United States

In the United States, millions of people depend on compounded medicines to live normal, productive, healthy lives. Their first-hand stories speak directly to the power of this important therapy. As the FDA considers removing access to certain medicines like compounded hormones, their voices must be part of the conversation.

5202 result(s)
Jose B.
Story Image 08.13.2024

“Enhanced my well being!”

Keann P.
Story Image 08.13.2024

“Hormone therapy completely changed my life.”

Story Image 08.13.2024

“I got a chemical burn from preservatives in pharmaceutical creams...”

Lyndsey S.
Story Image 08.13.2024

“My Quality of Life”

Elizabeth G.
Story Image 08.13.2024

“Vaginal cream”

Kelly C.
Story Image 08.13.2024

“Compounded Hormones Saved Me From A Life of Misery!”

Fiona M.
Story Image 08.13.2024

“Amazing and Fast!”

Frank E.
Story Image 08.13.2024

“Dramatic Difference Using cBHTs”

Paige H.
Story Image 08.13.2024

“Mold Toxicity”

Jen D.
Story Image 08.13.2024

“Early menopause”

Story Image 08.13.2024

“Years of suffering ended”

Allieta W.
Story Image 08.13.2024

“Compounding Thyroid hormones work.”

Christy B.
Story Image 08.13.2024

“Early Menopause”

Helen K.
Story Image 08.13.2024

“I need medication from a compounding pharmacy.”

Jodi A.
Story Image 08.13.2024

“BHRT Alleviates Symptoms”

Kendra P.
Story Image 08.13.2024

“Having my hormones balanced is essential to my heart, brain and bone health.”

Story Image 08.13.2024

“Life changing”

Beth R.
Story Image 08.13.2024

“I suffered terribly from sleep deprivation when I entered peri-menopause.”

M S.
Story Image 08.13.2024

“Bioidentical hormones”

Lisa K.
Story Image 08.13.2024

“30 years without one complaint!”

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Jose B.
Florida Miami

“Enhanced my well being!”

My Urologist discovered I had low T and prescribed a compound solution. This has worked well for me and restored my T levels within normal range. I feel better too.
Keann P.
Idaho Blackfoot

“Hormone therapy completely changed my life.”

I had a full hysterectomy at the age of 40 because of endometriosis. Without the use of compounded hormone therapy I would have gone thru menopause at a very young age and the hormone helped keep the hot flases and mood swings under control. I cannot imagine not having access to them.
Florida Boca Raton

“I got a chemical burn from preservatives in pharmaceutical creams...”

I get a reaction (chemical burn) to the preservatives and chemicals in standard prescription creams.The burn is so severe it can last for 7-10 days. I suffered for several years without help until one doctor recommended compounding for my estrogen cream.

In addition, I have a sensitivity to sodium laurel sulfate (confirmed by my lips burning and splitting open from conventional toothpaste and the problem resolving once I changed products). Many of our oral pharmaceuticals contain SLS. I can tolerate a short term dose of such medicines but they usually leave me with a very sensitive and uncomfortable bladder and pelvic area. The literature says SLS is ‘not harmful’ to us because our body releases it through our urine.Those of us who are sensitive feel the exposure in our urinary system. I can recover from that in a week or two but I would not be able to tolerate a long term medication containing SLS. It’s good to know compounding would be an option should I need a long term medication when the standard version contains SLS, for example, Metformin extended release. I certainly would not want to go through a whole red tape process to justify what I have been successfully using for almost ten years.
Lyndsey S.
Idaho Eagle

“My Quality of Life”

