Linda W.
Bloomfield Hills
“Compounded hormone cream has given me a better life”
Because each person has different body chemistry and blood test levels, along with different sizes and weights, compounded medicines bring superior quality and health benefits that cannot be equated to regular medicines. There is no comparison of the ability to support the body naturally for each individual person which makes so much more sense. In addition, pharmaceutical meds are unpure often made with chemical colorings or stabilizers/preservatives and often made with little oversight overseas.
Please do not remove the freedom of choice to use any type of compounded meds.
I had been struggling for years. So many doctors, NP’s, you name it… nobody really knew how to help appropriately. After searching for yet another practitioner last year, I stumbled across a fantastic NP. Not only did she address my hormone issues, she knew so much more about how the body processes these hormones in other ways. Testosterone cream and progesterone capsules from a compound pharmacy has changed my existence. I feel amazing, I sleep better, I have a better attitude. All this happened with compounded hormones. Natural is always my go to and I trust it. I would encourage all ladies who struggle to seek out a good practitioner and get on the bio-identical hormone train. A game changer.
“Saved by compounded hormones!”
I could not figure out what was going on with me. Besides the constant burn, I alternated between crying one moment, to wanting to chew nails the next. So thankful for my doctor and compound hormones. Very necessary for my health!
Linda Marie C.
Overland Park
“Osteopenia was eliminated and bone mass has improved!”
I am 73 years old and started compound hormones 6 years ago. I was not sleeping, was agitated, and lacked energy. Both of my parents had osteoporosis and I had already been diagnosed with osteopenia at the age of 55 years and had been on prescriptions to address this but without success. Finally, after learning that the prescription for osteopenia was affecting my gums I decided to try the compounds. Since then, I have no longer been diagnosed with osteopenia and after a year of the compounds was taken off all medications to treat osteopenia. My bone mass has continued to improve each year. In addition, the recent cardiac scoring was zero. I firmly believe that is also attributed to hormones. So, in addition to aiding with the usual issues that are addressed by compounds, I have found the reduction in bone mass and cardiac scoring as exceptionally important in my overall health. In addition, I attribute my overall health improved with compound use. Although 73 years old I have the energy for exercise and have maintained a healthy weight with a good diet.
“I stopped producing eggs after my second child's birth in 1977...”
The story goes back to giving birth to my second and last child in 1977. Oh my goodness. I’m just now wondering if this is the cause for my son's low self esteem since age 5. Will leave this part of the story here and focus on my hormone treatment replacement (HRT). If this is the story you are looking for. I received treatment for a bad case of PMS. My OBGYN doctor in the 80s started prescribing compounded hormones and stopped when he retired in 2018. The medication did more than treat my hormone imbalance. I looked younger and had yet to suffer from the need for treatment of other organs breaking down or health issues. Yes, a rare case of staying young looking until now I’m falling apart physically yet still have no organ ailments, looking older, and suffering mental abuse for my extraordinary energy. Sudden loss of weight now exasperated by homelessness since April 2022. This is my dilemma and predicament caused by, I am sure, missing my HRT.
Bonnie L.
New York
“Dramatic improvements in Cognition and Mood”
Last April, I began working with a functional medicine doctor for the treatment of my hypothyroidism and related health issues. She prescribed a compounded cream, to be applied to my arm or face containing estradiol, estriol, and progesterone. It has dramatically benefitted my memory, overall cognitive function, and mood. It's essential for my health and professional success to continue using this medicine. Severely restricting access to compounded medication would be an outrageous, corrupt, and anti-scientific development! We must stop the NASEM panel's biased judgment to hold sway, depriving millions of the medicines they need to be well.
Heather P.
“Healthy baby”
As a mother of 6 children, I felt our family wasn’t complete. After months of trying to get pregnant and regulating my hormones to have a healthy cycle by compound hormones we conceived! We were overjoyed! For several years I worked with my doctor to decrease PMS symptoms and lengthen my luteal phase. Finally, both occurred and positive HCG appeared. Shortly after I started spotting. Knowing my low progesterone during cycles we suspected the same during pregnancy. This was confirmed by a blood test. I immediately started my compound progesterone. After no monthly blood test and many scripts of compounded progesterone, I made it to 40 weeks. Healthy mom and baby. I’m so grateful my doctor had this option for me and my child. Please reconsider removing this vital option for women’s care.
Terri S.
