Emmitt V.
“This Anti-Inflammatory Compound Works”
I was introduced to this compounded cream by a sports medicine doctor. I had busted my knee cap and torn ligaments. I've never had anything like this that absolutely works with pain and swelling. Many doctors are aware of the benefits this provides to help with the pain and swelling. I'm a firm believer of this works. I've used it on and off now for 17 years with no side effects. Do your self a favor and discuss this with your doctor.
Wendelyn M.
“I suffered from reoccurring UTIs.”
Up until a little over a year ago I would have at least one if not two UTIs a month. My urologist asked if I would be interested in trying a plant based medicine, which would have estrogen and testosterone in it, without the usual side effects. Sign me up! Since then, I have had 1 UTI, which is as far as I am concerned is nothing short of a miracle. I was told I could take an antibiotic for the rest of my life.
Linda R.
I suffered from endometriosis most of my adult life and, several years ago, I was required to have a surgical procedure that drastically reduced my ability to produce hormones. I was fairly young at the time (mid-30’s) and, without bio-identical HRT (particularly, estrogen), I would be suffering from a myriad of health issues, including very severe joint pain, hot flashes, and brain fog, all of which affected my ability to perform my job duties as an attorney. Not having access to bio-identical HRT is incredibly alarming to me.
Sabina C.
South Carolina
“The pellets saved my marriage!”
I have done bio-identical hormonal replacement for many years now. I take testosterone pellets and progesterone capsules. Without them I cannot function. I had occasions in which I had to suspect the treatment because of being out of the country around the time the pellets were due, or in another circumstance when I changed doctors and there was a lapse because of scheduling difficulties. The lack of the hormones affect me deeply. Without them I live in constant anxiety, I have no energy to perform daily tasks and no sexual drive. My mood grows darker as time goes by and the levels fall. Hormones are life! My dosage has been tweaked carefully along these years, they vary as I go through peri-menopause. FDA-approved hormones are not customizable and the dosage does not always work for my needs. I love and trust the compounding meds I have used for many years and don’t wish to switch to mass manufactured hormones.
Jamie H.
“Life Saving Therapy”
When I became peri menopausal, my hormones were all over the board. After years of birth control, my body wasn't sure how to handle any imbalance. When I finally found a doctor who knew what she was doing to balance them, I found progesterone cream along with testosterone (of which I had none) troches. I was literally on the verge of losing most of my relationships (including my spouse and relationship with my children) due to erratic tempers that I could not control. Happy one minute, angry at the world the next. I was doing well to sleep 4-5 hours each night and the combination of it all was killing me slowly. I have to be able to continue this therapy in order for my body to function properly!
North Carolina
Pisgah Forest
“Completely changed my life...”
Going through menopause wasn't just rough, it was a nightmare. Not only did I have all the usual symptoms of hot flashes, brain fog, insomnia, heart palpitations, etc., I kept gaining weight no matter my strict diet or exercise. I was diagnosed with chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia. I had daily migraines. My family doctor tried numerous prescriptions to try and help manage these symptoms but to no avail. I looked, felt and moved like I was ready for a nursing home. Finally and miraculously, I connected with a doctor that actually checked my hormone levels and found they had dropped off way beyond normal for post menopause. Being able to have hormones compounded just for my body was CRUCIAL and I slowly started to gain my health again. Before HRT, I topped the scales at 175. Now, I'm 125. I bike, I hike, I move without pain and I sleep 8 hours every night. I feel fantastic! I honestly wonder if not for HRT, I might vary well be dead by now. On a final note, I'd like to mention that if you ban compounded HRT, you will not only be hurting the many women who have benefited from it, you will be hurting their partners as well because their sex life will cease to exist. Compounded HRT not only does NO HARM, IT MAKES THOUSANDS OF LIVES BETTER.
“Compound hormones changed my life!”
I started compound hormone therapy at 38. I was miserable with many abnormal symptoms. I feel so much better now! I had tried regular hormone pills in the past and they made me much worse. Im so thankful for finding a doctor who prescribed me Compounding hormones. I’ve met so many women with a similar experience.