I first heard about Compounded hormone pellet therapy almost 2 years ago. I had a colleague who was going through menopause and was just miserable. Her OB just kept give her different Rx for Estrogen and other things that weren’t working. Within 3 weeks of her pellets being placed she felt like a new women and was no longer on any Rx meds. I knew I needed to look into it.
I am a mom of a 4 1/2 year old and a 2 year old, so to say I’m busy is an understatement. I have been a Registered Dental Hygienist for 19 years now, so health and research have always been something at the top of my lists when it comes to the ever evolving healthcare world.
When I first started looking into hormone therapy to help me, I was overweight, exhausted ( not sleeping well at all), emotional, incredibly short and rude with my husband and sometimes my children, and my anxiety was through the roof. I also have battled depression over the last 4 years as I suddenly and tragically lost my only brother. I knew I didn’t want to be on a Rx med for anything but I also knew I needed to do something to help me.
After my blood results came back and I saw how bad they were and after long discussions with my NP we mapped out a plan for my recovery that I was very happy with. We also discussed adding critical vitamins/supplements to my daily routine that I was incredibly deficient in as well. I’ve never had a doctor inform me so much about which vitamins/supplements to take, how much, and all the other benefits they had for me, not just the basics we all know. I felt good knowing I was taking things to help my body recover more naturally and not just shoving some synthetic drug down my throat that may help with one symptom but most definitely will cause another side effect.
Within the first month of starting my hormone journey the first thing I noticed was I was actually falling asleep quickly, and staying asleep all night. I was starting to dream again too, which was a great sign. The other major factor was my anxiety. It decreased my anxiety so much. I am much more calm and happy. I don’t get worked up over the little things I cannot control. My husband can attest I am so much nicer to him as well. I have now been on hormone therapy for about a year and a half and I can say I love this way of life. I have never felt better. I also have never felt better about what I’m putting into my body. I have lost over 40lbs, (have kept it off for over a year now) I have a ton more energy and I just feel really good. My body was so in need of so many things that I wasn’t giving it as well as it was unable to produce on it own. I am able to go longer between appointments as well because my body now knows it will get more and doesn’t use it all up as fast, I am “optimized” as they say.
My husband was always on testosterone cream but it never worked, and he didn’t care to take injections. After seeing my change he too decided hormone therapy might be the route for him. I will say, I’ve never seen him with more energy in our 13 years together. He could fall asleep at any point of the day and just always felt drained. He now is able to go throughout the day and enjoy activities with us without needing a nap. He’s happier and he too feels so much better. He always tells me he knows when his hormone therapy is starting to wear off because he feels so terrible.
This hormone therapy has changed my household for the better and I now know Countless others who are on it as well and every single person has said the same thing, they ALL feel so much better, are on less and less Rx synthetic drugs and are just happy to have found something that works. That’s what good quality medicine should do right? Taking that away will effect so many that rely on it for a better quality of life. Shoving synthetic prescription drugs down everyone’s throat does nothing but harm us in one way or another and we see it every single day!
Elizabeth G.

“Vaginal cream”

I am a 70 year old women who has suffered for many years with vaginal dryness. Now, I know we don't like to talk about things like this because after all we are women and we are somewhat modest.
I didn't understand why it became more difficult for me to have intercourse even though I still wanted to have sex but found it painful.
Additionally, I started to become incontinent. Which was also embarrassing.
Finally, I found a doctor who gave me this prescription for vaginal cream. 
So he gave me this option of having it compounded. Thank the lord! It was totally worth it. I still feel there is something wrong when
we can talk openly about Erectile Dysfunction (ED) and the little blue pill that helps cure this is covered by insurance there is something wrong.
This medication can change the life style and the pleasure of living out your Golden years to the fullest.
Please make sure women have this.
Thank you
Kelly C.
Texas Austin

“Compounded Hormones Saved Me From A Life of Misery!”

Hi. I'm Kelly, a 62 year old female who began using compounded hormones at the approximate age of 40, with nothing but EXCELLENT, IMMEDIATE and SUCCESSFUL results.

Within one month of going into menopause, I had gained about 30 pounds in the first 30 days, and I was a wreck! I cried incessantly and without cause. My marriage was threatened and life was MISERABLE! Thank goodness I had an older friend who had begun taking compounded hormones. She directed me to a doctor who ran the appropriate blood tests and prescribed the hormone treatment. Literally within a day or so I began to feel more human!

In the beginning, the hormones were provided in a cream form which you had to rub on various parts of the body. Today and for the last maybe 12 - 15 years, I've been fortunate to take the pellet injections and a single compounded capsule form of one of the hormones.

I do not use pharmaceutical drugs and could not well survive without the current hormone treatment, which by the way has caused NO NEGATIVE SIDE EFFECTS in the 12-15 YEARS OF USING THEM!

No man can understand the feeling that a woman in mesopause feels because they cannot experience the exact same thing. For any man to be in a decision making capacity on this issue is illogical and perhaps could be considered discriminatory.

