I found a doctor that specialized in female hormone therapy. This Gyn studied the research and did testing and monitoring to find out exactly what was going on in my body. Compounding gave her the ability to customize the prescription for me.

The traditional products are not formulated for individuals rather test subjects and speculated effectiveness for the masses. I appreciate the fact that my prescription can be tweaked as needed for me. Why would you take customization away from consumers? One size does not fit all when treating symptoms of menopause!!!!
Lawrence R.
North Carolina Cary

“I need my calm down cream!”

Need compounded testosterone cream to increase level while calming my overall mood. The compound pharmacy provides a critical need that serves to enhance hormone levels. In addition, the pharmacist answers to any questions and provides the expertise to alleviate any concerns.
Lenny M.
Tennessee Nashville

“Compounding hormones keep me healthy and vital”

I'm 65 years old, male, 5'11", 180 lbs, 32" waist, in excellent health, no illness or disease - NO PRESCRIPTION drugs - which is the most significant part of this story. Whenever I take a physical the doctors always ask "What medication are you taking"? When I reply NONE they have a shocked look on their face as if to imply....."everyone takes some medication"!

With compounded bio-identical hormones you don't have to take medications. 
Please insure that bio-identical hormones are available through compounding pharmacies for all people who want them.
Mississippi Hattiesburg

“Compounded medication is the difference maker.”

I’m allergic to all formulas of my medication from commercial pharmacies. Compounded medication does not have the chemical allergens that are a threat to my life.
Leslie W.
Florida Miami Beach

“I have had only good experiences”

My gynecologist told me to take compounding hormones. I have been on these hormones for almost a decade and have been helped significantly by them. I do not want any governmental body/agency interfering in my care.
Kelli D.
Minnesota Cokato

“At 52, I don't desire to go through my activities of normal daily living without my compounded hormones ever again!”

Dear Congress,

Unfortunately, through no fault of my own, I suffer hormonal imbalance, among other medical comorbidities. Compounded hormones (cBHT) and the other medicines and minerals I need at specific doses for my unique individual situation have been essential. Compounded hormones are the only tolerated, and suitable option to regain my normal health. Due to my unique situation and comorbidities, other single dose medications are not tolerated or even indicated for my treatment.

It's like the lock on the front door to my house... only one uniquely grounded key unlocks my front door, not just any key will unlock it. Only one very special, uniquely crafted key. It's not rocket science it's common sense, we can't slide a 4 inch square peg through a 2 inch round hole either. Since I've utilized compounded hormones I feel like I'm 30 years old again! I feel FANTASTIC! I have a normal life again, I can sleep uninterrupted for a full 7-8 hours, and I am back to all my usual and necessary activities, even gym workouts!

You may not be aware, but the FDA is citing a deeply flawed report from NASEM, signaling that it may consider new restrictions on compounded therapies. Compound pharmacy is the only therapy that actually works for me. I've tried them all, believe me, you can bank on the fact that my insurance company has put me through all the horrifically disturbing standard, "one size fits all", less efficacious step-edit formulary protocols throughout my treatment process. Been there, done that, and most definitely do NOT want to do that again! It's really quite simple, hundreds of thousands of individuals just like me can reassure you "one size does not fit all!"

The restrictions that would result from the FDA citing flawed NASEM reports would not only put access to compounded hormones and the only successful and tolerated treatment I have, but also successful therapy for hundreds of thousands of other individuals under a very real threat!

PLEASE spend the time and effort to preserve access to compounded hormones and other important compounded therapies so hundreds of thousands of patients are not thrown back into a miserable life of suffering through no fault of their own. Compounded hormones are vital to mine and thousands of others sanity each and every day. As well, they have been well tolerated, efficacious, improved outcomes, and have improved my quality of life! Isn't that what medicine is all about?
Dawn W.
Idaho Soda Springs

“Full hysterectomy at 35”

I found myself where I never thought I would be. After trying every alternative there was no doubt that I needed a full hysterectomy at 35. Afterwards the moodswings, dryness, depression and lack of sex drive was taking a toll on my spouse & family. The availability of compounded hormones made me feel like myself again. Please don't restrict access.
Cara F.
Colorado Castle rock

“Early menopause.”

I started perimenopause at 40 and by 45 was in menopause. If I did not have my local compounding pharmacy to provide me with my cBHT I don’t know where I would be. These hormones help me feel like a normal person again.
amalia S.
Arizona Tempe

“Dramatic decrease of symptoms!”

I have several medical diagnoses which were exacerbated severely, along with completely new sets of symptoms, with the onset of menopause. At least one of my conditions is reliant on the activity of estrogen and progesterone. My labs showed severe deficiency in both. I was trying to manage my already known health conditions, work full time and deal with all the symptoms of menopause (including lack of sleep) at the same time. An MD prescribed transdermal/topical Bioidentical HRT. Within 3 months my body responded and I was back to feeling and operating close to my usual baseline. Symptoms improved even more after 6 mos. Please do not take compounding Bioidentical HRT away from us. There are so many that can not function as a healthy human without it.
Alabama Tuscaloosa

“Thyroid cancer 2007”

Since having my thyroid removed in 2007 due to cancer. I’ve been diagnosed as being hypothyroid. I’ve tried Synthroid and Levothyroxine with Cytomel as I need T3 AND T4.

