United States

In the United States, millions of people depend on compounded medicines to live normal, productive, healthy lives. Their first-hand stories speak directly to the power of this important therapy. As the FDA considers removing access to certain medicines like compounded hormones, their voices must be part of the conversation.

5217 result(s)
Thais G.
Story Image 09.02.2022

“Truly life changing”

Donna S.
Story Image 08.30.2022

“Hormones have made a huge difference in my life.”

Susan Y.
Story Image 08.23.2022

“My whole well being has depended on the bio-identical hormones for 17 years, ever since my hysterectomy at age 45.”

Story Image 08.23.2022


devaki B.
Story Image 09.06.2022

“I have had hormonal issues and tumors before compounded hormones”

Neil L.
Story Image 09.15.2022

“I have benefited immensely from this prescribed therapy from my Doctor”

Sandra S.
Story Image 09.15.2022

“Surgical menopause”

Beth H.
Story Image 09.15.2022

“One size fits all hormones did not work for me.”

Joe S.
Story Image 09.15.2022

“Critically-low levels helped by Compounded hormones”

Gina T.
Story Image 09.15.2022

“Bio-indentical hormones saved my quality of life”

Story Image 09.06.2022

“I am always looking for ways to ingest products without chemical additives”

Diane L.
Story Image 09.06.2022


Patrice B.
Story Image 09.06.2022

“I take bio-identical hormones, which is better for my body than pharmaceuticals”

Story Image 09.02.2022

“Desperate to Solve Menopausal Challenges”

Gretchen B.
Story Image 09.02.2022

“Life Changing”

Deborah D.
Story Image 09.02.2022

“Relief from hormones!”

Katalina G.
Story Image 08.30.2022

“cHRT therapy”

Paige J.
Story Image 08.23.2022

“Bio identical hormone pellets changed my life.”

Brynna M.
Story Image 08.23.2022

“Hormone therapy has improved my life”

Martine B.
Story Image 08.23.2022

“I had horrible menopause symptoms”

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Thais G.
New Jersey Fair Haven

“Truly life changing”

I started taking bio-identical hormones in Florida at the suggestion of my niece in 2005. I was forty-five years old then with a four-year-old son. We are healthy eaters, I was working out 4-5 times a week and not seeing results, I was always tired and I am not the type of person to just sit. Trying to enjoy sex was a task due to the dryness. This miracle bio-identical was God sent, my body rejuvenated from the inside out. My skin was more radiant, my muscle mass was finally showing my hard work, my restless leg syndrome was gone, and my mood was amazing. I was unstoppable. And sex, well thank you, Lord.
I described it to friends as a pot of flowers my son gave me and I forgot to water, I felt terrible when I found it all dried out. I filled my sink with water, submerged the pot, and watched it float to the top, tears. I left it there while I did chores. Finally soaked, I placed it outside, and just like that, swear it, it was rejuvenated, just like me. Please, bio-identical hormones have been God sent, they have helped so many people I know. I will be sixty-two years old this October, and no one believes me. I never want to do without. It would be a great injustice to take it away from people who have benefited greatly.
Donna S.
Minnesota Princeton

“Hormones have made a huge difference in my life.”

I had a total hysterectomy due to uterine cancer 14 years ago. Hormone therapy has been a lifesaver. Compounded hormones have helped me with hot flashes, better sleep, mood swings, heart health, brain fog, and all over better health! I’m so thankful I read an article in a woman’s magazine that mentioned a compounding pharmacy and practitioners who treated patients with bio-identical hormones. These practitioners do blood work and the hormone is compounded for you personally. There is a great need for these and yes, they really do make a difference!
Susan Y.
Florida Palm Bay

“My whole well being has depended on the bio-identical hormones for 17 years, ever since my hysterectomy at age 45.”

