The Hill called compounding GLP1s a “loophole,” but otherwise wrote a decent piece explaining how te...
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APC helped push back against the California Board of Pharmacy’s plan to all but outlaw glutathione, ...
The Washington Post’s story “Eli Lilly ramps up its fight against imitation weight-loss drugs” conta...
In its article on Lilly's introduction of DTC discounted vials of Zepbound, IHP included a great quo...
You’ve probably seen the news that Eli Lilly will begin selling Zepbound in vials by mail. What you ...
Inside Health Policy used APC for information in its piece “Uncertainty Looms Over Bulk Production O...
Our comment to FDA about its use of the Pharmacy Compounding Advisory Committee (PCAC) was covered i...
APC member Masoud Rashidi, vice chair of our State Legislative & Regulatory Committee, did a great j...
The story this past Monday is one of the best media reports on compounding that we’ve seen. The pati...
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