I cannot take the above mentioned meds as I have reactions to the fillers.

I’ve been on Armour Thyroud since 2010. This medication is much easier on my body and Ive adjusted well.

For those of us who suffer with thyroid disease, we would not wish this illness on our worst enemy.

However we need this medication to continue to thrive with our disease.

If this medication is taken off the market due to proposed regulations in 2029 so many of us would suffer.

More studies are needed. Thank you. 
Florida Palm Beach Gardens

“Best option ever!!!”

After getting the hormones I feel with energy, more calm, happy, I can sleep through the night, my skin looks younger, and also they helped me increase my libido!
Autumn M.
Michigan Port Huron

“Menopause at 41.”

My name is Autumn, I had to have a partial hysterectomy in 2014, I was 31 years old. I had incredible large amounts of uterine fibroids, endometriosis and pcs. This surgery was a year after I had my 2nd son. He was born with many special needs too. Fast forward to October 2022 my ovaries and all the metastatic endrometriosis that continued to grow in my abdomen post hysterectomy, had to be removed. I suffered every day until October, much pain impacted life. I am now in menopause, luckily I was able to come off my psych meds with my psychiatrist help. Turns out I had been misdiagnosed with bipolar since I was 14, thanks medical system and fda. Over medicated contributed to weight gain and many more life long problems. I have autism and trauma I am working through and severe anxiety from menopause. I won’t take psychiatric meds. I can’t take estrogen or many other hormones non bio identical as it raises my blood pressure which is being watch, I have a thoracic aorta aneurism, so high blood pressure is not a good thing. My Obgyn thinks the Biest will help and be safe. Please don’t make this more difficult to get. But both our boys are special needs and I am trying to work as an artist, husband barely makes enough money too. I need help.
Mark F.
Florida Plant City

“Quality of Life”

When the Women’s Health Initiative study launched over a decade ago sponsored by the makers of Premarin it showed issues with our choices for hormone restoration from commercial meds in America. BHRT bioidentical hormones gave millions of men and women with declining hormones a choice. Like diabetics replacing insulin with human insulin, no longer beef or pork like the 80’s and back menopausal women can now choose a custom approach from many highly skilled compounding pharmacies. I feel compounders are only shown in a negative light by the FDA. There are many more wonderful pharmacies like mine, Family Care Pharmacy that have provided positive impact to loved ones who deserve this access to care. Truly custom, personalized medicine looking at the biological deficiency and providing the exact amount of medication needed not a 1 or 2 strength off the shelf solution. Know that many pharmacies self included have follow up assessments and surveys surrounding the patients pharmacological treatment to continue to optimize therapy based on patient and physician feedback. Please do not allow the FDA to deny access to care based on a highly flawed NESEM study.
BreeAnne P.
Pennsylvania Kennett Square

“cBHT saved my mother's sanity”

My mother really suffered when her body started menopausal symptoms when she was just into her forties. She was given many different manufactured products to try and help curb her life-interrupting symptoms; yet all proved to be not worth the side effects, if they assisted at all.
At the time there were not many "compounders" in our local area, but one independent pharmacist owner, opened a "natural pharmacy" that promoted compounding for patients with specific needs. After a brief, yet very informative conversation with this pharmacist, my mom was set on trying cBHRT therapy.
It was a godsend as she would describe it. Her life literally went "back to normal", if you will, as she was able to trust her body once again.
My mother's story is quite detailed and I'm sure she'd be willing to tell it to anyone it would help, but with compounded hormone therapy being challenged as a legal treatment, she is very disappointed and feels many women are going to have to suffer, for no real good reason. She has urged me to share her brief story with the hopes more women (all people) will have access to these compounded medications and not have to suffer needlessly.
Thank you for your time and attention and please, from my mother and I, PRESERVE THIS CRITICAL MEDICAL THERAPY and stop this threat to legit, life-changing, cBHRT therapy!
Jose B.
Florida Miami

“Enhanced my well being!”

My Urologist discovered I had low T and prescribed a compound solution. This has worked well for me and restored my T levels within normal range. I feel better too.
Keann P.
Idaho Blackfoot

“Hormone therapy completely changed my life.”

I had a full hysterectomy at the age of 40 because of endometriosis. Without the use of compounded hormone therapy I would have gone thru menopause at a very young age and the hormone helped keep the hot flases and mood swings under control. I cannot imagine not having access to them.
Florida Boca Raton

“I got a chemical burn from preservatives in pharmaceutical creams...”

I get a reaction (chemical burn) to the preservatives and chemicals in standard prescription creams.The burn is so severe it can last for 7-10 days. I suffered for several years without help until one doctor recommended compounding for my estrogen cream.