The fact that the issue of limiting( or altogether denying) a woman's right to choose her form of hormone treatment is even in debate is undeniably ridiculous.

Doesn't congress have better and important things to do?
Fiona M.
Michigan WARREN

“Amazing and Fast!”

After dealing with an extreme case of shingles, my hormones took a huge dive, I was having body aches, pains, headaches, hot flashes that felt like someone put oil, cayenne pepper, on my back and lit it on fire, my body temperature went from 96.7 to 102.3 in 30 seconds and would last a minute and a half to 2 minutes, I was exhausted and looked like I was dragged through hell. I could not focus or think clear thoughts often.

Once I received the hormone cream, I slept all night for the first time in three months, the hot flashes stopped after only 3 days, this is not the norm for most people, I hear it can take approximately 2 weeks. Not for me, it made an almost immediate change. I cannot have a day without this cream. Thank God for it.
Frank E.
Colorado Castle Rock

“Dramatic Difference Using cBHTs”

15 years ago after an injury led to an orchiectomy, my testosterones values plummeted. After being a lifelong fitness enthusiast, athlete and martial arts coach I found myself lethargic, slow to recover ad injury prone. I initially tried injections, Androgel and other testosterone Rxs but the cost, inconvenience, skin irritations and inconsistent absorption left me frustrated. A doctor prescribed compounded BHT cream and it was a dramatic improvement. My testosterone levels returned to normal, there was no skin irritation and the cost was much more reasonable. It would be an incredible disservice to eliminate this option for HRT patients.
Paige H.
Florida Melbourne

“Mold Toxicity”

My hormones are nuts due to mold toxicity completely ravaging my body. I can’t take man-made hormone therapy due to side effects and tolerance to chemicals. Compounded is one of the only ways that I can receive treatment.
Jen D.
Florida Cocoa Beach

“Early menopause”

I went into menopause early after my doctor took me off birth control pills at age 43. Without biodentical compounded hormones I would not be able to function, take care of my family or work a job. Without them my hair was falling out, my body constantly aching and no sex drive which was destroying my marriage. With these compounded hormones I am able to live a good productive life.
Maryland catonsville

“Years of suffering ended”

After many years of only being prescribed antidepressants from traditional doctors - I was finally diagnosed a treated correctly by a holistic doctor who prescribed hormonal replacement via a compounding pharmacy. 
Allieta W.
North Carolina Cary

“Compounding Thyroid hormones work.”

For years, since a teenager, I was prescribed a standard synthroid medication. For years I couldn't get through a day without a nap every afternoon. Finally, I found a doctor who knows the relationship between levels of T-3 and T-4 and began prescribing a compounded T-3 formula in the amount my body needed. Ever since, now about 9 years, I feel energized throughout the day without getting heart palpitations or any other negative side effect of the wrong level of thyroid hormones.
Please keep compounding pharmacies for the health and well being of millions of Americans.
Christy B.
Minnesota St. Cloud

“Early Menopause”

I had my last period at the age of 43. I'm fifty now and have been grateful to have hormones available to me during this decade when I should've naturally been making them. While I realize there are other versions of hormones out there, bio-identicals have managed my symptoms well and I've felt good about taking them. The pharmacy I've worked with is very professional and responsive. I'm grateful for their service in my healthcare.
Helen K.
Michigan New Boston

“I need medication from a compounding pharmacy.”

My thyroid medications come from a compounding pharmacy. I cannot take medicine for my hormones that aren’t natural.
I am a cancer patient in remission.
I cannot take medicine for thyroid unless it’s from a compound pharmacy.
Jodi A.
Virginia Roanoke

“BHRT Alleviates Symptoms”

Having suffered from undiagnosed Lyme disease for a decade + resulting in thyroid autoimmune disease (Hashimoto's), a hysterectomy, mold toxicity, environmental/chemical sensitivities, severe food intolerances from Histamine Intolerance/ Mast Cell Activation Syndrome just to name the major issues I have had. BHRT has been a KEY PART of my recovery. I am on the tail end of what the FDA finally recognized as Post Lyme Disease Syndrome and if I have to give up my BHRT I KNOW my health will decline. I will be on BHRT for the rest of my life and will fight with all that I have to keep the right to make my own decisions regarding my health care."]
Kendra P.
Virginia Roanoke

“Having my hormones balanced is essential to my heart, brain and bone health.”