At age 45 I had to have a hysterectomy. Thank goodness, my doctor at the time was knowledgeable enough to recommend the bio-identical hormones to help with abrupt side effects from the surgery. I did a lot of reading and research myself and I found comfort in knowing the bio-identical hormones were much safer to take. Over the 17 years since my surgery, I have moved several times and I’ve always had to search for a doctor who will prescribe them, even being over an hour away, because that’s how important it is to my well-being. I will definitely not ever take regular hormones and if the bio-identical gets restricted or banded, I will not sleep, will gain weight, get hot flashes and be a miserable moody person for sure!
Colorado Denver


Without cBHT I was unfocused, anxious, tired, my body hurt, and I was uninterested in being intimate with my partner. cBHT has changed the quality of my life. Without it, I would be a mess. Finally, women are able to take control and this is yet another thing that is being taken from us.
devaki B.
Texas Austin

“I have had hormonal issues and tumors before compounded hormones”

In-utero I was exposed to the most endocrine-disrupting powerful synthetic estrogen, DES. It caused me to be very ill in my earlier life. I have had multiple cancers and I have lost many organs. Until I discovered compounded hormones.
Once I got on individualized exact dosages, especially since I had lost so many vital organs, I could stop my cancer madness.
Now in my older age - due to cBHRT, I have the youth, vitality, and energy and NO tumors for 20 years now, that I could not have, due to DES, in my younger age. I would not be who I am today without cBHRT and compounding pharmacists.
My body needs T. There is no FDA testosterone for women at all. Without that, I would NOT be who I am with the dynamic career and life I now have at 73. I look like 53. And act like 33. But without testosterone and cBHRT, that would NOT be the case.
I teach CMES to MDs and pharmacists.
Please, do not do this to us.
Neil L.
Florida Pompano Beach

“I have benefited immensely from this prescribed therapy from my Doctor”

I am concerned about the FDA restricting my access to a Customized Compounded Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy that’s been described by the doctor.

I have benefited immensely from this prescribed therapy from my Doctor, and I could not accept the FDA limiting my access to Customized Compounded Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy.
Sandra S.
California Rowland Heights

“Surgical menopause”

Had a partial hysterectomy that threw me into menopause. Causing extreme symptoms. Insomnia, extreme depression, I couldn't function, irrational thoughts, weight loss, other physical symptoms, an absolute nightmare! If it wasn't for bio-identical hormones, I wouldn't be here! It is a real issue for millions of women! Taking bio-identical hormones away would be devastating to millions. Many of us cannot tolerate synthetic hormones! It's my body my choice.
Beth H.
Tennessee Murfreesboro

“One size fits all hormones did not work for me.”

My GYN had prescribed me one size fits all hormones for my perimenopause symptoms. I felt like I was wired tight taking them. The same issue I had when taking "the pill" for birth control.
My New GYN suggested hormones compounded based on my needs. They sent me to a compounding pharmacist. Worked like a charm. The one-size fit had too much estrogen for me. They also could have brought on an increased breast cancer risk. The compounded ones had just what I needed. Don't take these options away from those of us that need them. Health care is personal.
Joe S.
Missouri Kansas City

“Critically-low levels helped by Compounded hormones”

This is an important medical care option; my wife's levels were critically low affecting almost every aspect of her life

Through the compounding hormones, much of this has been fixed and quality of life is better without the side effects from pharmaceutical versions of estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone.

We implore Congress to keep these as suitable options and alternatives to traditional hormone replacement therapy. It doesn't work for everyone and comes with side effects that do not make it an option for us.

Please do not restrict these therapies
Gina T.
New York Fulton

“Bio-indentical hormones saved my quality of life”

At 55 years old I stopped getting a period, I started quickly having joint pain, weight gain, fatigue, night sweats, sleepless nights, brain fog, dry vagina, and no libido. I was hunched over and walking like I was 70 due to the lack of hormones. I was literally becoming old and my quality of life was suffering. I couldn’t do anything, the joint pain was unbelievable. I’d be in bed after 20 minutes of any kind of physical activity, but after one month of being on bio-identical hormones, my quality of life had gone back to where I was premenopausal. I feel amazing like I’m in my 30s again no more joint pain no more hot flashes and night sweat, the brain fog is gone, and I can function through the day without needing breaks and naps. Without my bio-identical hormones, I will not have a decent quality of life.
Florida Indialantic

“I am always looking for ways to ingest products without chemical additives”

