“Compounded hormones have truly saved my life.”
I have been taking compounded hormones for several years. I feel like I have my life back. I honestly never want to be without them. I am healthy now and I sleep very well now.
Please notice that I say now. Before I started taking compounded hormones I could not sleep. My adrenal system was not functioning properly. I had absolutely no energy. I could not even work out because I was so weak. I was gaining weight and getting really puffy looking. I went to several doctors and I was tested for diabetes and so many other things. It wasn't until I went to an internist that knew exactly what tests to order for me to check my hormones. Most primary care specialists did not know exactly what tests to order. She prescribed me compounded hormones because I did not want to take anything that wasn't natural. I felt better almost immediately. I can not emphasize how horrible I felt, how hopeless I felt, how depressed I was getting, I felt as though I would never have a normal life again. I felt as though my life was over and that I didn't want to live like that. I was ready to give up. I had seen several doctors to figure out what was wrong with me. Compounded hormones have made such a difference in my life and the life of my family. My children have a healthy mom now. Compounded hormones have truly saved my life.
Emily Z B.
South Carolina
“Naturopath guided me towards them.”
1)Helped our sex life. Before the pellets, I had a huge amount of pain during sex.
2)Gave me higher energy level
3)Helped get through menopause with almost no issues
4)supplements helped rebuild my immune system
B S.
Prairie Village
“Compounded Hormones--Natures Cure”
The compounded hormones have changed my life in creating a better balance with my body and mind. I do NOT have the risk factors for breast cancer, stroke and blood clots like I did with the synthetic hormone treatment. I no longer feel bloated or unhealthly. I am sleeping better and feel younger. I get bloodwork completed and it is proven they have helped my levels in ES and TS. Keeping the compounded hormones helps the lives of so many women!
Christina F.
Bel Air
“Topical hormones have been life-changing”
I began using topical testosterone after years of unnecessary suffering due to perimenopause. The uncontrollable mood swings, loss of energy, diminished libido, aches and pains, night sweats, hair loss, and myriad of other symptoms became too much to bear. With the addition of my hormonal gel, my husband and I have seen an improvement, and if it weren't for the compounded cream, I wouldn't be able to function and take care of my family they way they need and deserve. These medications are life-changing for women and 100% necessary to live normal, healthy, productive lives!
Bonnie W.
New Philadelphia, Ohio
“Been using cBHT for over 20 years!!”
I have used these hormones for over 20 years. I have benefited greatly from them. It has been a life saver for me. I have a better quality of health & life. I cannot even imagine going without them. Using something for over 20 years and to not have them available, I'm sure it would be a real health risk for my body. I like them due to the fact they are much safer! They are all doctor prescribed, let OUR doctors make these kinds of decisions!
“HRT has been has changed my life”
The benefits of personalized hormone replacement are significant. I had always been an active, energetic, overall happy person but as I entered into menopause i became fatigued without activity and never felt joy. My marriage and my relationship with my children and family members suffered. Since beginning HRT, i feel energetic again, I am active, my marriage is thriving and my relationships are healthy. Personalized HRT must remain available to all persons needing these life altering hormones.
Kerry C.
North Carolina
Carolina Beach
“CBHT Saves My Life”
I was getting between 4 and 8 hot flashes a day. Having had a hysterectomy that left me with ovaries meant that I didn’t know when I had a cycle and when I didn’t. No bleeding? No idea when it was happening. But the hot flashes happened all day every day. Some hot flashes gave me terrible migraines, and others gave me full on panic attacks in the work place. CBHT keeps me calm and cool and functioning on the job. With CBHT, I would have had to go through endless testing to determine another treatment for the migraines and disruptive anxiety attacks. This simple treatment keeps my depression at bay and has eliminated my ovarian cysts that had me in the emergency room more than once. Don’t mess with a good thing.
Tracy G.
Rochester Hills
“I use pellet Bhrt - life saving!”
BHRT is critical - not optional. After having a hysterectomy 10 years ago - with out consideration for the WHY I needed it - I just went along with my doctors advice. I wish I knew then what I know now.
BHRT has helped me be normal again - no more crazy mood swings and horrific muscle pain, joint point, deep sadness.. I have been using pellet therapy for over a year now - low dose and just feel normal again.
B H.
South Carolina
“Got me through menopause and beyond...”
I started taking bioidentical hormones at the onset of menopause symptoms. Because I take them, I am able to continue to work, have a sharp mind, a healthy heart, and no menopause symptoms. I can sleep better at night because of them. I have taken a compounded thyroid medication for many years also. I tried to go off of it and I was immobilized. It felt like a had huge weights on my legs. I was exhausted beyond what you could imagine. My thyroid nodules have also disappeared. I depend on compounded medications for quality of life and I refuse to go without them. There is no reason to ban them when they help so many people and do no harm!
Louise W.
North Carolina
I use Compounded HRT daily which is necessary for me to function normally in my daily life. I have used compounded medicine for 7 years and would not have any other options if I am unable to access this. I am appalled that the FDA is condemning this due to a flawed study.
