“Got my life back!”
I am 70 years of age and have been using compounded hormones for seven years. This has lifted my mild depression, increased agility, and ability to keep excess weight off are the top health benefits I have achieved in addition to all the other adjunctive benefits I receive. I had tried FDA-approved hormone therapy and my body could not tolerate it, I had bloating, an inability to keep weight off, and was mainly just tired all the time.
As I move through my senior years I would most definitely say these compounded hormones have allowed me to exercise daily and enjoy my life with vigor and vitality.
Gina T.
“Bio-identical hormones have improved my quality of life dramatically!”
I was diagnosed with Interstitial Cystitis which is a bladder condition that causes a lot of pain. My urologist said that there is no cure for IC and put me on medicines that did not help and caused many harmful side effects. After years of struggling with pain and seeing 2 different Urologists I obtained a new general practitioner who recommended bio identical hormones for better health and that I read “How to Achieve Healthy Aging” by Neal Rouzier MD. This book highlights that these hormones improve bone density, heart health and help brain health as well and show scientific studies that prove this! I began taking the hormones and my doctor monitored with bloodwork. It took a few months for him to get my hormones to a healthy range and to my surprise my bladder pain went away! I live today without the medicines that caused me terrible side effects and did nothing to ease the pain I experienced. I am so thankful that I am able to live my life again without pain! My life is dramatically improved as a direct result of the bio identical hormones!!!!
Darlene F.
“Restored my sleep”
I had tried OTC meds and herbal supplements to go to sleep and stay asleep. After a hormone test, it was discovered that I was low in Progesterone. Just taking compounded Progesterone, I started falling asleep and staying asleep which is so crucial to one's health.
PLEASE don't restrict compounding hormones.
Candace M.
East Lansing
“I use compounded cream and I am 66 years old.”
I have been using compounded cream since the onset of menopause.
I have had no side effects or risks of serious health conditions because of using it.
I am tired of politicians and drug companies jeopardizing
my health and my husband's health with their restrictions
on compounded hormones.
Millions of Americans have Thyroid conditions and need
Natural Thyroid meds to control their conditions.
Carrie L.
“Truly our body should be our choice.”
I am sill working through my Thyroid story. I was diagnosed with Hoshimoto's & ' Hypothyroidism in 1998. I struggle with high levels of reverse T3 my body truly was happy when I could take NaturThroid but it was removed from the market. I am still searching for a replacement thyroid that doesn't create thyroid storm symptoms or leave me feeling flat. I believe the FDA and the federal government have done enough! and should just step away from its citizens who would like some true body autonomy and true health care options.
Denise M.
“I had a total hysterectomy in 2010 due to PCOS”
I had to have a total hysterectomy by the time I was 40. I had severe PCOS and tons of fibroids in my uterus. I went several years with no hornones because the synthetic estradiol pills did nothing for me and there is a strong breast cancer risk. I started having anxiety, mood swings, ringing wet hair, and blew up like s balloon. I thought I was going crazy. These compound hormones saved my life. I don't want to go back to that dark place. Why would they take these? They work so well snd zero side effects.
“HRT saved my life not once but twice!”
When I was 26 years old, I was diagnosed with severe PMS. It was so severe, the doctor who diagnosed me said out of all the women who have PMS, only 10% have it as badly as I did. She went on to tell me that out of those ten percent, 99% of women are one of three things. In jail. In a mental institution. Or DEAD.
I had lived 10 years with it - or tried to. There were many hospitalizations and multiple (wrong) diagnoses. I could not keep going the way I was, and thank God every day for a correct diagnosis, even if it took 10 years.
The treatment was simple. Progesterone, compounded by a local pharmacy. It quite literally saved my life.
Today, almost 40 years later, I am in menopause. Suffering from crippling body pains, exhaustion and depression, I again found a doctor who did blood work that showed I have virtually no estrogen in my system, and very little progesterone. Again, a compounding pharmacy is improving my life, filling a prescription for bio-identical hormone replacement.
In less than a week of starting treatment, the pain in my joints and muscles has been reduced by 75%. I'm not sitting still all day because of pain. I am able to do things again, and feel like I've gotten my life back.
For me, having a compound pharmacy available isn't a convenience. It's a life saving necessity. Were this not available to me, I would NOT BE ALIVE.
Barbara S.
“Thyroid and other herbal products”
I was given Pharmaceutical drugs for my thyroid problem, they were horrible. I was losing my hair a nervous wreck to the point of road rage. I changed doctors, he put me on compounded thyroid meds, and my hair started growing back and I began to feel better.
Then I had another problem that finally got fixed, I had Chronic Radiation Cystitis, and bled for years, 1975 to 1979, blood in my urine, burning urine, and the doctor gave me prescription's for the problem, didn't work at all, none of several that he gave me. So I joined a church and they suggested I quit smoking and get Vitamin B Complex, to help clear my lungs, I did, and Vitamin B complex worked wonders, it cleared up my bladder, and haven't had ongoing bleeding, it helped it. I would hope that you will not stop compounded hormones, they are a lifesaver. I have allergies to lots of meds, but the Health food Industry has helped me tremendously. Please don't close them down.
Thank you for your consideration.
Katherine H.
“Please don’t take away the only meds that help!”
I’m glad you don’t understand this problem. I hope you never do, and I hope your children never do. I spent years of my life taking Levo thyroid medication. The hair loss, brain fog, and exhaustion were awful. It was hard to work and take care of my kids. I found desiccated meds and things were better, but nowhere near “normal”. Compounded thyroid meds gave me my life back. My eyes stopped being so dry that they felt like sandpaper. My hair stopped falling out in clumps. I would stop and think for a minute if someone you love ends up having this problem and can’t get the help they need because of this decision, how will you feel?