I have been using compounded estrogen for many years as I am trying to eliminate chemicals from my food & medicines. The U. N. Environment Programme has determined that parabens are an endocrine disruptor & are banned in Europe. Please don't take this option & alternative medicine away!
Diane L.
Minnesota Hawick


After my hysterectomy 45 years ago, I because a raging lunatic. I was all over the place; I would fly off the handle at a moment's notice. I reacted terribly to the synthetic hormones that were prescribed to me.
When I finally found a doctor who would listen to me, he prescribed cBHT, and it changed not only my life but the lives of my husband and children.
Once my hormones were balanced, I was able to live a normal life.
Patrice B.
Florida Aventura

“I take bio-identical hormones, which is better for my body than pharmaceuticals”

I had a hysterectomy and oophorectomy at age 31. I am now 65. My body metabolizes natural hormones better than what is made in chemical pharmacies. I take a compounded estrogen and testosterone cream and a compounded progesterone capsule every day. It helps my body with all kinds of symptoms.
Florida Naples

“Desperate to Solve Menopausal Challenges”

During the past 7 years, I have been experiencing challenging menopausal symptoms. I am so happy to have found a trusted and experienced OB/GYN, who helped solve my challenges with cBHT. I feel much better!
I think it is important for everyone to have options to choose from in regard to their health and to have the freedom to choose, with the help of their trusted doctor, what best suits them! My body, my choices!
Gretchen B.
Colorado Boulder

“Life Changing”

My energy, clarity, and libido have improved significantly. I'm a much happier person. I have been on this journey for 9 months and will continue. I have told my friends and family and they're on board too.
Deborah D.
North Carolina Gastoina

“Relief from hormones!”

In 2008 I was severely exhausted, challenged by hot flashes, mood issues, and depression. My hair was falling out, I was sleeping only 2 hours per night. I went to 8 physicians. I have been in medicine my whole life and could not believe the level or lack of treatment… I had one doctor throw a pack of progestin ( synthetic) hormones at me and say that’s all I have. I took two caps and had a severe reaction. My thyroid was off as well! I could not take commercial pharmaceuticals for this … they have gluten in them and dyes which I reacted to. I found the only relief in compounded hormones! With testosterone and estradiol and progesterone, I am able to have energy and stay cognitively sharp. The thyroid compound has helped with energy, sleep, temperature regulation, and my mood. None of those was ever suggested by any conventional physician. I would like to say this aged my life. I would like to say I am on no other medication!
Katalina G.
Colorado KIOWA

“cHRT therapy”

As if the cancel culture has not gone far enough, now older women, already mostly invisible to the world are next? BHRT has saved my life allowing me to remain healthy & self-sufficient. I work every day with energy my much younger co-workers don't have. I get paid & do not plan to retire or draw SS benefits until I physically can't work anymore. My brain is stimulated, my body healthy, & I no longer need meds other doctors have prescribed for an aging woman. 
Paige J.
Colorado Steamboat Springs

“Bio identical hormone pellets changed my life.”

I started doing hormone pellet therapy 7 years ago... I get blood work done and have body analysis every 3 months. I can see the objective changes in my blood work as well as my bone density and body composition. I haven't even mentioned the clinical benefit from having more energy to no brain fog and sleeping better And in general feeling much better all around. I am currently unable to do the pellets and because of that my bone density is now poor and I'm facing a failed fusion in my neck. I can't wait to get back on schedule.
Brynna M.
Colorado Westminster

“Hormone therapy has improved my life”

Prior to receiving treatment I was tired and burned out. I didn’t enjoy my family or my husband. I wasn’t enjoying life. I wasn’t sleeping well or functioning well. I had joint pain and a lack of enthusiasm for life in general. After my BHRT I have much more energy, patience, and love of life. This has literally changed everything for me and my family.
Martine B.
Michigan Holly

“I had horrible menopause symptoms”

Am 72 and have been taking compounded hormones for a long time. Before taking bio-identical hormones, I tried several commercially produced meds which did not alleviate my horrible menopause symptoms - poor or no sleep, mood swings, panic attacks, and anxiety. Once on bio-identical hormones, my quality of life is 500% better. My love of life is back!
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+ Add your story
Story Image Thais G.

“Truly life changing”

Story Image Donna S.