As a colon cancer survivor, I was surgically put right into menopause at age 32! It wasn't until several years later that it finally caught up to me. I had such low energy, forgetfulness, low libido, and mild depression. I found a hormone specialist in our area to help me get back to normal self. I started out on a combination of bHrt and it made such a difference. I cant imagine not having my compounded hormones. Having your hormones balanced is essential to a woman's heart, brain and bone health.
Oregon Dundee

“Life changing”

I have been on bio identical hormones for aver 3 years now. It has saved my my marriage, our sex life, my health. I cannot imagine going back to the way it was before without them. Please help keep cBHT here for us now, for our children, and future generations. It is life saving in many ways!
Beth R.
California Santa Barbara

“I suffered terribly from sleep deprivation when I entered peri-menopause.”

I suffered terribly from sleep deprivation when I entered peri-menopause . I had no REM sleep for 18 months and had developed all sort of psychological symptoms. I started bio-identical HRT and was perfectly normal two weeks after I began. I have been on HRT for 32 years and am 79. I have the bone density of a 28 year old, 0.2 T-score and 2.8 Z score. I have 0 calcium score i.e. no plaque, no atherosclerosis. I have no illnesses and only take thyroid and HRT with prescriptions. I physically present more like a 65 year old than a 79 year old. 
M S.
Virginia Roanoke

“Bioidentical hormones”

My hot flashes were almost debilitating until I started using bioidentical progesterone cream. It drastically added to the quality of my life! My primary care doctor was astounded when I told him that the hot flashes stopped in a few days, but my story isn't all that rare. "First, do no harm," and that's how I feel about this solution!
Lisa K.
Wisconsin ogdensburg

“30 years without one complaint!”

I start using compounded hormones in my thirties after a visit with my doctor to address symptoms I was experiencing. After looking at my chart told me I was at that age. I found a Doctor who had knowledge of hormone therapy. Now I am sixty and am very happy to have been able to make that choice years ago and so is my husband.
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+ Add your story
Story Image Jose B.

“Enhanced my well being!”

Story Image Keann P.

“Hormone therapy completely changed my life.”

Story Image Claire

“I got a chemical burn from preservatives in pharmaceutical creams...”

Story Image Lyndsey S.

“My Quality of Life”

Story Image Elizabeth G.

“Vaginal cream”

Story Image Kelly C.

“Compounded Hormones Saved Me From A Life of Misery!”

Story Image Fiona M.

“Amazing and Fast!”

Story Image Frank E.

“Dramatic Difference Using cBHTs”

Story Image Paige H.

“Mold Toxicity”

Story Image Jen D.

“Early menopause”

Story Image JODI C.

“Years of suffering ended”

Story Image Allieta W.

“Compounding Thyroid hormones work.”

Story Image Christy B.

“Early Menopause”

Story Image Helen K.

“I need medication from a compounding pharmacy.”

Story Image Jodi A.

“BHRT Alleviates Symptoms”

Story Image Kendra P.

“Having my hormones balanced is essential to my heart, brain and bone health.”

Story Image Denise

“Life changing”

Story Image Beth R.

“I suffered terribly from sleep deprivation when I entered peri-menopause.”

Story Image M S.

“Bioidentical hormones”

Story Image Lisa K.

“30 years without one complaint!”

Jose B.
Florida Miami

“Enhanced my well being!”

My Urologist discovered I had low T and prescribed a compound solution. This has worked well for me and restored my T levels within normal range. I feel better too.
Keann P.
Idaho Blackfoot

“Hormone therapy completely changed my life.”

I had a full hysterectomy at the age of 40 because of endometriosis. Without the use of compounded hormone therapy I would have gone thru menopause at a very young age and the hormone helped keep the hot flases and mood swings under control. I cannot imagine not having access to them.
Florida Boca Raton

“I got a chemical burn from preservatives in pharmaceutical creams...”

I get a reaction (chemical burn) to the preservatives and chemicals in standard prescription creams.The burn is so severe it can last for 7-10 days. I suffered for several years without help until one doctor recommended compounding for my estrogen cream.

