Dianne P. Nebraska Lincoln 0
Nebraska Lincoln

Bio-Identical hormones got me through menopause and beyond

When in my mid-40's, started going through a change of life. Started out with day sweats which soon turned into awful night sweats and no sleep...I was miserable. My PA at the time was hesitant to put me on hormone replacement BUT after my levels got bad enough she prescribed bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT). At that time, there was only one or perhaps two compounding pharmacies in town but was fortunate enough to find one that worked with my PA to compound a formula that provided relief. Hormone levels had to be checked often to make sure my levels were where they needed to be but that was so much better than being miserable 24/7. I'm still on BHRT and hope to remain on them until such time as they are no longer necessary to regulate my erratic hormone levels.

Hear their stories. Protect their own words. Protect their access to compounded medicines.

On this page, we can only touch on the data that demonstrates the importance of compounded medicines to the lives of millions of people in this country. While the decision to take this vital therapy from patients and physicians might be profitable for big pharmaceutical companies, it will be disastrous for the millions of patients that those same pharmaceutical companies cannot serve!

We encourage the appropriate committees in both the House and Senate to hold hearings on this critical issue.

Explore our interactive map that demonstrates the importance of compounded medicines to patients all across the country. Filter these first-hand accounts by state to see just how vital compounded medicines are.

Explore our interactive map that demonstrates the importance of compounded medicines to patients all across the country. Filter these first-hand accounts by state to see just how vital compounded medicines are.