Joni Wheat Indiana LaPorte 0
Indiana LaPorte

Debilitating Hormone Imbalance

I was having extreme fatigue, severe periods, and change in moods/outlook on life along with other symptoms of having extremely low progesterone. I could barely get out of bed each morning and my quality of life was suffering. I have been on bioidentical progesterone capsules for the past 4 months and literally feel like a new person. This option has made such a huge difference and I cannot believe that we have to fight for things that make us feel better.

Hear their stories, in their own words. Protect their access to compounded hormones.

On this page, we can only touch on the data that demonstrates the importance of compounded hormones to the lives of millions of women in this country. While the decision to take this vital therapy from patients and physicians might be profitable for the big pharmaceutical companies, it will be disastrous for the millions of patients that those same pharmaceutical companies cannot serve!

We encourage the appropriate committees in both the House and Senate to hold hearings on this critical issue.

Preserve compounded hormones.

Explore our interactive map that demonstrates the importance of compounded hormones to patients all across the country. Filter these first-hand accounts by state to see just how vital compounded hormones are.

Explore our interactive map that demonstrates the importance of compounded hormones to patients all across the country. Filter these first-hand accounts by state to see just how vital compounded hormones are.