“Hormones have made a huge difference in my life.”

Story Image Susan Y.

“My whole well being has depended on the bio-identical hormones for 17 years, ever since my hysterectomy at age 45.”

Story Image Teddi


Story Image devaki B.

“I have had hormonal issues and tumors before compounded hormones”

Story Image Neil L.

“I have benefited immensely from this prescribed therapy from my Doctor”

Story Image Sandra S.

“Surgical menopause”

Story Image Beth H.

“One size fits all hormones did not work for me.”

Story Image Joe S.

“Critically-low levels helped by Compounded hormones”

Story Image Gina T.

“Bio-indentical hormones saved my quality of life”

Story Image Anne

“I am always looking for ways to ingest products without chemical additives”

Story Image Diane L.


Story Image Patrice B.

“I take bio-identical hormones, which is better for my body than pharmaceuticals”

Story Image SONIA R.

“Desperate to Solve Menopausal Challenges”

Story Image Gretchen B.

“Life Changing”

Story Image Deborah D.

“Relief from hormones!”

Story Image Katalina G.

“cHRT therapy”

Story Image Paige J.

“Bio identical hormone pellets changed my life.”

Story Image Brynna M.

“Hormone therapy has improved my life”

Story Image Martine B.

“I had horrible menopause symptoms”

Thais G.
New Jersey Fair Haven

“Truly life changing”

I started taking bio-identical hormones in Florida at the suggestion of my niece in 2005. I was forty-five years old then with a four-year-old son. We are healthy eaters, I was working out 4-5 times a week and not seeing results, I was always tired and I am not the type of person to just sit. Trying to enjoy sex was a task due to the dryness. This miracle bio-identical was God sent, my body rejuvenated from the inside out. My skin was more radiant, my muscle mass was finally showing my hard work, my restless leg syndrome was gone, and my mood was amazing. I was unstoppable. And sex, well thank you, Lord.
I described it to friends as a pot of flowers my son gave me and I forgot to water, I felt terrible when I found it all dried out. I filled my sink with water, submerged the pot, and watched it float to the top, tears. I left it there while I did chores. Finally soaked, I placed it outside, and just like that, swear it, it was rejuvenated, just like me. Please, bio-identical hormones have been God sent, they have helped so many people I know. I will be sixty-two years old this October, and no one believes me. I never want to do without. It would be a great injustice to take it away from people who have benefited greatly.
Donna S.
Minnesota Princeton

“Hormones have made a huge difference in my life.”

I had a total hysterectomy due to uterine cancer 14 years ago. Hormone therapy has been a lifesaver. Compounded hormones have helped me with hot flashes, better sleep, mood swings, heart health, brain fog, and all over better health! I’m so thankful I read an article in a woman’s magazine that mentioned a compounding pharmacy and practitioners who treated patients with bio-identical hormones. These practitioners do blood work and the hormone is compounded for you personally. There is a great need for these and yes, they really do make a difference!
Susan Y.
Florida Palm Bay

“My whole well being has depended on the bio-identical hormones for 17 years, ever since my hysterectomy at age 45.”

At age 45 I had to have a hysterectomy. Thank goodness, my doctor at the time was knowledgeable enough to recommend the bio-identical hormones to help with abrupt side effects from the surgery. I did a lot of reading and research myself and I found comfort in knowing the bio-identical hormones were much safer to take. Over the 17 years since my surgery, I have moved several times and I’ve always had to search for a doctor who will prescribe them, even being over an hour away, because that’s how important it is to my well-being. I will definitely not ever take regular hormones and if the bio-identical gets restricted or banded, I will not sleep, will gain weight, get hot flashes and be a miserable moody person for sure!
Colorado Denver


Without cBHT I was unfocused, anxious, tired, my body hurt, and I was uninterested in being intimate with my partner. cBHT has changed the quality of my life. Without it, I would be a mess. Finally, women are able to take control and this is yet another thing that is being taken from us.
devaki B.
Texas Austin

“I have had hormonal issues and tumors before compounded hormones”