“Thyroid suppression cancer”
I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer in 2006 and had Thyroidectomy. Also two treatments of Radioactive iodine after treatment I developed allergies to iodine binding agents like Microcrystalline, so I was put on armor thyroid then I don’t what happened but they started adding binding agents to it I could no longer take it. I started getting thyroid meds compound with Tapioca I’ve been doing thyroid suppression for years because of nodules close to my vocal cord. I finally am stabilized the nodules are no longer growing my Dr. said if grows any more will need surgery I have only one vocal cord so it’s a risk of having a Trachea in my throat, losing my voice it is very important that I stay on this medication the FDA is playing with people lives. Help keep compound thyroid legal.
Patty G.
“Changed my life”
I gave birth to my son when I was 40, after which I was so out of sorts that I could not shake depression my hormones were so off track; and traditional drugs weren’t working. It wasn’t until I was introduced to compound medicine that I was able to feel better again. It really saved my life. The thought of not having access, OMG - don’t take this option away.
Dana S.
Kansas City
“Bio-identical hormones have helped me a great deal.”
I began taking bio-identical hormones many years ago to help me feel youthful. I wouldn't want to be without them. They keep the wrinkles away, a lightness in my step, and basically keep me young. Don't take them away.
Jennifer W.
North Port
“My life is 100 percent better.”
I a 71 yr old woman who has ankylosing spondylosis and other comorbidities. Menopause made my symptoms tenfold. I have had 3 treatments of pellets. It has literally changed my life. No, sweats, better sleep, less pain , More energy. Most important to me is my vaginal area is finally comfortable and working as it used to when I was a young woman. I went from being completely unable to have and enjoy intimacy to being just like I used to be. My love life with my wonderful husband is restored and better than ever. I am a woman again! Don't hesitate to try the pellets your world will change for the better. I will never be without them again. I lost over 10 years of intimacy and love, don't make that mistake. My life is 100 percent better.
Robin B.
New Jersey
Mountain Lakes
“Been using bio-identical hormones for 15 years successfully”
As someone suffering from the effects of menopause from the age of 45, when I found Bio-Identical hormones, it was a lifeline for me and many women I know. I have never had a bad reaction and the pluses are many including better mental health because of better sleep, uninterrupted sleep from hot flashes, less lethargy, more energy and I feel more like myself.
Denise H.
“I could not tolerate traditional hormones...”
I tried the traditional estradiol patch when menopausal and even using just 1/8th of the patch the hormones had me jumping out of my skin, created irritability and hyper activity, stressed my nerves. Found a functional Gynocologist MD who gave me bio identical and had absolutely no side effects and they did the job beautifully, I was able to sleep again, not be spaced out or irritable and my body loved the bio identical. We have since been able to reduce and change the prescription and I am still doing great on them 12 years later. I had the same negative side effects when I was young and tried to the the birth control pill. Bio identical are far more gentle yet still do a fabulous job and can be altered in dosage very easily.
“Compounded Meds saved my life”
I spent years going to doctor after doctor trying to find out why I was in a downward spiral with my health. When I was in my 20’s My pituitary was injured in a car accident and as a result, it affected my entire endocrine system. Not one doctor knew how to treat me until I finally met a PA who knew exactly how to treat me. She had my hormones compounded and it was the first step in regaining my life back. Having a compromised endocrine system is not easy to manage as it affects so many things besides sex hormones. It affects your thyroid too. So I also am on thyroid meds. And because I developed a autoimmune issue, I now have my thyroid doctor compound LDN in his office. LDN is a miracle for many people with autoimmune issues. It literally gave my life back. My health is now stable and I feel the best I ever have. I can now workout and have a normal life.
Debbie K.
“cBHT saved my life!”
In 2004, I was having serious anxiety and other menopausal issues, I could barely function at work and in other daily activities. I thought I was going crazy! Then I found my wonderful doctor who prescribed cBHT and over time I felt human again! (I am still on cBHT 18 years later) If this medical option is taken it would be devastating! It's our right to choose don't take that away from us!!!
Colleen P.
Fountain Hills
“My personal story & my patients”
Hormones have changed my life for the better. When I went into menopause my whole life tipped upside down. I had weight gain, depression, hot flashes, fatigue, brain fog, and decreased libido which was not good for my marriage, and no productivity at work. Within just a few months of therapy, my symptoms were gone. My medication is dosed specifically to me and my symptoms. Due to what I went through I got involved with hormone therapy. I have so many men and women that hormones have changed their life drastically. Removing compounded hormones would be disastrous to our patients. This should not be allowed to occur. PATIENTS should have a choice to where they get their medications from.
Jane H.
“Feeling healthy and young at 78”
I started cBHT over 25 years ago. I was on synthetic estrogen (Estratest). My body could not adjust to this medication. It was either too much or not enough. Too much caused me to have extremely oily skin which cause large oil cyst on my forehead to the point I had to have them removed surgically . I became estrogen dominant, which causes many health issues.
So I began my quest to find something that was more healthy for me. I read and searched for over 2 years and educated myself about the Bio-Identical Hormones. Found a good Doctor who worked with me too get the right dosage and I have been healthy ever since.
I am now 78 years old and I look 50 years old.
I do a suppository each night that has exactly what I need to keep me feeling young and healthy. Do not deprive me of this.
“Hormones = LIFE”
I honestly don’t know where our lives would be without hormone therapy. Unbalanced hormones caused problems for both myself and my husband. People just want to feel good and look good…….what is wrong with that? Once my hormones got so messed up, it caused serious depression, and I never want to experience that again if I can help it. Hormones equal LIFE, without balanced hormones, we both would be lost.