Las Vegas
“Relief from menopausal symptoms”
I have been on Bio-Identical Hormones for the past 20 years and feel GREAT! I see other women tolerating the night sweats, weight gain, and other related symptoms of menopause and am glad I found these. I would (and do) recommend this to all my friends. I thank our compounding pharmacies for their knowledge and expertise in this area.
Last summer I experienced severe depression, was tested, and found out I was hypothyroid. My doctor prescribed WP Thyroid (bovine-derived), and I was completely back to normal in just a month, with NO side effects, except for finally feeling normal. Recently, my bloodwork indicated low thyroid again, and I was told that WP is no longer available!!! I panicked but found NP Thyroid which is also a bovine source. I feel it's really important to have natural sources/help for the thyroid, given the numerous stories I hear from my friends who are taking synthroid -- each one of them experiencing extreme frustration because consistent levels are almost impossible to achieve. Medicine is an art, and patients should have a variety of ALL options!
“If this were taken away, it would be nothing short of catastrophic for me!”
This will be the short version since the story involved the better part of a decade. The first ten years after having my thyroid ablated was sheer hell! Somewhere around the ten-year mark, I learned that there was something called compounded slow-release liothyronine opposed to the fast-release liothyronine sodium known mainly as Cytomel. Even the combination brands such as Armour Thyroid, which contains both T4 and T3 of a porcine origin, did not work for me due to the high T3 to T4 ratio in it. Multi-dosing, as often suggested, did not help, not with Armour, nor with any other T3 or T4/T3 med. When I started off on just 3 micrograms of slow-release Liothyronine Sodium (T3), within 24 to 48 hours, I felt I miraculously was given my life back!! I can not be without the addition of the slow-release pure powder Liothyronine sodium. I am extremely sensitive to it and even after an additional decade, I only need 6 micrograms every 12 hours or twice daily to maintain health and quality of life. Not 5 mcg, and not 7 mcg, but precisely six micrograms. I even tried using Cytomel thru one insurance company because it was free of charge, only to become totally off track after a few short weeks which took me months to undo and get back into a steady state after going back onto my one source of Liothyronine that actually works for me. If this were taken away, it would be nothing short of catastrophic for me!
“Saved Me From Depression”
I seriously cannot be without my hormones. I was losing hair, having more migraines, and fatigue was so bad I was more depressed than not.
I feel so much better on a dose that is made just for me and not on a one size fits all prescription.
Please leave our compound pharmacies alone and let them and our personal doctors personalize our medications.
It's the right thing to do.
“Can’t imagine giving up my bio-identical hormones”
10 years ago my gynecologist prescribed a compounded bio-identical hormone cream to relieve my raging menopause symptoms. No more hot flashes, waking up in the middle of the night, not to mention mood swings, and all that goes with that. My pharmacist compounds this into a cream and it is safe and effective. Please don’t let the government take this away
Gail A.
New York
Miller place
“Bio-identical hormones saved me”
6 years ago I went to a gynecologist who prescribed me the bio-identical hormones. It took a year to get the right mix and I had labs checked every 3 months. I was feeling so much better, no more hot flashes or insomnia last year, that he recommended I take a break and reevaluate
I have been having constant night sweats again insomnia and brain fog I am now 66 I have returned to these hormones they are my only choice
Synthetic hormones are where studies show cancer
I do not want cancer and I need my life back
Wendi N.
Fort Myers Beach
“HRT gave me my life back”
Depression, hot flashes, lost sleep, and anxiety were part of my struggle. Blood work uncovered how off the charts my hormones were. Within 6 weeks, and my doctor's prescription accuracy, the compound turned my life and level of happiness around. It is infuriating that something so beneficial is under threat by our government. I have an idea.....redirect the time, energy, and resources to the opiate epidemic
Kristel Q.
“I am suicidal without this therapy.”
I am a trauma survivor. I spent many years recovering from catastrophic events that happened in my adolescence and young adulthood. In the past, I had been diagnosed as having severe PTSD and anxiety disorder. You would not know it to speak with me. Over the years I worked through my issues and developed coping skills and am now successful in my field and have developed rewarding healthy relationships. Menopause threatened to take that away from me. When I was 50 I began to experience anxiety again. Insomnia, which is a trigger for me, became a common occurrence. When this began to affect my quality of life, depression set in. I began to lose my ability to cope with small daily upsets. Working with my GYN office, I tried multiple prescription preparations. The side effects of the FDA-approved medications made it impossible for me to take them. Patches caused migraines, anxiety, and heart palpitations - even at the lowest dose. Oral estrogen caused nausea, insomnia, and extremely sore breasts. Estrogen gel also caused migraines and rapid uncontrolled thoughts. During this period of trial and error, I became depressed and somewhat suicidal. Events of the past that I had worked hard to 'reframe' began resurfacing in a negative light. This was a frightening time for me. I am unable to take antidepressants and have tried many in the course of my life. Best case they were ineffective, worst case the side effects were intolerable. I also did not want to spend my life in a chemical straight jacket experiencing the usual side effects such as loss of sex drive and weight gain. Developing copy skills over time and managing symptoms through counseling and group therapy gave me the relief I needed and the tools necessary to live a rewarding life. Menopause threatened to take this away from me. All my usual methods to deal with stress and past events were no longer working.