In addition, I have a sensitivity to sodium laurel sulfate (confirmed by my lips burning and splitting open from conventional toothpaste and the problem resolving once I changed products). Many of our oral pharmaceuticals contain SLS. I can tolerate a short term dose of such medicines but they usually leave me with a very sensitive and uncomfortable bladder and pelvic area. The literature says SLS is ‘not harmful’ to us because our body releases it through our urine.Those of us who are sensitive feel the exposure in our urinary system. I can recover from that in a week or two but I would not be able to tolerate a long term medication containing SLS. It’s good to know compounding would be an option should I need a long term medication when the standard version contains SLS, for example, Metformin extended release. I certainly would not want to go through a whole red tape process to justify what I have been successfully using for almost ten years.
Lyndsey S.
Idaho Eagle

“My Quality of Life”

I first heard about Compounded hormone pellet therapy almost 2 years ago. I had a colleague who was going through menopause and was just miserable. Her OB just kept give her different Rx for Estrogen and other things that weren’t working. Within 3 weeks of her pellets being placed she felt like a new women and was no longer on any Rx meds. I knew I needed to look into it.
I am a mom of a 4 1/2 year old and a 2 year old, so to say I’m busy is an understatement. I have been a Registered Dental Hygienist for 19 years now, so health and research have always been something at the top of my lists when it comes to the ever evolving healthcare world.
When I first started looking into hormone therapy to help me, I was overweight, exhausted ( not sleeping well at all), emotional, incredibly short and rude with my husband and sometimes my children, and my anxiety was through the roof. I also have battled depression over the last 4 years as I suddenly and tragically lost my only brother. I knew I didn’t want to be on a Rx med for anything but I also knew I needed to do something to help me.
After my blood results came back and I saw how bad they were and after long discussions with my NP we mapped out a plan for my recovery that I was very happy with. We also discussed adding critical vitamins/supplements to my daily routine that I was incredibly deficient in as well. I’ve never had a doctor inform me so much about which vitamins/supplements to take, how much, and all the other benefits they had for me, not just the basics we all know. I felt good knowing I was taking things to help my body recover more naturally and not just shoving some synthetic drug down my throat that may help with one symptom but most definitely will cause another side effect.
Within the first month of starting my hormone journey the first thing I noticed was I was actually falling asleep quickly, and staying asleep all night. I was starting to dream again too, which was a great sign. The other major factor was my anxiety. It decreased my anxiety so much. I am much more calm and happy. I don’t get worked up over the little things I cannot control. My husband can attest I am so much nicer to him as well. I have now been on hormone therapy for about a year and a half and I can say I love this way of life. I have never felt better. I also have never felt better about what I’m putting into my body. I have lost over 40lbs, (have kept it off for over a year now) I have a ton more energy and I just feel really good. My body was so in need of so many things that I wasn’t giving it as well as it was unable to produce on it own. I am able to go longer between appointments as well because my body now knows it will get more and doesn’t use it all up as fast, I am “optimized” as they say.
My husband was always on testosterone cream but it never worked, and he didn’t care to take injections. After seeing my change he too decided hormone therapy might be the route for him. I will say, I’ve never seen him with more energy in our 13 years together. He could fall asleep at any point of the day and just always felt drained. He now is able to go throughout the day and enjoy activities with us without needing a nap. He’s happier and he too feels so much better. He always tells me he knows when his hormone therapy is starting to wear off because he feels so terrible.
This hormone therapy has changed my household for the better and I now know Countless others who are on it as well and every single person has said the same thing, they ALL feel so much better, are on less and less Rx synthetic drugs and are just happy to have found something that works. That’s what good quality medicine should do right? Taking that away will effect so many that rely on it for a better quality of life. Shoving synthetic prescription drugs down everyone’s throat does nothing but harm us in one way or another and we see it every single day!
Elizabeth G.

“Vaginal cream”

I am a 70 year old women who has suffered for many years with vaginal dryness. Now, I know we don't like to talk about things like this because after all we are women and we are somewhat modest.
I didn't understand why it became more difficult for me to have intercourse even though I still wanted to have sex but found it painful.
Additionally, I started to become incontinent. Which was also embarrassing.
Finally, I found a doctor who gave me this prescription for vaginal cream. 
So he gave me this option of having it compounded. Thank the lord! It was totally worth it. I still feel there is something wrong when
we can talk openly about Erectile Dysfunction (ED) and the little blue pill that helps cure this is covered by insurance there is something wrong.
This medication can change the life style and the pleasure of living out your Golden years to the fullest.
Please make sure women have this.
Thank you

Hear their stories, in their own words. Protect their access to compounded hormones.

On this page, we can only touch on the data that demonstrates the importance of compounded hormones to the lives of millions of women in this country. While the decision to take this vital therapy from patients and physicians might be profitable for the big pharmaceutical companies, it will be disastrous for the millions of patients that those same pharmaceutical companies cannot serve!

We encourage the appropriate committees in both the House and Senate to hold hearings on this critical issue.

Preserve compounded hormones.

Explore our interactive map that demonstrates the importance of compounded hormones to patients all across the country. Filter these first-hand accounts by state to see just how vital compounded hormones are.

Explore our interactive map that demonstrates the importance of compounded hormones to patients all across the country. Filter these first-hand accounts by state to see just how vital compounded hormones are.

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