“Forty years of BHRT and thriving!”
At the age of 35, I was diagnosed with stage 3 colorectal cancer. Part of the treatment, involved radiation therapy. My ovaries were a radiation zone, thus I lost both. I am fortunate to survive and thrive at 62 years.
In 1998, the recommended treatment for medically induced menopause was Prempro. However, I was concerned about long term use a conjugated equine estrogen. A local compounding pharmacy provided a course and prescriptions for Bio-identical Hormone Therapy (BHT).
In 2002 the WHI reported increased risk of stroke with conjugated estrogens.
Compounding pharmacies provide individualized treatments for patients. This is not an aim of pharmacology companies.
My story illustrates the benefits of individuals working with compounding pharmacies. It also reminds us of the short comings and sometimes harmful of effects of having a prescription industry dominated by pharmacology companies.
“Compounding HRT has given me my life back!”
For over 10 years I would go to my yearly OB/GYN and tell her how health wise I was fine. I didn't have any "typical" health problems, even though I was majorly overweight (5'5" 248lbs.)
I was tired, had no sex drive, and was just Blah! I would and could do anything I needed to, but I had no motivation, and couldn't lose any weight... not even a pound...no matter what I did. I've had a personal trainer for decades, and my weight would never change. I could eat very little, or go out to eat and it never changed my weight. Constipated or upset stomach every day for years!
My husband begged me to start hormone therapy because I wasn't myself. I finally, reluctantly agreed. This was a huge deal to me because I have NEVER taken anything besides tylenol, advil, or an occasional antibiotic or steroid for an infection.
After 2 weeks on compounded HRT I had lost 3 lbs! First time in years that my weight changed. I've now been on them for 3 months and have lost 10 pounds. Within days I started having energy again! I feel like I can live my life like i used to.
Compounding also helped me and my 2 daughter when they were babies and we contracted Giardia.
Please don't regulate or take this life changing pharmaceutical method away!!
Emerson J.
Overland Park
I totally got my life and energy back after getting in bio-identical hormone replacement therapy. Before, I had no energy, severe cramping where I couldn’t function at all. I would be writhing on the floor in pain as if I was giving birth. After I was put on progesterone all of my symptoms vanished. Truly such a miracle. My relationships were healed, I was able to go to work and school again.
Shawn O.
“Levothyroxine does not work for everyone...”
Hashimotos has ruined my life. Countless doctors denied my thyroid issues for nearly 5 years, telling me my TSH was within 'normal' limits as it crept up until it finally jumped from 7+ still no treatment, to 100+ in 6 months. I gained 90 lbs in 5 years. Exhausted, muscle pain, joint damage, tooth loss on and on..
But levothyroxine was going to fix everything. But it didn't. To spite normalized TSH levels my T3 levels remained low but doctors only care about TSH and the majority of Endos won't prescribe T3. They don't understand how to dose it. It's been 11 years since I was diagnosed. I do much better on NDT!
The new 2029 regulations coming will increase the cost of NDT even further as they have to pay for new licensing. Those with doctors willing to to prescribe Compounded thyroid should be exempt but the law wants it all listed as biologics.
Our environment is destroying our hormones causing more and more autoimmune problems and the drug industry and medical and insurance companies only want to treat symptoms not fix the disease. We need help.
Stacy B.
San Diego
“Womens' bioidentical HRT”
I am both a nurse practitioner/prescriber and a patient. I was diagnosed with an ovarian tumor which lead to surgery then surgical menopause. It is hard to imagine I was without hormones or treatment for 3 months. This lead to suicidal ideation, severe depression, joint pain, hot and cold sweating, migraines daily. Within one month of starting compounded progesterone and estrogen cream/patches, my symptoms were significantly improved and some completely resolved. I have never had depression in my life until my lack of hormones. I would consider my hormone therapy life saving treatment and can and will not be without again. I completely and thoroughly endorse compounded hormone and their safety over traditional hormone therapy.
Brenda W.
“Compounded therapies have been a lifesaver!”