In addition, I have a sensitivity to sodium laurel sulfate (confirmed by my lips burning and splitting open from conventional toothpaste and the problem resolving once I changed products). Many of our oral pharmaceuticals contain SLS. I can tolerate a short term dose of such medicines but they usually leave me with a very sensitive and uncomfortable bladder and pelvic area. The literature says SLS is ‘not harmful’ to us because our body releases it through our urine.Those of us who are sensitive feel the exposure in our urinary system. I can recover from that in a week or two but I would not be able to tolerate a long term medication containing SLS. It’s good to know compounding would be an option should I need a long term medication when the standard version contains SLS, for example, Metformin extended release. I certainly would not want to go through a whole red tape process to justify what I have been successfully using for almost ten years.
Lyndsey S.
Idaho Eagle

“My Quality of Life”

I first heard about Compounded hormone pellet therapy almost 2 years ago. I had a colleague who was going through menopause and was just miserable. Her OB just kept give her different Rx for Estrogen and other things that weren’t working. Within 3 weeks of her pellets being placed she felt like a new women and was no longer on any Rx meds. I knew I needed to look into it.
I am a mom of a 4 1/2 year old and a 2 year old, so to say I’m busy is an understatement. I have been a Registered Dental Hygienist for 19 years now, so health and research have always been something at the top of my lists when it comes to the ever evolving healthcare world.
When I first started looking into hormone therapy to help me, I was overweight, exhausted ( not sleeping well at all), emotional, incredibly short and rude with my husband and sometimes my children, and my anxiety was through the roof. I also have battled depression over the last 4 years as I suddenly and tragically lost my only brother. I knew I didn’t want to be on a Rx med for anything but I also knew I needed to do something to help me.
After my blood results came back and I saw how bad they were and after long discussions with my NP we mapped out a plan for my recovery that I was very happy with. We also discussed adding critical vitamins/supplements to my daily routine that I was incredibly deficient in as well. I’ve never had a doctor inform me so much about which vitamins/supplements to take, how much, and all the other benefits they had for me, not just the basics we all know. I felt good knowing I was taking things to help my body recover more naturally and not just shoving some synthetic drug down my throat that may help with one symptom but most definitely will cause another side effect.
Within the first month of starting my hormone journey the first thing I noticed was I was actually falling asleep quickly, and staying asleep all night. I was starting to dream again too, which was a great sign. The other major factor was my anxiety. It decreased my anxiety so much. I am much more calm and happy. I don’t get worked up over the little things I cannot control. My husband can attest I am so much nicer to him as well. I have now been on hormone therapy for about a year and a half and I can say I love this way of life. I have never felt better. I also have never felt better about what I’m putting into my body. I have lost over 40lbs, (have kept it off for over a year now) I have a ton more energy and I just feel really good. My body was so in need of so many things that I wasn’t giving it as well as it was unable to produce on it own. I am able to go longer between appointments as well because my body now knows it will get more and doesn’t use it all up as fast, I am “optimized” as they say.
My husband was always on testosterone cream but it never worked, and he didn’t care to take injections. After seeing my change he too decided hormone therapy might be the route for him. I will say, I’ve never seen him with more energy in our 13 years together. He could fall asleep at any point of the day and just always felt drained. He now is able to go throughout the day and enjoy activities with us without needing a nap. He’s happier and he too feels so much better. He always tells me he knows when his hormone therapy is starting to wear off because he feels so terrible.
This hormone therapy has changed my household for the better and I now know Countless others who are on it as well and every single person has said the same thing, they ALL feel so much better, are on less and less Rx synthetic drugs and are just happy to have found something that works. That’s what good quality medicine should do right? Taking that away will effect so many that rely on it for a better quality of life. Shoving synthetic prescription drugs down everyone’s throat does nothing but harm us in one way or another and we see it every single day!
Elizabeth G.

“Vaginal cream”

I am a 70 year old women who has suffered for many years with vaginal dryness. Now, I know we don't like to talk about things like this because after all we are women and we are somewhat modest.
I didn't understand why it became more difficult for me to have intercourse even though I still wanted to have sex but found it painful.
Additionally, I started to become incontinent. Which was also embarrassing.
Finally, I found a doctor who gave me this prescription for vaginal cream. 
So he gave me this option of having it compounded. Thank the lord! It was totally worth it. I still feel there is something wrong when
we can talk openly about Erectile Dysfunction (ED) and the little blue pill that helps cure this is covered by insurance there is something wrong.
This medication can change the life style and the pleasure of living out your Golden years to the fullest.
Please make sure women have this.
Thank you
Kelly C.
Texas Austin

“Compounded Hormones Saved Me From A Life of Misery!”