I like millions of women depend on BHRT to function in our daily lives
Patricia L.
Miami Beach
“Lifesaving BHRT-- A Must!!!”
I have been in Perimenopause, and started experiencing debilitating symptoms such as extreme fatigue, depression, insomnia, etc…I am currently on compound BHRT (Biodentical hormone therapy). It has unequivocably improved my quality of life, and I cannot imagine my life without it. For me to not have access to this lifesaving compound BHRT would be detrimental to my overall health and well-being. We must continue to have access!!
“Hormone Replacement Therapy”
Unfortunately, my story is not a good one. I received a kidney transplant 26 years ago and lived a completely normal, healthy lifestyle of being a vegan, with no sugar, no desserts, soda, or processed foods so that my kidney would last this long. I started HRT treatment with a new doctor in March of this year and by August my kidney function went from 77 egfr to 37. My creatinine is usually .9 -1 and now it is 1.62. I am trying to best save my kidney function, but do not know if it will ever return to normal. This has been so devastating as I have always taken the best care of this precious gift of a kidney.
Elizabeth P.
South Carolina
“It is very important for women to have access to compounded hormones!”
I feel that it is very important for women to have access to compounded hormones therapy to assist in managing perimenopause/menopause symptoms. In the past, government organizations have a voiced a firm belief in women having access to their own personal Healthcare options and compounded hormone therapy should be included. My gynecologist prescribed compounded hormones after my hysterectomy and I feel they have helped me tremendously.
Brian R.
“It works.”
I can say my Doctor's working with the Compounding Pharmacy has served me very well for over 35 years. I have had nothing but great experiences with the pharmacy and the doctor. They work together to build a perfect outcome for me.
Stephanie M.
South Carolina
“I take compounded Progesterone”
I am almost 50 years old. I began taking taking compounded Progesterone to help regulate my menstrual cycle and stop irregular bleeding. Not only has the compounded formula fixed those issues, I have seen additional benefits; better sleep , weight loss and more energy. I have seen many Dr's over the years and this is the only option that has helped to balance my hormones. Women my age need access to this type of compound. It's safe and effective and much cleaner than a pharmaceutical drug.
Susan K.
“Gave me back my life!”
I had to have a complete hysterectomy in my 40's. With my ovaries gone I was not producing estrogen. I ignorantly thought I wouldn't need to replace it. The change was rapid and overwhelming. I became depressed & had no energy. I could barely get out of bed. The difference after I started the bio-identical compounded hormone cream was night & day. They brought me back to life. I can't overstate their necessity and benefit. Please recognize the absolute need for this therapy. Thank you!!
“Early Menopause from hysterectomy...”
I had a complete hysterectomy at 35 immediately throwing my body into menopause. I had hot flashes at all hours, fatigue, night sweats, depression, you name a symptom, I had it. I've tried most of the prescription hormone replacement therapies. They all had issues. Many were incredibly expensive due to limited insurance coverage. Frequently one or the other would be back ordered and I had to switch to a different kind. With my prescription at the compounding pharmacy, I can consistently and affordable get exactly what I need. Not to mention without the compounding pharmacy, testosterone isn't even available to women despite the clear research indicating it is critical part of the recipe for hormone replacement. Before you go banning something, please make sure you have a viable replacement. Too often women's health, especially reproductive health, takes a backseat to profits and gender bias.
Pamela E.
Incline Village
“Hormone Therapy Changed My Life”
I began menopause in my early 50s. After much testing and doctor visits, I aligned with a Dr. that partnered with me and a compounding pharmacy to provide me with customized hormone replacement therapy. This literally saved my life. I have worked with many compounding pharmacies in the last 15 years, after living in different geographic locations and they have always taken the time to explain and assess my symptoms, to find solutions to alleviate symptoms and improve/maintain my health safely. This has always been in conjunction with my Drs. My compounding pharmacists (and pharmacy’s) are ESSENTIAL for my well-being and health.
Please do NOT allow the FDA to over-reach and remove a safe and effective path to keep and maintain my well-being.
Thank You
Michelle W.
“Pellets for 17 years due to menopause at 40.”
I was a high mileage high school runner with extremely low body fat, so I had sporadic periods. Pellets have allowed me to have a normal aging process and libido that I wouldn’t have gotten since I stopped having periods at 40.
I feel safe taking natural testosterone hormones in pellet form, and I get yearly blood work to test my levels.
These pellets have allowed me to have a much better quality of life and marriage. The testosterone also enhances my muscle tone qualities.
I also use estradiol patches to get smaller amounts of estrogen. The estrogen pellets were not working as well for me.
Gloria L.
“Please keep bio-identical hormones available!”
Please keep bioidentical hormone therapy available and accessible through compounding pharmacies.
They are necessary for our health, well being and lives!!
This also includes for my daughter and best friend.
Thank you!