In-utero I was exposed to the most endocrine-disrupting powerful synthetic estrogen, DES. It caused me to be very ill in my earlier life. I have had multiple cancers and I have lost many organs. Until I discovered compounded hormones.
Once I got on individualized exact dosages, especially since I had lost so many vital organs, I could stop my cancer madness.
Now in my older age - due to cBHRT, I have the youth, vitality, and energy and NO tumors for 20 years now, that I could not have, due to DES, in my younger age. I would not be who I am today without cBHRT and compounding pharmacists.
My body needs T. There is no FDA testosterone for women at all. Without that, I would NOT be who I am with the dynamic career and life I now have at 73. I look like 53. And act like 33. But without testosterone and cBHRT, that would NOT be the case.
I teach CMES to MDs and pharmacists.
Please, do not do this to us.
Neil L.
Florida Pompano Beach

“I have benefited immensely from this prescribed therapy from my Doctor”

I am concerned about the FDA restricting my access to a Customized Compounded Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy that’s been described by the doctor.

I have benefited immensely from this prescribed therapy from my Doctor, and I could not accept the FDA limiting my access to Customized Compounded Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy.
Sandra S.
California Rowland Heights

“Surgical menopause”

Had a partial hysterectomy that threw me into menopause. Causing extreme symptoms. Insomnia, extreme depression, I couldn't function, irrational thoughts, weight loss, other physical symptoms, an absolute nightmare! If it wasn't for bio-identical hormones, I wouldn't be here! It is a real issue for millions of women! Taking bio-identical hormones away would be devastating to millions. Many of us cannot tolerate synthetic hormones! It's my body my choice.
Beth H.
Tennessee Murfreesboro

“One size fits all hormones did not work for me.”

My GYN had prescribed me one size fits all hormones for my perimenopause symptoms. I felt like I was wired tight taking them. The same issue I had when taking "the pill" for birth control.
My New GYN suggested hormones compounded based on my needs. They sent me to a compounding pharmacist. Worked like a charm. The one-size fit had too much estrogen for me. They also could have brought on an increased breast cancer risk. The compounded ones had just what I needed. Don't take these options away from those of us that need them. Health care is personal.
Joe S.
Missouri Kansas City

“Critically-low levels helped by Compounded hormones”

This is an important medical care option; my wife's levels were critically low affecting almost every aspect of her life

Through the compounding hormones, much of this has been fixed and quality of life is better without the side effects from pharmaceutical versions of estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone.

We implore Congress to keep these as suitable options and alternatives to traditional hormone replacement therapy. It doesn't work for everyone and comes with side effects that do not make it an option for us.

Please do not restrict these therapies
Gina T.
New York Fulton

“Bio-indentical hormones saved my quality of life”

At 55 years old I stopped getting a period, I started quickly having joint pain, weight gain, fatigue, night sweats, sleepless nights, brain fog, dry vagina, and no libido. I was hunched over and walking like I was 70 due to the lack of hormones. I was literally becoming old and my quality of life was suffering. I couldn’t do anything, the joint pain was unbelievable. I’d be in bed after 20 minutes of any kind of physical activity, but after one month of being on bio-identical hormones, my quality of life had gone back to where I was premenopausal. I feel amazing like I’m in my 30s again no more joint pain no more hot flashes and night sweat, the brain fog is gone, and I can function through the day without needing breaks and naps. Without my bio-identical hormones, I will not have a decent quality of life.
Florida Indialantic

“I am always looking for ways to ingest products without chemical additives”

I have been using compounded estrogen for many years as I am trying to eliminate chemicals from my food & medicines. The U. N. Environment Programme has determined that parabens are an endocrine disruptor & are banned in Europe. Please don't take this option & alternative medicine away!
Diane L.
Minnesota Hawick


After my hysterectomy 45 years ago, I because a raging lunatic. I was all over the place; I would fly off the handle at a moment's notice. I reacted terribly to the synthetic hormones that were prescribed to me.
When I finally found a doctor who would listen to me, he prescribed cBHT, and it changed not only my life but the lives of my husband and children.
Once my hormones were balanced, I was able to live a normal life.
Patrice B.
Florida Aventura

“I take bio-identical hormones, which is better for my body than pharmaceuticals”

