Tammy R. California MISSION VIEJO 0

Compounded Cream Changed My Life!

After having an allergic reaction to the estrogen patch, I found an amazing compounding pharmacy that makes me bioidentical Bi-Est cream without any fillers. It's only through personalization that I found relief from menopause! My mom had a heart attack and my grandma severe osteoporosis, so taking HRT is important to protect my heart and bones. Please save our access to women's health!!!!! I do not want to raise my risk of heart disease and osteoporosis by not having access to this compounded medication! Thank you!

Hear their stories. Protect their own words. Protect their access to compounded medicines.

On this page, we can only touch on the data that demonstrates the importance of compounded medicines to the lives of millions of people in this country. While the decision to take this vital therapy from patients and physicians might be profitable for big pharmaceutical companies, it will be disastrous for the millions of patients that those same pharmaceutical companies cannot serve!

We encourage the appropriate committees in both the House and Senate to hold hearings on this critical issue.

Explore our interactive map that demonstrates the importance of compounded medicines to patients all across the country. Filter these first-hand accounts by state to see just how vital compounded medicines are.

Explore our interactive map that demonstrates the importance of compounded medicines to patients all across the country. Filter these first-hand accounts by state to see just how vital compounded medicines are.