Hi. I'm Kelly, a 62 year old female who began using compounded hormones at the approximate age of 40, with nothing but EXCELLENT, IMMEDIATE and SUCCESSFUL results.

Within one month of going into menopause, I had gained about 30 pounds in the first 30 days, and I was a wreck! I cried incessantly and without cause. My marriage was threatened and life was MISERABLE! Thank goodness I had an older friend who had begun taking compounded hormones. She directed me to a doctor who ran the appropriate blood tests and prescribed the hormone treatment. Literally within a day or so I began to feel more human!

In the beginning, the hormones were provided in a cream form which you had to rub on various parts of the body. Today and for the last maybe 12 - 15 years, I've been fortunate to take the pellet injections and a single compounded capsule form of one of the hormones.

I do not use pharmaceutical drugs and could not well survive without the current hormone treatment, which by the way has caused NO NEGATIVE SIDE EFFECTS in the 12-15 YEARS OF USING THEM!

No man can understand the feeling that a woman in mesopause feels because they cannot experience the exact same thing. For any man to be in a decision making capacity on this issue is illogical and perhaps could be considered discriminatory.

The fact that the issue of limiting( or altogether denying) a woman's right to choose her form of hormone treatment is even in debate is undeniably ridiculous.

Doesn't congress have better and important things to do?
Fiona M.
Michigan WARREN

“Amazing and Fast!”

After dealing with an extreme case of shingles, my hormones took a huge dive, I was having body aches, pains, headaches, hot flashes that felt like someone put oil, cayenne pepper, on my back and lit it on fire, my body temperature went from 96.7 to 102.3 in 30 seconds and would last a minute and a half to 2 minutes, I was exhausted and looked like I was dragged through hell. I could not focus or think clear thoughts often.

Once I received the hormone cream, I slept all night for the first time in three months, the hot flashes stopped after only 3 days, this is not the norm for most people, I hear it can take approximately 2 weeks. Not for me, it made an almost immediate change. I cannot have a day without this cream. Thank God for it.
Frank E.
Colorado Castle Rock

“Dramatic Difference Using cBHTs”

15 years ago after an injury led to an orchiectomy, my testosterones values plummeted. After being a lifelong fitness enthusiast, athlete and martial arts coach I found myself lethargic, slow to recover ad injury prone. I initially tried injections, Androgel and other testosterone Rxs but the cost, inconvenience, skin irritations and inconsistent absorption left me frustrated. A doctor prescribed compounded BHT cream and it was a dramatic improvement. My testosterone levels returned to normal, there was no skin irritation and the cost was much more reasonable. It would be an incredible disservice to eliminate this option for HRT patients.
Paige H.
Florida Melbourne

“Mold Toxicity”

My hormones are nuts due to mold toxicity completely ravaging my body. I can’t take man-made hormone therapy due to side effects and tolerance to chemicals. Compounded is one of the only ways that I can receive treatment.
Jen D.
Florida Cocoa Beach

“Early menopause”

I went into menopause early after my doctor took me off birth control pills at age 43. Without biodentical compounded hormones I would not be able to function, take care of my family or work a job. Without them my hair was falling out, my body constantly aching and no sex drive which was destroying my marriage. With these compounded hormones I am able to live a good productive life.
Maryland catonsville

“Years of suffering ended”

After many years of only being prescribed antidepressants from traditional doctors - I was finally diagnosed a treated correctly by a holistic doctor who prescribed hormonal replacement via a compounding pharmacy. 
Allieta W.
North Carolina Cary

“Compounding Thyroid hormones work.”