I had a hysterectomy and oophorectomy at age 31. I am now 65. My body metabolizes natural hormones better than what is made in chemical pharmacies. I take a compounded estrogen and testosterone cream and a compounded progesterone capsule every day. It helps my body with all kinds of symptoms.
Florida Naples

“Desperate to Solve Menopausal Challenges”

During the past 7 years, I have been experiencing challenging menopausal symptoms. I am so happy to have found a trusted and experienced OB/GYN, who helped solve my challenges with cBHT. I feel much better!
I think it is important for everyone to have options to choose from in regard to their health and to have the freedom to choose, with the help of their trusted doctor, what best suits them! My body, my choices!
Gretchen B.
Colorado Boulder

“Life Changing”

My energy, clarity, and libido have improved significantly. I'm a much happier person. I have been on this journey for 9 months and will continue. I have told my friends and family and they're on board too.
Deborah D.
North Carolina Gastoina

“Relief from hormones!”

In 2008 I was severely exhausted, challenged by hot flashes, mood issues, and depression. My hair was falling out, I was sleeping only 2 hours per night. I went to 8 physicians. I have been in medicine my whole life and could not believe the level or lack of treatment… I had one doctor throw a pack of progestin ( synthetic) hormones at me and say that’s all I have. I took two caps and had a severe reaction. My thyroid was off as well! I could not take commercial pharmaceuticals for this … they have gluten in them and dyes which I reacted to. I found the only relief in compounded hormones! With testosterone and estradiol and progesterone, I am able to have energy and stay cognitively sharp. The thyroid compound has helped with energy, sleep, temperature regulation, and my mood. None of those was ever suggested by any conventional physician. I would like to say this aged my life. I would like to say I am on no other medication!
Katalina G.
Colorado KIOWA

“cHRT therapy”

As if the cancel culture has not gone far enough, now older women, already mostly invisible to the world are next? BHRT has saved my life allowing me to remain healthy & self-sufficient. I work every day with energy my much younger co-workers don't have. I get paid & do not plan to retire or draw SS benefits until I physically can't work anymore. My brain is stimulated, my body healthy, & I no longer need meds other doctors have prescribed for an aging woman. 
Paige J.
Colorado Steamboat Springs

“Bio identical hormone pellets changed my life.”

I started doing hormone pellet therapy 7 years ago... I get blood work done and have body analysis every 3 months. I can see the objective changes in my blood work as well as my bone density and body composition. I haven't even mentioned the clinical benefit from having more energy to no brain fog and sleeping better And in general feeling much better all around. I am currently unable to do the pellets and because of that my bone density is now poor and I'm facing a failed fusion in my neck. I can't wait to get back on schedule.
Brynna M.
Colorado Westminster

“Hormone therapy has improved my life”

Prior to receiving treatment I was tired and burned out. I didn’t enjoy my family or my husband. I wasn’t enjoying life. I wasn’t sleeping well or functioning well. I had joint pain and a lack of enthusiasm for life in general. After my BHRT I have much more energy, patience, and love of life. This has literally changed everything for me and my family.
Martine B.
Michigan Holly

“I had horrible menopause symptoms”

Am 72 and have been taking compounded hormones for a long time. Before taking bio-identical hormones, I tried several commercially produced meds which did not alleviate my horrible menopause symptoms - poor or no sleep, mood swings, panic attacks, and anxiety. Once on bio-identical hormones, my quality of life is 500% better. My love of life is back!

Hear their stories, in their own words. Protect their access to compounded hormones.

On this page, we can only touch on the data that demonstrates the importance of compounded hormones to the lives of millions of women in this country. While the decision to take this vital therapy from patients and physicians might be profitable for the big pharmaceutical companies, it will be disastrous for the millions of patients that those same pharmaceutical companies cannot serve!

We encourage the appropriate committees in both the House and Senate to hold hearings on this critical issue.

Preserve compounded hormones.

Explore our interactive map that demonstrates the importance of compounded hormones to patients all across the country. Filter these first-hand accounts by state to see just how vital compounded hormones are.

Explore our interactive map that demonstrates the importance of compounded hormones to patients all across the country. Filter these first-hand accounts by state to see just how vital compounded hormones are.

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