Compounded hormones -both for my diagnosed Hashimoto's thyroid disorder and BHRT have made a huge difference in my life. "Traditional" treatments constantly failed me with symptoms adversely impacting my daily life. Bioidentical compounded prescriptions were the only avenue that made a positive and significant impact in getting my symptoms under control and life back on track. Although I have successfully used such treatments for the past 20+ years, I am now finding it difficult to maintain this treatment due to legislation interventions. My voice is not being heard and the ability to make healthy, wise, decisions for myself concerning treatment options is being eroded. The ultimate fear is losing the ability to live a life not adversely impacted by menopause and thyroid complications. This reversal of bioidentical options also seems to be undermining women's health choices. I feel we have seen enough of that destructive behavior!
Sarah S.
North Carolina
“Compounded hormone therapy is one of few treatments that helped my symptoms.”
I am a woman in her twenties who has struggled with daily unprovoked vestibulodynia symptoms since 2021. After seeing many doctors and trying many treatments without relief, I finally saw improvement after applying compounded estradiol testosterone cream for several weeks. I have been using it for around 2 years now and have not noticed any negative side effects. When my cream expired unbeknownst to me, my symptoms severely worsened until I noticed the expiration and replaced the medication, at which point I was able to recover after reapplying it for a few weeks. I am convinced that compounded hormone therapy has enabled me to continue to live my life without constant pain and that not being able to access this treatment would severely impact my quality of life. I hope that this treatment continues to remain available for the many young women who suffer with this condition and have few alternative treatment options that truly make as much of an impact.
Chahnaz E.
Middleburg Heights
“I Have Been on Bio-identical Hormones for 2 Years”
I have been on bio-identical hormones for 2 years now. At age 39, I started having lots of problems with my menstrual cycle and hormones (Irregular periods, severe mood swings, fatigue, and brain fog).
Finally I found a doctor who agreed to check my hormones. My progesterone and testosterone were depleted (it was checked more than 1 time to confirm). Since then I started bioidentical hormones and my symptoms improved. I cannot stay without them as I tried and all my symptoms came back.
Lorna S.
“Generational Thyroid Issues”
I had sudden onset in teenage years mirrored that of my mother and my grandson. Initially I was misdiagnosed with mono. With thyroid, my body stabilized. Unfortunately, by moving around the United States I have had to frequently seek out new physicians. Several tried synthetics; each time with poor, life-changing results. Finally one of the doctors filed an adverse reaction to Synthroid on my behalf. I have continued to maintain in good health on Armour Thyroid for over 50 years and cringe at the thought of what withdrawal would do to my health both physically and mentally.
“I have been taking Compounding Hormone Replacement for 20 years or more.”
I have been taking Compounding Hormone Replacement for 20 years or more. I believe the fact that I have remained very healthy, is due to the compounding hormones I have taken. Additionally, I have remained fairly active and eat primarily a healthy diet. I am on NO medications. I have had osteopenia of the hips for several years, which has not advanced to osteoporosis. I have very fibrocystic breast but no diagnosis of pre-cancer or cancer. I am petite, weighing 90 pounds, give or take a couple of pounds. Therefore, adding weights and resistance to my strength training has helped me to avoid osteoporosis. I will continue on Compounding Hormones unless my GYN advises otherwise. I have seen a few GYN doctors over the years and each has approved my taking the hormone replacement. I get regular checkups. I am extremely happy with the Compounding Pharmacy I have used. I met the owner years ago and their quality and service have remained outstanding. You can always talk on the phone to a live representative and they are very responsive to any request.
“cHRT Saved My Life”
Without having the access to cHRT, I would not be able to get back to my previous functional level as a mother, wife, friend, and practicing medical professional. I have also relied heavily on cHRT in my clinical practice for my patients. It will be a crime against human rights to regain health and access to quality care if cHRT is being taken away.
Janet K.
“Changed My Life”
I am allergic to a lot of the chemicals that are in conventionally made bio-identical hormones. Going to a compounding pharmacy allows me to have my medication made without these chemicals.
Laura L.
“Bio-identical hormone therapy saved my life.”
After 2 years of horror and pain, I was finally prescribed the correct medicine... Bio-identical compounded hormones. I have my life back!