For years, since a teenager, I was prescribed a standard synthroid medication. For years I couldn't get through a day without a nap every afternoon. Finally, I found a doctor who knows the relationship between levels of T-3 and T-4 and began prescribing a compounded T-3 formula in the amount my body needed. Ever since, now about 9 years, I feel energized throughout the day without getting heart palpitations or any other negative side effect of the wrong level of thyroid hormones.
Please keep compounding pharmacies for the health and well being of millions of Americans.
Christy B.
Minnesota St. Cloud

“Early Menopause”

I had my last period at the age of 43. I'm fifty now and have been grateful to have hormones available to me during this decade when I should've naturally been making them. While I realize there are other versions of hormones out there, bio-identicals have managed my symptoms well and I've felt good about taking them. The pharmacy I've worked with is very professional and responsive. I'm grateful for their service in my healthcare.
Helen K.
Michigan New Boston

“I need medication from a compounding pharmacy.”

My thyroid medications come from a compounding pharmacy. I cannot take medicine for my hormones that aren’t natural.
I am a cancer patient in remission.
I cannot take medicine for thyroid unless it’s from a compound pharmacy.
Jodi A.
Virginia Roanoke

“BHRT Alleviates Symptoms”

Having suffered from undiagnosed Lyme disease for a decade + resulting in thyroid autoimmune disease (Hashimoto's), a hysterectomy, mold toxicity, environmental/chemical sensitivities, severe food intolerances from Histamine Intolerance/ Mast Cell Activation Syndrome just to name the major issues I have had. BHRT has been a KEY PART of my recovery. I am on the tail end of what the FDA finally recognized as Post Lyme Disease Syndrome and if I have to give up my BHRT I KNOW my health will decline. I will be on BHRT for the rest of my life and will fight with all that I have to keep the right to make my own decisions regarding my health care."]
Kendra P.
Virginia Roanoke

“Having my hormones balanced is essential to my heart, brain and bone health.”

As a colon cancer survivor, I was surgically put right into menopause at age 32! It wasn't until several years later that it finally caught up to me. I had such low energy, forgetfulness, low libido, and mild depression. I found a hormone specialist in our area to help me get back to normal self. I started out on a combination of bHrt and it made such a difference. I cant imagine not having my compounded hormones. Having your hormones balanced is essential to a woman's heart, brain and bone health.
Oregon Dundee

“Life changing”

I have been on bio identical hormones for aver 3 years now. It has saved my my marriage, our sex life, my health. I cannot imagine going back to the way it was before without them. Please help keep cBHT here for us now, for our children, and future generations. It is life saving in many ways!
Beth R.
California Santa Barbara

“I suffered terribly from sleep deprivation when I entered peri-menopause.”

I suffered terribly from sleep deprivation when I entered peri-menopause . I had no REM sleep for 18 months and had developed all sort of psychological symptoms. I started bio-identical HRT and was perfectly normal two weeks after I began. I have been on HRT for 32 years and am 79. I have the bone density of a 28 year old, 0.2 T-score and 2.8 Z score. I have 0 calcium score i.e. no plaque, no atherosclerosis. I have no illnesses and only take thyroid and HRT with prescriptions. I physically present more like a 65 year old than a 79 year old. 
M S.
Virginia Roanoke

“Bioidentical hormones”

My hot flashes were almost debilitating until I started using bioidentical progesterone cream. It drastically added to the quality of my life! My primary care doctor was astounded when I told him that the hot flashes stopped in a few days, but my story isn't all that rare. "First, do no harm," and that's how I feel about this solution!
Lisa K.
Wisconsin ogdensburg

“30 years without one complaint!”

I start using compounded hormones in my thirties after a visit with my doctor to address symptoms I was experiencing. After looking at my chart told me I was at that age. I found a Doctor who had knowledge of hormone therapy. Now I am sixty and am very happy to have been able to make that choice years ago and so is my husband.

Hear their stories, in their own words. Protect their access to compounded hormones.

On this page, we can only touch on the data that demonstrates the importance of compounded hormones to the lives of millions of women in this country. While the decision to take this vital therapy from patients and physicians might be profitable for the big pharmaceutical companies, it will be disastrous for the millions of patients that those same pharmaceutical companies cannot serve!

We encourage the appropriate committees in both the House and Senate to hold hearings on this critical issue.

Preserve compounded hormones.

Explore our interactive map that demonstrates the importance of compounded hormones to patients all across the country. Filter these first-hand accounts by state to see just how vital compounded hormones are.

Explore our interactive map that demonstrates the importance of compounded hormones to patients all across the country. Filter these first-hand accounts by state to see just how vital compounded hormones are.

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