
Compounded hormones are under threat

Add your voice to our call to Congress to preserve this critical medical therapy

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Compounded hormones (cBHT) are first about people.

For millions of people suffering hormonal imbalance, compounded hormones are an essential therapy and the only suitable option to regain their normal health.

And now, citing a deeply flawed report from NASEM, the FDA is signaling that it may consider new restrictions on these critical therapies. Whether you are a patient, a physician or a pharmacist - your access to compounded hormones is under a very real threat.

You can help us preserve access to these important therapies by sharing with members of Congress what compounded hormones mean to you.

Invest today to protect access to compounded hormones.

When the FDA signaled that it might severely restrict access to compounded hormones, we launched a campaign to raise awareness among patients, doctors and, especially, members of Congress.  

When you contribute to this campaign — you are protecting access to this life-changing therapy for millions of patients.

Give today and be the difference