I'd like to add at this point that I was initially frightened of compounded hormones. For financial reasons, it made sense to try HRT which would be covered under insurance. When none of the medications worked, out of desperation I tried hormone pellets and other compounded hormones. I was given what is considered a low-dose pellet of estrogen. Within two weeks I began to feel normal. At the end of two months, the depression lifted and I was able to regain the perspective I had lost. It has not been a particularly easy road. I am also unable to take oral progesterone. How this is considered 'safer' by the FDA is beyond me. It's my understanding that this medication causes extreme drowsiness in many women and is unavailable at lower doses. I am currently using compounded progesterone suppositories to protect my uterus. Since testosterone pellets don't come in a small enough dose for me, I use compounded testosterone that keeps my levels within normal range. I have labs drawn multiple times a year.
I am by my own admission a sensitive person. The one size fits all format of allopathic medicine did not work for me. I have no doubt that if these hormones are removed from the market I will face the same suicidal feelings. In essence, this would be akin to being 'victimized' a second time. I will be unable to work and do the things I enjoy in life.
It's truly terrifying to me that this is being considered. Please consider all sides before making your decision. This may mean life or death to many individuals. Our quality of life and our literal lives are in your hands.
Michael A.
“I am so grateful”
Prior to starting my HRT journey with compounded hormones, I was a mess mentally and physically. My doctor started me on my current regimen provided by a compounding pharmacy, and I haven’t felt this good in a long dang time. Please don’t take this away from us.
Christine H.
Big Lake
“I use bio-identical hormones; both progesterone and a mix of estriol, estradiol, and testosterone...”
My estrogen mix has eliminated hot flashes and aids in lubrication. The progesterone gives me a good night's sleep, aids in energy, and better moods without anxiety.
“I wad diagnosed with Hashimoto's after partial hysterectomy...”
I started having multiple symptoms a few years after my partial hysterectomy which led my doctor to diagnose Hashimoto's and prescribe Bio-identical hormones and thyroid medications. I am so grateful to have these options since I actually suffer from a sensitivity to estrogen that causes my vaginal area to erode and bleed. Although I need estrogen, I can’t have it and need the bio-identical hormones of progesterone and testosterone instead. I don’t know what I will do without this option.
Angela C.
“Increases Barriers to Care for Transgender and Gender Diverse People”
I have served the transgender and gender-diverse community as a primary care and hormone therapy provider for 10 years. Many of my patients depend on compounded injectable and topical hormones to provide an appropriate, bio-identical balance in their replacement without having to inject multiple products. Many others depend on compounding to provide hormones in a base that will not cause allergy. Without compounded medications, many people would not have access to progesterone due to peanut allergies, and cottonseed oil, the base in many injection hormones, is a common allergen as well. Compounded hormones also reduce costs overall for a community overburdened by poverty due to marginalization. This restriction on compounded hormones would be harmful to the trans and gender-diverse community, and significantly reduce access to care.
Jason F.
“Great experience with taking testosterone Cypionate”
I am here to tell you the huge difference that the testosterone Cypionate I am on currently has made a difference in my life. First, I am a firefighter/paramedic for a city in Michigan that is very busy. Lack of sleep, crazy sleeping patterns, and job-related stress have all been clinically proven to severely drop testosterone in men, this is also true for police, EMS, and military personnel also.
Prior to taking testosterone I was coming home from duty and going to bed and not having the motivation to get housework done, projects done, workout, which was not normal for me. I saw my doctor, had blood labs done, and found my testosterone was below normal lab values. Since being on testosterone Cypionate all of those issues are gone! My quality of life is back! I feel better and back to living the life that I was before my testosterone dropped.
I know my story is not the only one. All one has to do is search youtube for hormone replacement therapy. It has made a huge difference in a lot of many people including myself.